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Everything posted by schnu

  1. Your community seems very active and socially oriented, here in Switzerland in my village it`s every man for himself. I hope that no one had to pay the fine.
  2. Beautiful, you are making a fast progress , I didn`t know that proxxon makes vices ^^.
  3. Amazing little boat, I was wondering, what is that proxon tool on the first picture?
  4. It`s nice to see someone who knows Swiss German on this forum . I am not sure if it is a good Idea to buy it if it is thicker. It might become a problem with the rigging blocks. But you might find rigging line on the internet. I believe that chuck sells rigging rope on his company website. http://www.syrenshipmodelcompany.com/miniature-rope.php By the way how did you end up on the other side of the world?
  5. I wish that there were no sending fees
  6. Hi there, I am not sure if there is already such a topic, if there is please delete this one and I will search again. Anyway I was wondering what you are planning to get for Christmas, or what would be a good Christmas wish. (Preferably something to do with ship modelling ^^) In your opinion what are the best tools and equipment to get for Christmas (for experienced or novice modellers)?
  7. The boat looks great. Is it planmed to give him rams or a rudder?
  8. Nice progress, I like the coloring on the stern. If you haven`t figured out how much rope you have, you might go through the painful progress of measuring it. I am also a big fan of Tinin by the way
  9. You are right, It makes it also more challenging and one can add a personal touch to his model. Did the stand on the first picture of the log come with the model?
  10. This is a relief, I was quite anxious that I would do the model and then fail at the rigging. That would be terrible .
  11. I like the colour of the boat, what wood is it made of?
  12. Yes you are right, they must do profit, but I was saying that maybe they should make a little less profit, but a better Kit (this would be an utopia ), it would ensure that the consumers will return to the same manufacturer and not go to the concurrence. Yes I suppose that testing would be a good idea (always is ^^), I remember at the beginning of my build when I did no testing, fitted the frames without looking if they had the right angle. Anyway I enjoyed reading the explications that you gave with the pictures of the tests. I did the same error too and trusted the manual. In my manual I was told to glue the deck planking and then drawn nails and do the caulking. It was even written to draw perpendicular lines, so that the deck strips look like planks. Anyway now it is done and I don`t like the look of my deck. I never saw these charcoal pencils, I wish my school had them . I would love to do it how you did, but I already varnished the deck 3 months ago, but I might steal your Idea in the future if you don`t mind.
  13. The hull planking is wonderful; it came out very symmetric. I really like the picture number 7, It looks like you made the half of the model and mirrored the other half with a software
  14. Thank you for the heads up maggee, I never thought to look if the scale of the rope is correct, I will look ino that in a far away future once I get to the rigging, if I ever get there =D.
  15. Thank you for all that information, I might actually reconsider the finish of my ship. Do you think that the oil will still loose the effect even with the varnish? Have you tried using way? (I think it also seals of the wood, but I am not sure). I haven`t seen the charcoal idea before, although it did bring back some bad memories. Last year in school we had to draw with charcoal and every time I touched the picture the charcoal the drawing would get messy ( I don`t know the correct expression). Did the charcoal dust not blacken the rest of the planks while sanding? On the pictures everything seems to be alright. The explication you have for the errors that the manufacturer did wore quite interesting. I guess today it is always about the money and making the most profit .
  16. Thank you Jan-Willem, I hope to get some - one - electric tool for Christmas, this will allow me to get the correct angle at my first try (at least I hope). My current method of cutting several pieces of wood and the one with the correct angle gets glued on is quite time consuming. Fortunately the rest of the wood can be reused for smaller parts or sand down to make filler I think you and Vivian are right. But seeing all those wonderful builds on this website I am trying to get the best possible result, although I often fail ^^ (It sometimes takes the fun away). - Yes I am doing it for the fun, although sometimes I get frustrated when working on this kit (an example would be the small doors, unfortunately I can`t check the whole scale like you did, because I don`t know the original length of the ship). The things that annoy me most with this Kit (I just found out that I did not mention it before) are the plans. They are not helpful at all. The two main issues with the plans are the lack of hull planks (the hull is plain white) and the lack of stern and bow plans. I do not know if it is just my kit that lacks those plans or if they just forgot to draw these, but due to these things I have done some errors in the planking (mainly at the stern.) Anyway I hope that the scale of my next build (in distant future) will have better plans and a correct scale. By the way it is nice to see another person that lives in Switzerland on the forum.
  17. Those are some interesting tests, I didn`t know it would make such a subtle difference, I always thought one was shiny and the other one mat, but now I see it depends on angle/sanding and oiling. Although I didn`t quite understand, what is the difference between oil and varnish? Does oil affect the wood colour? The scale problems are even worse than in my build . Are there any doors supplied in the kit? If so how high are they (according to the scale?). It`s a shame that kit manufacturers mess the scale up. I can`t imagine myself how they could get the wrong scale..
  18. Nice progress, your sails look really good. The stitching looks perfectly parallel, must have been time consuming to do that. But I guess one gets used the time consuming work with such a big ship.
  19. Thanks Magee. The progress I made is small, (vacations and I had to order some things). Anyway I have fixed the errors that I found with the stern and fitted the window frames. (I still need to do some sanding) I have made some small progress with the cabin too. When the things arrive I can continue to work on the stern window.
  20. Hi Max I have found this, but I am not sure if the source is accurate: http://cdrejohnpauljones.deviantart.com/art/Uniforms-of-the-Royal-Navy-1748-1767-52414067
  21. Thank you for the quick answers, the website is very interesting, I didn`t know about it. I was already worried that my little wood stock got insects in it. I guess I can go back to work then. It really is an interesting texture.
  22. So I recently bought wood. After working with it I noticed some small "canyons" (not sure how its called), anyway I was wondering if it may be some parasite that damaged the wood. Only one sort of wood (padauk) is affected by these "canyons". I would appreciate if someone could tell me if those are caused by some animals or what could be the cause?
  23. Welcome back, I envy your vacations. Schöner Hund übrigens.
  24. Amazing paint job. The ageing gives it a special "spirit". I have never heard of these inks.
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