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Everything posted by clearway

  1. not sure Daniel- i use painted tissue paper to simulate canvas which when dry is stiff and stays put. Keith
  2. still working on fitting out my garden workshop so no shipyard updates (hopefully back with her soon). Just wanted to say Merry Christmas everyone and "ev a gud yan" as we say in Cumbria (have a good one)! Keith
  3. Brings back memories Hake! I wouldn't actually permanently fasten the davits and bridge in place till the rigging is finished as it is tight trying to belay around the main and mizzen masts. Keep up the good work. Keith
  4. You are welcome - they look a trillion % better Daniel- nice job 😁 Keith
  5. Welcome back Hake- been away from my shipyard as well while i try and get my outdoor workshop sorted (lining out the insides now) Keith
  6. I dont know if american railroaders use them but here in the U.K. we use open spoked pulleys to guide signal wiring ( a firm called wizard models does multi layered etched ones in 00 gauge and 0 gauge) the build is really starting to look nice and busy- keep it up. Keith
  7. oh jeez dood all the usual comments regarding your sanity- as i mentioned in another log we do like creating boundless hours of fun for ourselves! Keith
  8. well spotted on the stern Bob- also note the cleat for the boom sheets. Keith
  9. some nice details on the derricks and funnel Daniel Keith
  10. Yes Keith although the curved roof beams came as cnc cut dovetailed interlocking kits - regards the ships wheels i forgot to mention they were first primed black then sprayed with humbrol 29 dark earth before the washes already mentioned were added. Keith
  11. The winter evenings are really starting to settle in- with daylight saving now dark around 4pm! Still working on the garden "messy" workshop but have managed to paint , use a wash (ak interactive for dark wood- used an orange wash first) and varnish the ships wheels and mount them with the barrel on the spindle- will scratch some supports using the ply kit ones as a guide. Also chemically blackened some of the iron strapping for the sternposts. oh boy it gets warm when in there when the stove gets up to working temp- the room is 12 feet x 8 feet and roof at height of arc around 7 feet. Thanks for looking in and take care everyone Keith
  12. Follow the plans.... hmmmmm could make life a lot simpler 🤔................................................... naaaa wheres the fun in that😂. The wheels do look great though Daniel (books you a session in a darkened room with soothing music). Keith
  13. Welcome to the Terror club- you might want to check out my HMS Erebus log as well regards deck planking and altering frames/ bulwarks. Keith
  14. nice one looks great Daniel 😁- nice details on the fife rail showing the sheaves on the posts and blocks fastened to the deck. Keith
  15. oh yes- i have been known to have been trimming excess thread binding shrouds and not realised another shroud was in the scissors jaws till it fell away with the other thread😱. Build is looking great Greg- my collection on hold until i get my outdoor messy modelling garden room finished! Keith
  16. i would make the bottom of the davit where the top of your thumb is, and maybe shorten the top piece a little- maybe trial fit one and look at the plans then the model from same angle. Keith s, and myself had to guestimate ours in the dark days of no updated plans! Keith
  17. we do like to create hours of boundless fun for ourselves in the modelling world don't we- whether its railways, planes, armour or ships 🤪. Keith
  18. nice save with the pinrails- the topmast crosstrees look good. Keith
  19. Thanks for looking in everyone- just a quicky today with the 2nd planking finished and above the prop cutout planked. Thanks for the likes, looking in and comments as always everyone. Keith
  20. Rubbish weather led to more shipyard time this weekend with the two deckhouses now completed, also nearly finished the 2nd planking on the starboard side with only some infill planks to add above the propellor opening. Also made a new prop from some brass tubing and bits of scrap left over brass sheet (will be painted with humbrol polished steel), also used brass black to darken the brass eyelets for the sun lights on the deck and made the grating/ hatch for the galley stovepipe (nothing glued in place yet). Thanks for looking in and the likes as always everyone. Keith
  21. i am still thinking on best way to make that capping rail- i will most likely use 1.5mm thick plasticard cut to shape then use paint/ washes to make it look "woody". Keith
  22. Thanks for the likes and looking in- while slowly but surely adding the 2nd planking carried out some more work on the stern deckhouses (heads)- the roofs will be planked with 4mm x 1mm walnut as per my Terror versions, the two cross shaped cut outs are marked but still need cut out. Also found some finer gratings in my stash which while still slightly too big are a lot better looking than the occre gratings (the left over gratings from my Terror build are on the deck beside replacement- the hatch coamings are 4mm x 2mm walnut. Note in the deck shot the different set up for the bowsprit on Erebus compared to Terror pictured below Take care everyone. Keith
  23. Thanks for the likes, looking in, and comments everyone- work still progressing on the 2nd planking with starboard side reaching the sternpost with a couple of full length planks running onto the sternpost extension above the prop well. As a break from planking i started fabricating the carcasses for the two stern deckhouses - used pieces of ply off cuts from old billings kits (never throw decent timber/ ply leftovers away). used the dimensions from Matthew Betts Terror book for the deckhouses (when i compared sizes to my guestimated dimensions for my Terror i wasn't too far out😁) Take care all Keith
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