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Everything posted by clearway

  1. Welcome back- ahh the joy of chainplates- still trying to find the drive to start on my HMS Erebus chainplates - especially as i still have memories of making Terrors! Keith
  2. Though not as drastic as having no fridge, sounds like our sofa and armchair scenario a few months ago- i gave them the measurements for the 12 foot long 33inch wide hallway and even taking the front door and the hallway door off they couldn't get it in! had to pay a little extra to get reclining armchairs that could have the backs removed so they would fit- but had to wait while they got re-upholstered to match the sofa- three months later we finally had our new sofa and chairs! keith
  3. Rum fer yan mare Keith (can translate from Cumbrian if need be 😜)- slipped under my radar this one - another unusual/ interesting prototype. Keith
  4. you could ty etching primer then a couple of thinned down coats of white enamel. Keith
  5. You are welcome Jond- cool looking ride (looks like one of the german style narrow gauge tanks) - its a 3 hour journey from West Cumbria to West Yorkshire for the 'big steam' you see in the video but we have the world famous La'al Ratty 15" gauge railway just down the coast. Back with Erebus and made a start on the Jeer winches- used turned brass billings eyes for the bearings for the axles on the winches and foremost bearings for the Massey Pump, the posts for the main mast fife rail have two knight heads on each post and the spindle for the pump in a notch drilled at an angle at the bottom of the valley between them. Still need to drill sheeve holes in the main jeer winch post and make some wooden warping drums- the wheels came from a Mantua Cutty Sark deck pump kit available as a spare to buy- nothing apart from the brass eye bearings has been glued in place yet, the brass wire for the warping drum shafts, bearings and pump crankshaft were blackened using Birchwood/ Casey brass black. Anyone building HMS Terror will need to do this if wanting to be more accurate- i didn't take the plunge with my Terror but the fife rails on the mainmast and from the pawl posts to foremast jeer winch look like they were iron with iron belaying pins (used wood on Terror as easier to work with than brass when curving/ drilling) Take care all Keith
  6. Thanks guys- only thing to do while going through Ingrow Tunnel was take a deep breath, bow down, shut your eyes and ride one of the most exhilarating , hot, soot filled, noisy, bat **** crazy couple of minutes in my life😁🤩😎 Keith
  7. Can't believe it's been 4 months since my last Erebus update!!! Like with my HMS Terror i have cut holes to rebate the jeer posts, windlass pawl posts into the deck- unlike the occre plans the posts abaft the main mast should be a lot wider than the plans show and its best to ignore the occre fife rails and pump handle mountings and use the plans in Matthew Betts book or find the plans online from the original drawings. must admit a bit nerve wracking drilling and filing out the holes for the posts in a nice planked deck! A couple of weeks ago i went to the Autumn Steam Up at Keighley and rode the demo freight train all day- stood on the open veranda of a southern railway queen mary brake van with nothing between you and the steam loco- tunnels were erm interesting shall we say!!!! Brake_van_2[1].mp4 Take care all Keith
  8. I hear you there Keith- every once in a while i need to take everything off and tidy up so i can find things again! You did a great job there and can't wait to see the sternwheeler..... garbage scow- would that be a first on M.S.W. Keith
  9. i always soak my planking for a few hours before using it to soften the fibres and use a small surfoam to taper the planks towards the bow and stern- i will soak the kit in cold water for about 15 mins to re-add a little moisture- it was still wrapped in its cellophane wrapping around the box which was the style then- it really was an unopened kit! Keith
  10. i built this kit in the early 90s in the days before laser cutting (was die cut part way through the old billings soft ply used back then)- she went to my step mother. recently i saw an unopened kit from 20 years ago on a popular auction site at more or less the same price i paid over 30 years ago - hard to let that one pass so i didn't😁- however lord alone knows when i will get onto it! Keith
  11. The shingles are growing on me Keith - i agree about black- apart from locomotives i now paint any iron and steel on my rolling stock with a thinned coat of Humbrol matt 67 German tank grey over a matt black primer. The build is looking awesome 😁 Keith
  12. thanks form sharing- must have been a bit humbling thinking about all those who tried to find a way through. Keith
  13. sorry wefalck was referring to the interesting mathematical conundrums- we must have posted at same time!
  14. i still have two open coal fires in the house and have the brush and screw together rods to sweep the chimneys + a woodburning stove in my shepherds hut! On the railway brake vans (railroad cabooses for across the pond) they had a casting to guide the pipe through the roof to keep it away from the wood and canvas. Keith
  15. looks good though Keith- you could have probably built a full size shed in the same time😉 Keith
  16. looking good John and like the locos- at the moment i am being distracted from my Erebus by 0 gauge wagon kits and 1/35 scale armour kits- since we last spoke my son and i took a run down to the diesel gala at the K.W.V.R. and managed to book a ride in a brake van on the demo goods train hauled by class 50 Rodney😊. Regards the figure you could paint the cap band yellow as on the Terror series. Keith
  17. looking great Keith it is a blessing and a curse that you will be able to see all the detail through the opening- i still chuckle a little bit at steam donkey pile- i keep adding "ing" after steam in my head- sorry schoolboy humour gets the better of me sometimes😁 Keith
  18. problem is as good as 3d printing is it might stop a lot of people actually 'modelling' if that makes sense and stop people developing their skills and solutions to problems- only my humble tuppence worth😁 Build is looking awesome keith Keith
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