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Everything posted by cobra1951

  1. It's like a little miniature fortified city, love it
  2. I didn't use any caulking for the hull. I didn't mind the 3mm x 3mm being slightly different in colouring as the cannons hid most of the bottom ones and you don't really see the top one unless you are looking for it
  3. Depends on your definition of every day stuff. To me if i can buy it easily then it's every day stuff
  4. I laid part 5b over the top of the 2nd plank up on the outer hull. Mr Pucko replaced the 2nd plank up with part 5b, neither is wrong it's a matter of personal choice. My 3rd plank up does have a cut away in it to make the port bigger the reason being the port should be square and the width is already determined by the distance between the 2 inner frames so i recessed the plank to make the height the same as the width. The outer had the bottom of the port recessed and the inner had the top of the port recessed. This kept the angle more even for me .This does make the port bigger than needed but i lined the port with 15mm x 3mm wide planking rather than the 0.5mm x 3mm the instructions say to use. The resulting port size was not critical for the gun port lids for mine as i made my own because IMHO the kit designed ones are way to thick. As for the 3mm x 3mm strips i laid two at the bottom and the other at the top of the inner hull lining this made them less obvious (see photo)
  5. Try this stuff you can make small windows and also use it as a clear glue that won't blemish clear plastics https://www.deluxematerials.co.uk/en/scale-plastics/49-glue-n-glaze-5060243900333.html?search_query=Glue+%27n%27+Glaze&results=1 Video of how it works here (only downside is the woman's terrible voice on the video
  6. Having rechecked the instruction booklet i found 1. You have to make the Lid hinges yourself, check the picture of the lid assembly with the hinges fitted and just to the side of it is another picture with measurements of the sizes to make the hinges 2. The large fuse buckets have to be made up from the part numbers on the picture in the booklet Very easy to miss as the instructions are just pictures and numbers with minimal words
  7. Hi Paul Yes i left them off as it was what he wanted. I would rather leave them off and give him something he likes rather than put them on and tell him he has to have it in a way he doesn't like
  8. Hi Mike Yes 3 x 15 bottom plank then i laid part 5b over the top of the 3 x 15 second plank. I don't think it matters if you do the inner or outer hull lining first. I also made my gun port openings different sizes to the instructions because they say to line the gun ports with little 3mm wide strips laid side by side all the way around the opening. Personally i didn't like this idea so i bought some 2 x 15 Walnut and used that, and i adjusted the opening sizes to allow for the thicker linings. This was a personal choice which way you do it is your choice obviously
  9. Hi Bryan Just checked my parts and there are no gun port lid hinge parts in mine either. If you look at the part number for them in the booklet then check the parts list the numbers are for something different Not a good start for a new manufacturer starting out is it
  10. That is the best reason you can have for building kits
  11. Nice neat planking and i like the way the planks lay in the bulkheads nice design
  12. Thanks Antony I didn't add an extra bits all is oob. unless you count changing the breaching rope for some decent stuff and making my own gun port lids but nothing was added for extra detail. In fact it got so crowded in there that i left out some of the barrels Next is Occre: HMB Endeavour Disarmodel: Navio Rayo section
  13. I totally agree about burnout. sometimes you will notice more than a week go by before i update, that's because if a am not in the mood i will just leave it and do something else. The worst time to build is when you don't feel like it because we all know what the outcome is lol
  14. Thanks Don Guess who has to go around and put shelves up in his bedroom to display them
  15. I would like to thank everyone who has contributed, commented and left likes they were all appreciated. Thank you
  16. Thanks Mike I follow your build of this kit, so i will always answer any questions you have as will others i'm sure
  17. Thanks EJ I'm thinking along the lines of doing them both side by side Something to do while glue is drying
  18. Thanks Paul If you mean the Caldercraft Victory i already have partially built that one too, but part way through i found it was going to overhang the place i had in mind to keep it by about 8 inches. which meant it would have got bashed every time someone went near it Already have the section kit Navio Rayo and the Occre Endeavour waiting
  19. Decided i am going to give both of these builds to my grandson. Now they are finished i don't particularly want to keep one, mainly because the fun is in the build for me and once built i lose interest in some builds, and this is one of them For some reason the grandson doesn't want me to fit the hammock nets on the outer edge, he reckons the builds look better without them, and i don't totally disagree with him so they have been left off as per his instruction So we will now call these builds finished
  20. Looks like a section of proper working ship now Bryan I like it. Still need to check all the parts in my kit, just keep forgetting You would think that as a new kit manufacturer just starting out that they would keep a tighter control over their quality checks for missing parts etc
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