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Everything posted by MarisStella.hr

  1. Hello everyone, Don, special thanks to you… yes, we had problems with our old mail Contact&order box, now we have changed the entire site and I hope that it will work without problems…and yes, we work with CAD (Canadian dollars) too… it is easy to transfer Euros to CAD … I'm not sure, but I think 1 CAD = 1.48 EURos, please check that to the exchange rate ... when selling goods outside the Croatian borders we accept bank account payments, and payments through pay-pal that is easier... When it comes to intercontinental shipments, we usually participate in the cost of transportation ... the extent depends on the model we sell... Rigging instructions we have to offer, they are in Croatian language, unfortunately, we have not made an English version jet ... we thought it was a lot more literature available in English, so that we're not able to do anything new... … As for this model, there is classic the Middle Ages rigging, the same as to the all Caravel, Galleon and Carrack... in the project, there are drawn all the ropes, in to the instructions, there is a brief description of how to determine which of them are black, and which of them are light, also, there is an explanation of how to finish the sails… but if you were a complete beginner, you will need some help from some technical literature (in English I suppose) … … Yes, our plans are to scale and it is quite easy to put together the elements, whether they should be put together out of laser-cut pieces, or that they should be made out of the pieces of strops ... So, to be clear, the elements that are drawn on the paper are the same dimensions as those to be made ... These plans are published on 100 cm x 90 cm sheets of paper and there are contained all the elements of the model... Some of the elements are drawn apart, and some within the complete model ... I must say that the plans are very precise... … The ship’s boat is to be done by a hand and it is the most important trick of our projects !!! All models, when properly made, looks nothing like Kits ... as I have learned, it is basic in the world of ship-modeling ... ship-models look like they were scratch ship model projects ... The boats are to be made like this : a mold of the inner shape of a boat is to be done of balsa wood, the mold is to be planked twice with 0.5mm strips, ... balsa is to be removed completely and the boat is to be completed with various elements ... There is no more credible appearance of a boat .. .The ship models look the same. …Here is a draft of the Cog boat: … Expecting more questions, Best regards, Zoran
  2. Hello everyone… ... let me continue where I left off last time: therefore, the model has decorated interior, a storage area in the middle of the hull and stable in the stern. The entire structure is subordinated to the construction of these parts. The keel and stem are made of 6mm walnut panels. There are bulkheads with gaps plugged in it. The bulkheads are connected with several impressed strips. Once the construction was completed, the inner part of the hull is to be planked with strips. After that, the structure is strong enough to endure the setting of the outside planking. Otherwise, all of our models that have interiors are designed in this way. The models that have not interiors are designed to contain round walnut bars. Those bars, dowels, center the bulkheads very precisely. Glue is to be applied by brush to the points of contact of elements after the assembling of the structure. When constructing our scale models, we take into consideration the strength of the structures. On this model, if desired, hatches, doors and openings could be left open. In this way the view to the interior is allowed... All visible parts are made of solid walnut wood. Beginners should not be afraid of making these model ... They will only take a longer time to complete it. This is a single-planking method and requires a little more work ... ... Here are a few photos of the construction. This is the work of the person to whom this is the first scale model in the life :
  3. Donfarr,Donrobinson, please ask all you want to know, the truth, it is my pleasure to be at your service and talk about this... Best regards
  4. Hello averyone... The materials we use are the materials that are easy to handle and have a long life. Structures are made of linden plywood which is very easy to sand and process, which is very important when talking about the speed of development of the structure. Elements that can be seen on the model are made in the main of walnut panels ... strips we use are also of quality wood. The projects have been made, since the beginning, for the laser processing elements, the old-fashioned projects have not been used. This means that elements definitely fit each other. For example, to connect the structure there is required a lightweight hammer. When the elements are pressed one to each other, it is very difficult to disassemble them. I would say impossible. So, the elements are impressed into each other and when all assembled, wood glue is to be applied with a brush to the connection points. This yields a construction that is finely adjusted from the beginning. In the main, it is impossible to incorrectly set the corresponding elements of each other ... The precision of the cutting of the structures, differences draft-cut element, is reduced to the mistake of a laser, which is still below 0.1 mm, and it very rarely. In the main, these settings are created a circle of loyal and highly satisfied modelers around us who like to use our products ... ... Now; I have expressed a desire to show this model to you: ‘Ragusian Cog’; 1:48, 650mm…( Donfarr, you asked for this information…) … Now I would like to show the building instructions to you, the instructions which has not been changed, even not adapted, from the moment it was created ... since 2009 ... this instructions was initially made for experienced modelers, but even beginners have not had a major problems when they kept the listed making order ... I am aware that some expressions in the English language are not the most appropriate, but as I understand our current customers, it's not a big problem ... however, most of the customers have not been with the English-speaking world... But, here are the instructions in PDF format, so that you could evaluate it yourself... Donfarr, Donrobinson, thank you very much for your comments and interest…thank you all for the likes… ... my intention is to say something more about the making of the model and its appearance, about the construction and interior ... Best regards __09__Ragusian Cog.pdf
