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Everything posted by cobra1951

  1. I don't think it is being picky. It looks like all the frame 6's are like this so i am sure you are not the first to bring the matter up with the manufacturers. If they have prior notice that there is a problem they should either fix it or at least add a note to the instructions to let the builder know an adjustment is needed. remember we pay good money for these kits especially part works and they should be respectful of that. (I can dream i suppose)
  2. I would build all the framework and then adjust the frames later once it's ready for planking by laying a plank along the length of the hull
  3. Nice little seats, need a lot of commitment to sit and make lots of them
  4. Makes sense now you have pointed out what part 11 is Looking through the log that Zoltan kindly found it seems frame 9 is the same on that build but further on in the build all looks to fit fine.
  5. Nice find Looks like frame 9 sticks out on that one too
  6. Another strange thing is looking at your photos there is no frame 11, it goes from 10 to 12 I see from your parts photos that frame 11 does not seem to exist
  7. Well it's either a laser error or they marked the frames wrong. Either way once you find out which it is i would demand all new parts because it will be very difficult to dismantle without damage
  8. If the frame is too narrow you can always add a thin strip of wood to the outer edges and sand back as needed. But I would seek out other build logs and check first
  9. Those joints are a superb fit, no gaps at all . Having parts that good always inspires confidence in the build
  10. Also used for screen protectors on mobile phones and tablets etc
  11. Once finished I bet you'll miss working on her for a while
  12. The chain will be brass and is supplied mainly because it's cheaper than black chain mostly. I would rather pay a bit extra and have the correct coloured chain supplied. Also I would pay a bit extra for black eyelets and rings etc.
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