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Ian B

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Everything posted by Ian B

  1. A little bit daunting when first reading the instructions for fitting the bow deck fittings, some very small drilling required!
  2. Good luck with the build..still amazed no one has come up with a kit!
  3. Trying to upgrade the main barrels from some straight tubing to these bad boys mmmmm
  4. It's been awhile life and work just gets in the way. Making slow progress..just a few shots of where I'm at now. The main turrets are just placed there, lots of work are still needed on them..
  5. Thanks Keith,there is nothing on there yet, so fingers crossed for the future
  6. Thanks Keith 😁 I was so surprised about such an obvious gap in the market, the American market for such a kit must be large excluding the rest of the world..they are so distinctive that it would stand out in my world of sail..
  7. I'm looking for a quality US civil war iron side wooden ship kit...any suggestions as I was surprised there is nothing around that jumps out at me?
  8. Looking good , planking the deck is a really satisfying task, all the enjoyment but non of the stress of other elements of a ship build😁
  9. I got mine a few years ago second hand on eBay for not a lot of money and found it invaluable the collot is hollow so long sections go through the main body leaving just the end sticking out so there's no flexing or whipping when sanding/filing. Id go for it.
  10. Lol..that's exactly the right attitude 😜 I have a white tiled floor in my workshop so I don't loose anything if I drop it..but I still do!!!
  11. Hey, it's coming on a treat David. I've nearly finished mine...I'll look forward to seeing your progress it is a very good kit if a little challenging in places 😃 Cheers ian
  12. I know I know I know I haven't finished doing the lashings on the small boats but this was far more exciting to do 15cm guns and turrets ... The scheme is yellow upper surfaces but I toned it down to a more green/yellow purely for artistic looks..
  13. slowly getting there-- how come life keeps getting in the way?--doesn't it know I'm trying to build a boat LOL ! I made the small boat flotilla. I am in the process attaching them and then doing the lashings.. If you look close the two most inner boats by the mast are lashed the others are all just placed in position.
  14. No where near the scale you are considering..but POB with a lot of sanding and filling does work for a steel hull ship
  15. Welcome fellow Somerset builder 😄
  16. The planes do look just green in the pictures but they are the two correct greens for year and model...there is not as much contrast as you would expect..😁
  17. I made loads of airfix kits in the 60/70s but not that one. My friends and family laugh, I'm a complete plane nut but only make model ships lol As I never knew anything about the Ar 196 I bought this book. I was very impressed about how capable an aircraft it was.. Thanks for all the likes 😄
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