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Ian B

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Posts posted by Ian B

  1. Thank you Mike for taking the time to create this conversation.


    This is one task looming up on my Bounty build and this thread has been great in getting right in my head before attempting it, I intend to furl all the top sails and mizzen, a slightly gathered sprit sail and possibility have the main sail and fore main sail fully deployed-- apologies for the non nautical terms and the non standard deployment of sails-- just thought it would look good. :)

  2. Thanks Keith, the end is in sight-- well the next 4 weeks fingers crossed :) My wife is a teacher and starts the long summer break next week so it will be a good time for that sewing machine lesson so I can rig and fit the sails to the yards-which I still have to make-both the yards and sails :)


    One thing I will get around to completely re-doing is her stern. I was originally so pleased with it when I started many months ago but the more I read and see on here the more I realise not only is it unlikely ever to  have that decoration it is not even representative of stern decoration of that whole period..I know it would annoy me for years to come.. so the 'Star ship enterprise' type arch needs to go!!!




  3. My wife is constantly telling me don't look at ebay!!! Well I did and made a cheeky offer on an unopened Billings HMS Renown kit which was accepted and is winging its way in the post...Just checked on here and only found one build log and almost no comments.


    Is that because


    A... It is rubbish and not worth doing

    B.. just not the sort of thing people on here would build

    C.  Life's too short for the little stuff :)


    your vote please LOL!!!... :D :D :D


    seriously though, any suggestions on how I could really make this model stand out or be different? I looked on the web and saw there is a preserved one in Portsmouth.





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