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Everything posted by SawdustDave

  1. Oh yea! Been wondering what you've been up to. Looking good Remco....as always. Will close out the second planking on MF #2 before day end. Dave
  2. Hi Marsalv: I always enjoy seeing really good wood joining techniques, regardless of the application. Beautifully done Mate. Dave
  3. Thanks all for your visits and encouragement. Kind words most appreciated. I must admit a little bit of initial concern regarding the bamboo....not knowing how it would perform in all aspects (cutting, bending, sanding, staining, drilling, etc). So far, I would rate it exceptional in all areas and, for what it's worth, recommend it highly. Nice to see MF#2 finally beginning to look like a ship. Not too far away from getting back to my personal favorite....her "deck stuff". Cheers Dave
  4. Hi Omega: Schooners look like such fun builds....never done one, but must consider it for the future. "So many ships and so little time" You're doing a very nice job and I enjoyed going through your log. Keep up the good work. Dave
  5. Hi Doris: I can only repeat what all of our friends are saying. Can't think of any new words to describe your amazing talent. So I'll just pull up a chair and enjoy your work. Dave
  6. Looks like you had a wonderful trip Toni. Enjoyed your photos. Dave
  7. Not much to show for two weeks work....huh? Not gonna say how many times I removed the wales and repositioned them. Port and starboard are now planked and tree nailed down to below her water line. Golden oak stain and a single coat of wipe on poly applied. Gun port lid hinge straps have been tree nailed to simulate bolts. After much study of other Mayflower models, I have decided to paint her below the waterline. That decision led me to have to go back to the stern and move the two gun port lids down about an inch in order for them to align below the transome wale and be painted white. No photo because I must, now, return to the stern and tree nail all.
  8. Dave's workin' real hard here....just old and slow.
  9. Loads of fun watching you build the launcher Piet. Thanks again for sharing. Hanging around for whatever's next. Cheers Dave
  10. Now things are completely out of control. Having way too much fun folks. LOL Dave
  11. Hi Rick....slow going at this point with MF#2. As you know, the finish skin planking takes time and patience....especially if you are tree nailing. As noted, very pleased with the bamboo experiment. I like the fact that the two ships are going to have very distinctive personalities. Nice to hear from you....please stay in touch. Dave
  12. Piet....you have now departed our earthly presence my friend. You are truly out of this world. This has become the most entertaining build on MSW. Dave
  13. Marsalv.... Your techniques are great. This build is a very nice learning experience. Thanks.
  14. Hi Alex....such an incredible build to watch. Inspiring to all. Dave
  15. OK Sherry....leaving your Mayflower and browsing this current project....WOW! You go girl! Don't know where you managed to develop such skills, but you have some serious talent going for you. Hard to comprehend this being your first scratch build. I'm pulling up a chair if you don't mind. Dave
  16. Hi Sherry: Just now finding your Mayflower build....sorry I came in late. Since I am currently building two Mayflowers (different scales), I am doing a lot of browsing of Mayflowers for ideas. You did a wonderful job on your. Congratulations. Dave
  17. Omega....be very proud of your models and show them to your friends. If they are good friends, they will admire you for your skills and appreciate you for sharing your hobby with them....possibly even turn someone on to becoming a modeler as well. A local dentist learned of my ships and came to visit....has become a very good friend, and just purchased his first kit. If they don't like your hobby, then maybe they are not worthy of your concerns. Dave
  18. Cat? No problem....right Remco? A calico cat would be perfect.
  19. Amazingly beautiful work Ed. I don't know how you keep from getting dizzy just looking at all the busy cross members. Very impressive. Dave
  20. Man! You are just toooo much! That had to be fun. So I guess you're now considering creating some little mice to stage around in the hold. Fun to watch Remco. Dave
  21. Also finding different versions of her wales.... Guess we can put them anywhere we like. I like the double whales below the gun ports. Now thinking I might go with that on my MF#2. Dave
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