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Everything posted by SawdustDave

  1. Betting you also had the bell bottom trousers as well. Just a hunch. Dave
  2. I'm thinking more like a functional nuclear reactor! This man can build anything. Dave
  3. Ed.... Between you, Piet, and my friend Remco. I am beginning to feel like such a novice at this craft. Sure does make me pay more attention to my own work. Thanks again. Dave
  4. Knowing you, you will be setting up a firing range in order to zero in the range on that little musket. That's the first I've seen of those anywhere. Nice touch mate. Dave
  5. Great haircut Pete. I think we all had one of those once upon a time.
  6. Piet....as for your dialog, please don't stop. I think your fans, like me, enjoy the personality that comes with your amazing craftsmanship. Cheers mate Dave
  7. This is the most fun build log I have ever seen. Just witnessing this amazing craftsman....(make that MASTER craftsman)... sharing his work with such passion to a growing group of fans who, like myself, are so thoroughly enjoying his gift for creating such detail in metal along with his wonderful ability to paint a picture with words. Piet, my friend, you're really special. Dave
  8. Something about these little pumps....fun to create, and they look great as a deck fixture. Nice work Hjalmar. Dave
  9. Good to see you back in action. As for little shop mates....mine is confined to a cage. Cockatiel's love to chew on wood and I am convinced one could slowly completely dismantle an entire model. Dave
  10. Getting a little nervous here. Just thinking, once you complete this deadly killing boat, and decide to take her out on patrol, all of us poor slobs are completely vulnerable with no defense systems on our ships. Do you realize the cost of fitting my little fleet with sonar and depth charges? Will inform the Admiral her taxes are going to have to be drastically increased to cover the expense. She may rebel....all your fault Piet. Dave
  11. We've seen a lot of copper plated hulls....even attempted a few myself. This is a very good one mate. Dave
  12. But think about the positive side Nenad. You can rest well at night with the assurance that your Cutty Sark hull will be forever safe from sea worms. Work on my friend. Dave
  13. Ken....no intention on my part to cause confusion with the posting of pics of my Confederacy. I was thinking the example of how sculpey can be used fit the conversation much better than words. Trust me, my wood carving skills are not all that great either....the very reason I turned to sculpey. Think of it this way....wood carving is much less forgiving than clay. With the clay, you can shape it and re-shape it. With wood, when you mess up by taking off too much, you usually toss it and start over. Other than this option, not sure what I would suggest. You will come up with something....that's what Modelers do.....lol Dave
  14. Just joining your beautiful build Michael....very nice work. Dave
  15. My Avatar....goes back to my old high school (Lumberton Pirates)....this guy stands in the hallway beside the memorial pirate ship I donated in honor of my old football / basketball coach. Sculpey... I highly recommend you give it a try. Yes, it is a polymer clay, and works like modeling clay....allows very fine sharp details....allows extremely thin thickness. Then, once baked in the oven, gives you a beautiful finished piece that can be painted or stained. Good examples can be seen on my Confederacy.... I could have never done these with my "average" wood carving skills.
  16. Not to mention the time spent just looking for your glasses.....sometimes finding them shoved up on your head. Dave
  17. I think we have all been there, and yet, I also think that is the one common trait all "Modelers" share the most. Moments of complete frustration followed by renewed complete resolve. Walk away, think about it....think about it some more....then dive back in and give it another go. In between all this, try to keep the Admiral happy, play a little golf with friends, sip a nice wine, and listen to some great music. What more could an old man ask for? Dave
  18. Just joining your build Nenad... Enjoying very much. However, your copper plated hull.... As good as it looks, I am having flashbacks to my own experiences with copper plating. I swore.... Never again! But now, years later, when I look at them, I am very pleased. Nice work. Dave
  19. The figurehead on my Confederacy was done with sculpy....also the figurines seen on the stern....check them out as well. Good luck. Dave
  20. SawdustDave Mayflower #1 (1:76th scale) - Masts fitted with all shrouds and rat lines....standing rigging completed. Mayflower #2 (1:60th scale) - Decks planked....hull first planking completed....beginning second planking of the hull with bamboo planks created from a serving tray purchased from Walmart. Very pleased with results thus far. Today, 10:09 PM · Delete

  21. Ken....have you done any work with "sculpy"? You can get some amazing detail with this median that works like play dough....allows you to use sharp objects like needle points to simply press it into shape while laid out onto a piece of glass. Then, once you have the detail you want, simply place the finished piece into an oven and back it to a beautiful finished product. Then, after it is baked hard, you can still carve and scrape on it if refinements are needed. Sculpy....look it up. I think you will love it. Dave
  22. Just joining your build Ken.... Enjoyed browsing your postings....very nice work. Dave
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