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Everything posted by SawdustDave

  1. Been wondering about double edge blades Popeye....excellent point. Don't know the last time I purchased a pack of double edge Gillette blades, though I still have the stainless steel handle/holder I used in the military over 50 years ago. "Look sharp - feel sharp". On my list for next trip to the drug store. Dave
  2. I see your point mate. I've never used castello.... Actually, I think the staining and poly finish made that go away....I'll have to take a close look. End grain or not - I am NOT going to remove my bamboo treenails! Dave
  3. Rolling on the floor laughing my young friend.
  4. Nenad....the more I come to know you, the more I'm convinced we may have somehow been separated at birth....haven't figured out the 16 year difference in age yet. Dave
  5. Reading the discussion about eXacto blades being expensive and not staying sharp.... The single edge razor blades are sharper and much cheaper.... right? Except for the fact that they have no handle, and the blade tip needs to be tapered....right? I found that a diamond Dremel blade will cut through a razor blade almost like cutting wood. Your single edge razor blade can be about any size or shape you like. All you need to do is create a handle for it..... I use this little custom knife about 90% of the time now.
  6. While I had the camera out, figured I might share a few little items I find helpful.... These new magnifiers were a father's day gift from my dear daughter, who works part time for a jewelry shop.... The flip-up magnifiers are 6X (combined with my 3X Walgreen specials = 9X)....I find them just right for about anything. Best of all, I just flip the clip-on specs up when not needed.....don't have to keep changing glasses.
  7. Needing a little break from the brush, I had an urge to turn some wood. So I knocked out this very basic little display base this morning. Wood turning has always been one of my great loves.
  8. Draw plate....I discovered another neat quality regarding bamboo....the long fiber stands up very well to the draw plate. Makes great treenails.
  9. Also managed to shed a few pounds....can ya tell? Cheers all Dave
  10. Watching several amazing POF builds, decided to start all over and build a POF Mayflower.....slightly larger. Making really good progress....here's my first posting. Dave
  11. Ed - Do you ever get dizziness from focusing into all those parallel timbers? I would love to have the opportunity to examine your work in person. As great as your camera skills are, it's difficult to imagine how photographs could possibly do it justice. I propose you invite us all over for a "show-and-tell" seminar. Dave
  12. Nenad....after attempting to sand the triangles, using various techniques, I had to give up on the notion. Concluded, since the un-smooth surface is only noticeable under magnification, I will just have to live with it. A hard fact, but a fact nonetheless. :>} Dave
  13. Your treenails are so perfect mate. What are you using? Dave
  14. Tuesday night poker club....a little strange. One of our players caught "quads" (4 of a kind) twice within an hour. I happened to be holding a lovely Full House on the last one....cost me a bundle of chips. So after the game broke up, I managed to put another coda of white on her hull.....the 5th. Also did a few touch-up spots on some of the yellow .... The yellow has required several coats because I cannot use un-diluted acrylic and the area of each shape is too small to sand. If all goes well, should be able to see her with her stern colors by late tomorrow. Dave
  15. Thanks all....such kind encouraging comments. Nenad....although we are worlds apart, you and I must have brotherly souls. Your description is beautiful sir. Dave
  16. A perfectionist is never quite satisfied with his work. The creator can see things no one else can....can't change that....right mate. Still amazed by your, somewhat flawed results. We should all be so flawed in our efforts. Dave
  17. Russ....too quick with that comment ha ha ha. I think you might agree the second post is a little more better.
  18. Just another re-work in the park......... Spent the last week with brush in hand....9X magnifiers on....nose almost touching the table. But now I'm pretty satisfied that I did. I used a different technique and, as a result, the pattern shapes are much more precise. These individual rows of painted triangular shaped will be glued to a large blank panel. Looking forward to getting back to the shop tomorrow morning.
  19. The three color geometric pattern on these two panels are one of the biggest challenges I will face with this build. Pretty intensive brush work to say the least. So, after many hours, I got this close to having it completed and decided it was just not right. Bottom rows not so bad....The upper rows will require more precision. Only another modeler can appreciate the feeling we get in our gut at this point. Another major do-over. Must admit, this is getting to be a little embarrassing. Seems like this stuff used to come a lot easier....or have my quality standards changed after watching some of your masterful builds? Oh my! Dave
  20. Greetings Clare: Nice bumping into an old friend from the SMF days. Looks like a great start on this build. I see where you are also working on a Vic....Is it posted? Dave
  21. Piet....you are a hoot! Me thinks you should lighten up a little. Try to have a little fun. (now my eyes are rolling). :>)
  22. Forgive me Toni if I missed somewhere in the 40 pages of this amazing log....what are her dimensions? Dave
  23. I like the trim out of your stem Klaus.....some very good ideas for how I will do mine. Dave
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