  5. Hello all, after a few busy days, now I get a bit of time to rest and to write something about Cog of Ragusa to you ... First of all I am grateful for the warm welcome and visiting our website ... Donfarr, jazzchip ... thanks a lot , thanks for the likes ... ... 'Cog' is a project that we were building a year or two before its realization ... the basic guiding was votive fresco of her from the sixteenth century ... lower its black and white photo of the fresco ... the silhouettes of people on the bow and the mast top were very helpful. We took that they were around 1.75m high and we made the Ragusian Cog reconstruction ... ... So, after two years of work, this is what we get: the text that we wrote about this type of Cog is following and is copied from our site: Cog is the war and merchant ship in the North Sea, the Mediterranean and the Adriatic Sea, with a big lead and two small reserve masts, whose main characteristic is high and tight bow tower forward with a almost horizontal triangular deck. One feature of this ship are the side openings for boarding horses and cattle and it is designed primarly for transporting army. It is mentioned for the first time in the 11th century, and across the Mediterranean in the 13th century. These ships were initially inaccessible thanks to the impregnable castle. Together with Cogs often sailed caravels and carrack. ... This is a model with completely furnished interiors, store and cabins,which makes it very beautiful and interesting. The keel and the posts are made of solid walnut wood, like all the elements below the deck and the deck. The sails are embroidered on the cloth. In the box there are 11 plates laser cut. There are bars and all the necessary material. The model is designed for experienced modeler, but beginners, with a little effort and following the instructions do not have problems with the construction of her ... You will really enjoy in the realization of this model. ... Now, for the first hand, here are some photos of the prototype of the model-made in parallel with the project .... I was very cheerful to say something about the way of making the assembly kit ... it's what I intend to do next ... Best regards
  6. Mr. Thanasis, I actively think about you and these two models ... they are very interesting to me from the beginning ... all I'm trying to solve is the time ...
  7. Congratulations Mr. Thanasis ... very nice and precise work, good research...
  8. Dear friends, after a lot of months, here are changes on the rudder ... so it looks like this finally ... Best regards
  9. Hello Bob, I follow this build from the beginning, a very good job, but a really good job ... one thing is not clear to me ... could you be kind enough to show me more detailed the way (mechanism) in which the main yard is hanged ? ... salute, Zoran
  10. Hi max, I will join this build very gladly ... I advise you to plank the hull in single planking technique, just for exercise ... no matter that it may the another coat of planks be put on later.. Best regards Z
  11. hello Cristiano... interesting .... this is a very nice project...
  12. Dear gentlemen, now, finally, I announce that this build log is completed... Thank you very much for your support and good comments, it really means a lot ...When I get some time I will correct the mistake on the rudder, and now, I'm going to post this last photo ... so this is Trajta : Best regards, MarisStella.hr ...
  13. Hi Robert, we had the same problem with Barque Stefano ... it looked like this at that time: (I hope it might help)
  14. Thanasis, Antony, Pete, David, thank you so much ...thanks everyone for the likes ... Everything I still wanted to this topic is to show a few more photos that I photographed ...
  15. Thank you very much Jay... Thanasis, the bar on the bow is a handrail, It is to be hold while walking on the walking board... please see the post #117...
  16. schnu, JMaitri, Pete , Thanasis and everyone else who liked this, thank you very much ... I am preparing a few more photos to post here...
  17. This set is supplied with a sail made ​​of embroidered fabric, it is necessary to finalized it by a hand (manualy), I should sew the edges and add a rope that surrounds the outer edge of the sail ... I tied the masthead ... and mounted it on the mast ...
  18. Max, Hi,...it is nice to see you in this topic, even nicer to see a sincere interest in this ... Thanasis, your homework is pretty good, , this reconstruction, as I have already said, is based on the ancient texts and very old ship lines , nothing is made ​​up here ... thanks everyone for the likes ... ... About the kit : ...This kit is supplied with square strips 6x6mm . Each strip is 33.3 cm long, and there are six of them ... From each strip should be made an oar. The oars are approximately equal. They can be created manually, but I used a lathe ... ...On each side of the hull, there are two bracket for oars. In reality, they are made out of dry branches ... these are forked ... oars are disposed in the bracket as it is shown in the photos :
  19. Hi, Thanasis, this is the Croatian definition of Leudo : ... Leut is one of the oldest boats with oars and sails on the Croatian coast, common in the Neretva and Omis (ancient times), and over time spread across the whole Adriatic. Usually divided into smaller (up to 8.5 meters) and larger (up to 15 meters), capacity 6-8 tons (fish). There are six oars, the hull is massively built. Her deck is covered, has a strong keel and hull is rounded in the central part. The mast is located at 1/3 the length of the hull. Has a Latin sail. She differs of all the other ships in the fact that the bow has a drop jump board long up to 1.2 meters. The crew makes 7-8 people, and a fishing boat at a time when there were no engines had up to 14 crew members. She does not develop high speed, but she is extremely resistant to high winds and waves. schnu.. I'm sorry for "fish", I'm not going to say it any more ... ... just preparing photographs of the oars ...
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