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Everything posted by geoff

  1. thanks for the info. Doug, I looked up the address you gave me, he certainly knows his stuff! I now have to summon up the courage to ask for a quote & leave the info for the Admiral to see(accidentally on purpose)! Geoff
  2. I share your "Pain"! Try & convince the Admiral that it would look lovely on the sideboard ,or wherever, I find flowers work well too! Geoff
  3. Hey Up Doug, Your "Supply" looks good in it's case. Could I ask where you got it from as mine is nearly ready? Like the aircraft model, as an ex "Rocker" not sure about the Lambretta though!! Geoff
  4. just received a copy of "The Warship Mary Rose" by David Childs,got it half price(Used but perfect) from Amazon. An excellent read, all need now is the "Admiral" to approve of the investment in the JoTiKa kit!! Geoff
  5. many thanks Wefalck. I notice you are from Paris, do you know Pierre Deberne an old acquaintance of mine from my R/C steam days? Geoff
  6. thanks for that David, I will look out for Chuck now I know who he is ! Geoff
  7. Dave,Thank you so much for sending me the article,it is brilliant & so clear!I will read it again&again! as I said before,this is what makes MSW so great! Geoff PS. Please excuse my (extreme ) ignorance but who is Chuck ? I found the piece you sent me excellent & I would like to read more of his material.
  8. this is what I LOVE about MSW no "Prima Donnas", just keen ship modellers who are willing to share their knowledge,ideas hints & tips etc. As a relative newcomer to wood shipbuilding I am willing to learn & pass on any hints & tips I may come across even at 71 (just)! Geoff
  9. nice one "Shipaholic"! Geoff
  10. like I previously mentioned I used wire stripped from a redundant phone extension cable, it's free & you can experiment as much as you like,not only that but I am "Tight Fisted" as well ! Geoff
  11. Reklein, when you say you use the wire for the whole length of the footrope assembly, do you use wire for the actual footrope as well? I am just about to start this stage as a break from ratlines! Thanks, Geoff
  12. its the bit that hangs down from a spar or yard arm to string the footropes to enable the crew to let out or furl the sails. I got this from the kit instructions & Lennart Peterssons book "Rigging Period Ship Models" I hope that's right ! ? Geoff
  13. "take a length of 0.5 mm wire & form a small loop in the end" say the kit instructions. I tried I really did! Then I hit on this idea. I stripped the casing from an old phone extension cable , inside are several strands of very thin copper wire. I took 2 strands, 3 times the required length & folded them equally over a fine drill bit, grasped the strands of wire between thumb & finger close up to the drill bit & twisted the drill bit round a few times & then gripped the loose ends in a mini clamp & carried on twisting till I got to the end. This creates a nice rope effect with a neat hole for the footropes to pass through. I then passed the stirrup through a pre drilled hole in the yard to leave the required length sticking out ,the spare wire was then divided in two & laid the ends along the spar, this was then lashed over with fine thread & coated in watered down PVA glue, when set ,I painted the yard & stirrup black. Sorry if I am "Teaching my Granny to suck eggs"but it worked for me! Geoff
  14. the Lady Nelson was my first attempt at static model building after many years building & sailing R/C models. My attempt was nowhere as good as yours, it looks brilliant with all the add on bits ,it just goes to show what a little imagination & research can do. Congratulations ! Geoff
  15. Welcome from Nottingham Richard. I agree with Ken, Caldercraft/Jotika are well worth considering. I speak as a satisfied customer & no relation ! Geoff
  16. many thanks folks! I have some Ochre Yellow. I will experiment before committing paint to model ! Geoff
  17. I have just reached the stage where I need to paint the undersides of my Jotika model of the HMS Supply. In the instructions it states the colour should be "Off White"? Do I add a little black to the white paint? Also were ships of this era really painted white below the water line, or just models to look nice?! Any help/comments appreciated. Geoff
  18. the only thing I cant get my head round is Re Keiths use of Cyano glue for 2nd planking I go for a walk to the shops every morning & I don't like the idea of walking round with HMS Supply hanging off my hands ! Other than that the books are great ! Geoff
  19. may I throw my hat into the ring and suggest 2 books by Keith Julier? "Period Ship Kit Builders Manual" & "The New Period Ship Handbook" published by "Special Interest Model Books" As a relative beginner I find them both invaluable. Geoff PS I nearly forgot! "Rigging Period Ship Models by Lennarth Peterson.No text but lots of fantastic rigging drawings
  20. I know the problem! Have you tried an Amati plank bender/nipper? I find mine very good! geoff
  21. have a look at the "Model Dockyard" website they are based in Cornwall but I guess they export, or the "jotika" site they do the Caldercraft kits and parts, again based in the UK. Hope this is of use! Geoff
  22. have a look at the "jotika" website they do ships boat kits,or the "model dockyard" site, they do "Quaycraft" ships boats in various scales Hope this is useful to you! Geoff
  23. thanks a lot everyone, you have been really helpful, no doubt I will be "Pestering" you again soon ! Geoff
  24. Many thanks everyone, will get the kettle on,.... or find some thinner rope! Boy they must have had big hands in those days! Geoff
  25. Just starting my model of the Caldercraft "Supply". It seems to me that the anchor rope supplied is far too big a diameter & too "white", also did vessels of this era have anchor chains or was the rope attached directly to the anchor? Any help appreciated! Geoff
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