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Ian B

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Everything posted by Ian B

  1. Hi Joe, it is just a light touch..one it's new to me and two it was just to add a slight contrast to slabs of colour..I'm only doing the hull,the super structure won't have it apart from I think some panel lines.
  2. Bow weathered The grey is the primer so not touched the top half yet, need to get the correct colour paint.
  3. forward array added --to be weathered... hull starting to be weathered
  4. Lots to think on..thank you all for taking time to reply. I will do the boot line dark grey...
  5. Thanks I'll look into it 😃
  6. What are the proper colours for the Bismarck greys? Also I assume the Atlantic camouflage strips are black and white and not something subtly different? Any suggestions welcome along with recommendations of paint brands--- I will be air brushing where possible (a brand new thing for me)
  7. Thanks @hof00---As I type this I am sat here installing the PE below the water line (fits really nice) and fitting the rope runners on the bow. The plastic parts for this are very poorly moulded, needed some filling and cleaning before they can be fitted. The propeller shafts are ready to install. So doing all the nice bits
  8. finally after far too many hours of sanding, filling, painting --repeat and repeat-- she is smoooooooooooth The grey flat piece of wood is so I can practice spraying with my air brush-- I bought this in 2020 and its the first time I'm going to use it it anger ... I want to try and add panel lines, well a hint at them through the top coats of paint and to very subtly weather her-- another first for me. If all else fails-- she will be in pristine paint LOL
  9. looking good look on the bright side--- you took all the pain and trails so i don't have too when I get to that stage--- 😜 Its going to be a great ship to display very soon ..--- feet up and on to the next project ...👍
  10. I thought as i was collecting samples the largest was going to be right, the second I put it against the hull it looked wrong so went down a size--still wrong the smallest looks just about right. Im still getting the hull filled and smoothed- hope you think so too...0.8mm
  11. It's 1/200, the anatomy of ships plans clearly shows the position and whole run around the hull. Ill post some pictures on this thread of some samples in the next few days and get some consensus
  12. Thanks both , I shall use an artistic guess.if it looks right then it must be lol. Look out for it soon on my Bismarck build log 😃
  13. What sort of diameter would an average degaussing cable around the hull of a ww2 battleship be?
  14. Once it is finished it will have a clear two part stands displayed on a glass shelf.the large ship HMS Vanguard was unfinished at this point so still has her old stand. I have builders in at the moment so they are all safety put away...I always display my current project so visitors see it grow..
  15. Hideous ladder type stand .that needed changing!! Nice and simple ...
  16. almost there !!! just a few spots needed doing.. The long white line from the bow is just the reflection from the drying varnish .
  17. Sounds like a good technique, almost done 👍👍
  18. so grey primer rubbed down, then I masked off any PE and where any PE will go then sprayed the hull with a high build filler primer-- and yes-- rubbed it down again--- now to give it a thick coat of varnish --then a fine rub down which 'should ' just leave a few spots and areas to tidy up---well that's the plan, and we all know what happens to a plan 😜
  19. A quick light coat of primer to see all the imperfections 😬
  20. For those of you following in our footsteps of building this kit here is an idea of what slack you have with materials from first and second planking-- The lower strips are what I had left over from 1st planking and the upper from second planking... so enough for you to make mistakes or re-do bits
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