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Everything posted by clearway

  1. Nice save! and yes when all the deck furniture is in place it draws the eye away from the deck. Keith
  2. No need to apologise for the boiler posts Keith- its interesting to see how it evolved regards the pump handle, for my cutty sark windlass handle i used brass tube with an eye glued in each end to take the handles if that makes sense. Keith
  3. Looking better and better Keith and yep gets to the point where i have to clear everything off, burn all the waste and chaff on the fire so i can fill it full of crud again! Ahh the circles of life🤪. Keith
  4. Happy New Year to you too- If doing mine again i would use a swivel yard crane style truss on the fore and main lower yards which i intend to use on my Erebus build. Keith
  5. Looks great so far keith- happy new year to you and yours and what a nice tidy work bench- mine literally looks like a load of B17s and Lancasters have carpet bombed it 😁 Keith
  6. Coming along nicely, watch out because some of the measurements for wood strips on my occre Terror were way off. On Erebus i was lucky enough to have enough narrower veneer to make the planking more to scale- i didn't like how wide planking on my Terror looked. for my ships i use Evo-Stick fast grab wood glue but not sure how available it is outside of U.K.?
  7. Hope you had a nice christmas day and a happy new year to you both Keith- you know my stance on steam engines 🤩 Keith
  8. Back at you Keith and a Merry Christmas to all on MSW- pour a wee dram and raise a glass to present and absent friends and be awesome to each other. Keith
  9. coming along nicely Keith- the barrel on the donkey pile doesn't look like it shouldn't be there if that makes sense! Keith
  10. Keith S and myself just reduced the 8mm dowelling to get the 7mm for the foremast- i used sandpaper around a wooden block and sanded lengthways while turning it ( was a lot of sanding but got there)! After asking Keith S for the mast dimensions from the admiralty plans it was found dimensions for a 10th class frigate were closest- when i matched up the other mast sections using Lees masting and Rigging Occre had got them pretty bang on so you can use the kits dimensions for the top masts/ topgallant masts- if memory serves me right Daniel D said he found references to the yards being the same length on the fore and main to help with interchanging if damaged- while i finished my HMS Terror i am still waiting for the other keith to restart his build log- our banter and build logs helped keep me sane in the dark days of Covid lockdown. Keith
  11. you are welcome Guy. If you ever have any questions about other alterations will help as best as i can. Keith
  12. where as occre have the bowsprit going over the top of the bulwarks with the new location it goes through the bulwarks more or less at deck level Keith
  13. if you look through my Erebus log there are pics of the modified bowsprit - just move the holes foreward , the angle is about the same. as regards the mast sizes - foremast is 7mm and mainmast 8mm- you should check out mine and Keith s HMS Terror build logs for more info as well, but at the end of the day it is your build and you are the shipwright in charge, just altering the mast diameters and adding the deckhouses makes a huge difference. Keith
  14. option 2 is the best option- looks better with the fuller frames doesn't she- also don't forget the holes for the mast holes on the main and fore will need widened if using right diameter dowelling and alterations to the slot for the bowsprit if moving to correct position as in my build log. Keith
  15. best way is to hold a planking strip across a few frames when trimming down to find any high spots- it was me who said you could reduce frames 6 & 7 as an alternative to save building new frames but a very rounded hull would result. Keith
  16. Yey another Erebus build at last- there are planking tutorials on MSW, just remember the planks taper fore and aft- how occre, amai and artesenia show in their kits is wrong! Keith
  17. it will look great when finished Keith- you weren't sure when starting the pile driver and she turned out great. Keith
  18. ahhh the joys- nice to see you really getting your teeth into the alterations- i am in a similar situation with my Erebus build- i used Caldercraft brass ships wheels while Keith s and i think Daniel D used syren wooden kits for their Terrors- i also used the caldercraft wheels for Erebus. keith
  19. i strongly advise buying Matthew betts HMS Terror book as it has full drawings for the hull which will be o.k. as occre have just tweaked their Terror kit- i did mention at the start of the blog you can reduce the fullest frames to run better with the rest of the frames but a rounder hull will result- i just googled hms erebus lines plan and clicked on images option and scrolled through the results to build the new frames. Keith
  20. takes me back to the quandries between keith s and myself when trying to fathom HMS Terror out!- nice to see building commence Keith Keith
  21. sorry guys got sidetracked with Erebus and then 1/35 armour🫣 Keith
  22. Welcome back- ahh the joy of chainplates- still trying to find the drive to start on my HMS Erebus chainplates - especially as i still have memories of making Terrors! Keith
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