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the learner

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Everything posted by the learner

  1. a facinating bit of information on the Triton...good motivation for the build and Russ you say that there are complete "as launched" draughts available and also a set the carving details and figurehead, as well as a framing plan for Greyhound, and deck plans for this class?
  2. Thanks, Pete, its not perfect but practice makes perfect and the same to you sir! Thanks
  3. Great serving machines!!1 Now what am I to do?
  4. good looking tool! so you are rotating the rope by using the two small brass handles sticking out the rope goes through, how do you keep tension on the line bobbin
  5. Hi Anja, I have never seen your build before, Thank you for re-posting! a fine looking build
  6. I can see I need to learn how to post clearer pictures, this I hope will come with time and posting....practice makes perfect ...well almost!
  7. The keel is started but I need the sided deminisions to start the deadwood at the stearn and the bow. Before I start that I will embed the nuts in the keel to secure to the building board and eventually the final mounting if the model is completed oops I never put the nuts in the keel and will have to do so now that I have most of the frames installed~!
  8. I will look for the book, but chances are because the ships were built before 1860 all will be wooden ships. However there might be some good refrence material in the book. Thanks
  9. The Modern Greece is a Screw steamer, not a paddle steamer. There is a listing about her in Hamilton Cockhran's book Blockade Runners of the Confederacy. They did manage to get all the Brandy off her before shells from Fort Fisher distroyed her along with all the gun powder that was aboard! You might inquire at Fort Fisher, North Carolina about the blockade runner, MODERN GREECE. Built in England in 1859,this steamer was bought and converted into a blockade runner in 1862. On June 27, 1862, she ran aground near Fort Fisher, NC, while trying to evade two Union warships. Some of her cargo was salvaged, but the rest was forgotten, until a storm in 1962 uncovered her remains. Many of her muskets, pistols and other armaments were salvaged and are now on display at a museum. Montani semper liberi. Happy modeling to all and every one of you. Crackers
  10. Ed, I think the contrast in color looks fantastic and it appears you have achieved your goal to have the grain of the wood and nails to show through the dark color of the wood. I like!
  11. There are enough Mayflower builders here you could start a Mayflowergroup, nice pictures of your build. I had my best fish soup ever at the train station in Helsinki
  12. I have seen this set of plans before, nice and clean and you should be able to build a good looking model from them. Good luck
  13. John, The plating should not be too green and for the most part only the plating that was above the water oxodized to green, the motion of the water and the lack of air would not allow the oxidation, but you could have some thing growing on the plates below the waterline .
  14. Hello guys! I used the same method for building my 25ft ships boat, will upload a few pictures but I used strip wood for the ribs and it worked well and I did not have to spend any money for material as I used what I had on hand or cut.
  15. Thank you Daniel, The first set keel plans do not show these dimensions And Thank You AP! may I call you AP?
  16. Well, I can see that this is not going to be a good topic on this site. Moderator you can remove the topic if you want
  17. Great build, well documented...oops those cats do love to be courious at times...we have four here so if I bring anything inside have to make sure I do not leave it sitting inside the house with out me on guard!
  18. Can any one provide me with the thickness of the stern post and the deadwood. some profile views would be nice
  19. It was the HMS Druid which started out as a Hahn build but I moved to here to finish, I got the idea for the board fron the old site someone elses build. Took awhile to find as I did not take that many pictures but here is a picture of one of the mast and the ship on the shelf
  20. Thanks, Is it any particular type/brand of paper?
  21. Mike the build is looking great. Good progress since you brought it in to an SMA club meeting
  22. And so the build starts! I have printed out the keel plans and will start cutting wood for the build. The Keel I will make using maple The Board is from anouther build, plenty of room for this build! Note: I have removed this first picture because they include a image of the plans that are copyright'd
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