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Everything posted by cobra1951

  1. I sympathise as i have done the same thing countless times
  2. That entry port looks amazing, nice job. I think it fits well with the rest of the ships design and deserves to be there even if it was or was not on the original ship :)
  3. Looks great Mr Pucko The eyes on your knight and lion look a lot more realistic now too
  4. Looks great Don, those little details really ad to the build
  5. Nice as usual Frank You're building it faster than i can read about it
  6. Nice looking kit, with an interesting and nice shape to it
  7. Make stealers with wet wood and use lots of small passes with the blade not one big cut. The wet wood will help prevent the blade from trying to follow the grain
  8. Make your own sanding sticks, for small ones take some 2mm x 2mm wood strips glue a few together then use double sided tape to fix sandpaper to them. You can make all sizes and shapes to suit your job
  9. Well now you have regained the inclination to build don't lose it again anytime soon :)
  10. White was a good choice Frank, blends in nicely with the choice of wood colours Now slow down you're making me dizzy :D
  11. Nice job on the shrouds Frank Looking forward to seeing how the bow area embellishments turn out Yes wood is so much better to work with than plastic especially if adding things that are not on the original kit
  12. Looks fantastic there :) To change the title go to your first post and select edit then use the full editor option and you can change it there
  13. Great job EJ. Must be tiresome making them especially at that scale
  14. A great job you have done Frank. Nice to see you continuing this log :)
  15. i think i would have that manic stare too if i had to pose like that naked
  16. Well they will have to be something really special. Just had another look at the contents of mine and as you pointed out there are not enough cannon balls supplied, mine are the same but mine look like they have been fired once or twice already
  17. I agree Bryan. The kit looks great but let down by shoddy materials and useless manual. It's not even that the instructions have been made useless in the translation of them, because it's just pictures and numbers mostly and bad measurements and in some case no measurements. Having gone through the manual and parts on mine i honestly cannot get the urge to build it yet.
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