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Everything posted by Dimitris71

  1. Vielen Dank my friend!! The equation i was trying to make (the plates beneath the eyelets with plastic pieces drive me crazy) . I think i need a psychiatric treatment.... Cheers Dimitris
  2. Hello Heinz, fantastic work on the new ornaments on the stern... I love it!! Kind Regards Dimitris
  3. Hello all , Nils - Don- Jt Lombard - Greg i do thank you also for your time to comment and also for your likes!!! Many thanks to all of you for stopping by and hit the L button... :) The work continues, all the pin racks and eyelets are in place on stern and main deck!! Kind Regards Dimitris
  4. Frank and Patrick thank you for your nice comments and for stopping by!!!
  5. I think your grandson will love it Don. You did an excellent job!!! Bravo!! Cheers Dimitris
  6. Hi Max, the work you did on the masts and the yards is fantastic... Sorry to hear about your father too. I wish everything goes well. Kind regards Dimitris
  7. Hello Jeff, beautiful work on the mast and yards...I have no experience with yards...The first time i will try to fitting yards on the masts it will be on my current build!! All the best Dimitris
  8. Hello Michael, as a friend wrote to my log: "A man's invention comes from his previous errors". Your skylights looks superb.. A beautiful work Michael. All the best Dimitris
  9. Thank you Nils for your nice words and also for the likes. I' m thinking of proceeding with the masting and rigging so as to ensure that i will have more space for my big clumsy hands!! :) So after 1 year i managed to get back my olympus from my young brother, and finally manage to take some decent photos as requested... Kind Regards Dimitris
  10. Thank you very much Don for your nice comments!! I got my smile back!! Regards Dimitris
  11. Hi Don, look here for making coils http://modelshipworld.com/index.php/topic/8085-armed-virginia-sloop-by-gunthermt-model-shipways-scale-148-complete/page-39, Post #769 Regards Dimitris
  12. Hello shipmates, many thanks for your encouragement words and also for the likes... Much appreciated!! The work on Amerigo's masts continues .. I decide to rebuild the masts in appropriate length.. So Patrick if you read this.. the hull's length without the bowsprit is 81,7 cm ,with the bowsprit 99,7. I missed 1,3 cm from the real ship and 0.3cm from the kit .. lol (kit specs reports, length 100 cm) .Sorry for my measurement the other day but i was in a hurry... the real ship is 101 meters with the bowsprit. So it was a little odd the tallest mast (by the manual of the kit ) be 540mm from the keel, since the real ship had 54 meters from the waterline. So i rebuild the mast with the 540mm(538,7 mm to be accurate) from the waterline and from the keel about 61 cm. (real ship 62 meters). Here are some photos... Sorry for the poor quality!! At least this time seems to my eyes more in scale. Kind Regards Dimitris
  13. Very very nice work Don . She is beautiful.. :) Cheers Dimitris
  14. Excellent job on the stern door Patrick!!! I love it!! Cheers Dimitris
  15. My best wishes for quick recovery to your Judy Michael! All the best Dimitris
  16. Hello shipmates, I don't want to make you bored regarding the masts (this is the last post about the difficulty to say if this was my mistake or the plans)? So I will post a photo to show you how i read the plans for the masts. Like Greg said ... Brain Freeze.... :) Some fellow modellers on Greece , had the same issues , that the masts against the ship looks small. Kind regards Dimitris
  17. Thank you Jeff!! Cheers Dimitris Mike thank you for your help and also for your tips. I am lacking experience in such kind of problems !! Cheers Dimitris
  18. Hello to all, on my previous post i wrote that i have found a mistake about the masts plans.. Actually i found out last night that it was my mistake and not mantua's .. Let's be honest , my brain stops from time to time :D I think the fellow modellers on the Greek site made the same mistake... Kind Regards Dimitris
  19. Hello mate,the correct heights of the masts are the following: FORE MAST HEIGHT ON SEA LEVEL 50 MT (164 ft), MAIN MAST HEIGHT ON SEA LEVEL 54 MT (177 ft),MIZZEN MAST HEIGHT ON SEA LEVEL 43 MT (141 ft), the problem that i had, was measuring the heights from the keel and not from the waterline... So in 1/100 scale these numbers are Fore mast 50 cm, main mast 54 cm and mizzen mast 43cm. On the other sections of the masts the height is as it should be. I hope it answers your question .. :) Cheers Dimitris
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