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Everything posted by cobra1951

  1. You seem to have got a bad batch of planking as both sets I had were fine The reason the Limewood is just as porous as Basswood is because it's the same wood named differently depending on where you are. Personally I don't like it for planking as it's too soft and marks way too easily, but sometimes you have to go with what you have. You are right that the styrene gives a better colour blend between the planks. I also found the styrene easier to fit to the plank too. I just put a small amount of CA along one edge and glued it to the styrene sheet then cut it out once it had dried
  2. Brass wire made into a ring the correct size and slightly flattened then blackened by your preferred method then glued over the hole Not as good as a ready made one but if done right it will pass muster
  3. The Boxwood lining will make your gun ports look better than the ones the plans tell you to make
  4. My supplied strips in both kits were very dark as well the only reason I did not use them was because I kept getting little splinters from them because the edges split easily
  5. Hi Mike. I've not used them myself I just knew of their existence. They're the same thing used to make eyelets for the laces in shoes. You could also try small rubber grommets as they should conform to the shape of your hole.
  6. Hi Mike if you're going to use 1.0 styrene that will be 4 times wider than mine as I used 0.25
  7. Try these Mike . Available on your side of the pond too. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Eyelet-with-Washer-Leather-Craft-Repair-Grommet-3mm-4mm-5mm-6mm-8mm-10mm-/271846926634
  8. Thanks Carl You're welcome to jump into one just mind you don't bash your head on the rigging block
  9. Hi Bryan considering the lack of instructions you were not that far out on what is guess work for measurements. What i usually do in that situation is dry fit it all using double sided tape then you can still take it apart to make adjustments But well done on what you achieved
  10. Thanks Joe Getting a bit tight for the old fat fingers in there now, be glad to move on to the upper deck
  11. Kit era is early 1800's Support under the deck planks can't be done in one sheet as the support pieces have to fit in between the frames and cross beams. also it was done in sections after the planking was laid as you have to allow for the curvature of the deck, so be careful when laying them or a lot of sanding will be needed to level each one with the next You can then cover it all over with one piece afterwards if you want. Butt shifts were my choice, made so it was evenly done with the frame you have to work with For the butt shifts i just put a joint in plank one over the left side support beam as you look at it from the front The next plank no joint The next plank i put a joint above the middle support beam The next plank no joint again The next plank a joint above the left support beam Then the next plank no joint Then repeat across the deck This worked out well for me as i wanted the joints placed over parts that would give them some support especially if you simulate the joints as per the manual which is what i did, just don't saw too deep
  12. Hi Mike As you know i am doing 2 of these kits and i had exactly the same problems with the laser cuts not going all the way through. For straight parts this didn't matter as they need a good sanding to get all the soot off anyway. As you point out there is a problem with the carriage wheels not being fully cut. Getting the small holes in the center of the wheels sorted is no big deal just use a 2mm drill. To get the outer rims of the wheels nicely round what i did was wait until i was ready to fit them to the axles, then i fitted the dowels into them a bit longer than needed then put the dowel in a drill and spun them while holding a sanding board against them, just don't go too far and make them too small Good idea leaving the upper deck center support out wish i had thought of that with my big fat fingers
  13. Hi Ayous is another name for Obeche, some kit manufacturers use it. It also has a few different names in different countries
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