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  1. Hi all, So that no one thinks that I have disappeared somewhere, small progress update.:) To be continued. Ainars.
  2. I can only agree with anyone. That you have done an amazing job and model looks marvellous. Ainars
  3. A few more steps forward. Honestly, I get this a bit boring, because I have to repeat the same works of the same principle all the time. But that's definitely doesn't stop me and I just enjoy to keep building frames. Rear end frames is nearly done, and now in meantime I try to figure out how to add transom and sternpost. I have some ideas in mind, but more about that next time. That's all for a moment, to be continued. Ainars.
  4. Albert, When I look to your model, i have feeling as you have some Super hero power - Ship Modeling. Amazing work.
  5. Thanks to Johnny for the comments. So far “lamination “ technique ihas worked well enough for me. Just next as I get more to boath ends, botom futtocks shape next to the keelson are in more sharp angle . And there I will have to think about other solutions. I have some ideas from other member models. But that's for next time. Ainars.
  6. Hi VTHokiEE, Great to hear from you. I hope to be able to make something as nice as my previous model, but there is a long way to go.
  7. I have to agree with the others, looks amazing.
  8. Hi all, Few more steps forward. That's all for a moment, to be continued.
  9. Thanks to all for likes And small update from my side. That's all for a moment, to be continued.
  10. Hi Allan, Yes, I come from Latvia, but at moment live in Uk already for some long time. Did you guess where I'm from by my name? Regarding futtocks - In the beginning, I started folding them from solid piece, but quite unsuccessfully, because in many attempts they simply split into pieces. So I decided to make them from 1 mm thick strips. It will take more time, but I am sure they are not will broken in parts when i bend them.
  11. Hi all shipmates. Short story about laziness. It took a very long time before I finally decided to start a new model. I really enjoyed the time I spent on the previous build - HMS Triton cross section. After that tried to start something new for a while but unfortunately I failed because of my laziness Folowing the MSW site for many years, I had seen Armed Longboat -1834 by Ancre monograph model that I really liked. There are several really nice boat model builds on the site, that for me personally gave inspiration./tkay11 build is my favourite/ I bought a monograph from Acre store, but the book remained untouched on the shelf for some time afterwards. Again my laziness. Don't really know how, but I got rid of my sluggishness and decided to finally proceed to the start of the build. And I not even imagined that I could be so happy to return to drawings and saw dust. In first place as I like to make everything over complicated I decided go to different way how to create the mould. Not don’t know how i get that idea and definitely not sure is it will works. However, in the end, I have decided to take a risk and hope that everything will works. I have already moved a little forwards, but I had not took any pictures of process. Therefore my topic start with tiny delay. End of the, hopefully everything will work out and laziness will not return🙂 Few pictures for the start. That's all for a moment, to be continued.
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