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Ian B

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Everything posted by Ian B

  1. Sprayed the Funnels stripes and started to add the details... Or as my wife said' oh that's nice you painted the chimney ' 😁
  2. Great place Topsham-- super big Antiques place in the harbour. Worth visiting.
  3. Thanks Yves A bit of a pain but I think will really stand out once completed, this is my first 'non wooden' Napoleonic ship I have attempted. I saw a few being done on here and just goat the bug LOl . I spray the stipes and then do the P.E parts which are easy to hand paint in.. It would be a nightmare to mask off even with a small amount of detail in place, Next is to stripe the funnel-- then detail it...
  4. Hi Harry been slowly making progress... Work and Family holidays getting in the way LOL Everything is just placed together so some bits may look wonky LOL
  5. first upper deck stripe done. I wont fix the funnel cap until after its its stripes -Thought Id better the ground work adding the stripes in before it gets too cluttered with PE to mask nicely.
  6. in all the rush to show it I placed it the wrong way around lol--- all the deck sections and funnel are not glued. I wont do that until they are all painted,
  7. quite pleased with the result-- just a bit of paint and placed on the funnel to see how it looks
  8. Your right the few bits I have done keep getting bent 😞
  9. Not posted for a short while. I have been slowly plugging away at the main decks and bridges. Once all the PE is on a section I gave it a light grey spray to show up any bad joints or wobbly parts-- far easier to see. The three decks are not glued together.
  10. The skeleton of the first superstructure is done .now to try and wrap it in PE 😲
  11. Hi, just wanted to say 'thank you ' I have found all your efforts into posting and commenting.super helpful..I'm just at the initial superstructure assembly with my Amati Bis. Cheers ian
  12. absolutely stunning--- a true show winner.. PS My Wife is not happy with you!!!! I showed her your build and suggested I did one similar for the dinning room --- But it would mean moving her shiny display stuff-- so that's a 'NO' 🤣 Might I could fit a Sub on the long very narrow shelf...🤪
  13. Thanks, I was worried that if I got it wrong I could muck up the decking--still new to air brushing and never tried doing any masking like this before.. My 18thC ships just don't call for it LOL
  14. Pleased with it, see more on my build log 😀
  15. brilliant--- make sure she goes somewhere very proud and prominent to be shown off 👍👍
  16. PS -- also looking at the AOS book the false bow waves are asymmetric and not the same both sides as per the masks with the kit.
  17. I started marking out the stripes on the hull before I painted the grey so marking it wouldn't matter. using the instruction measurements it was clear the stripes if continued up the hull would not cut the superstructure in the right place. It would be ok for the painted out version they depict but would be a nightmare for a full stripe job. I temporary taped down the deck and using the AOS book I marked where the stipes cut the deck and worked backwards. On the hull picture you can see both my draft strip marks and the small marks are where the instructions have them
  18. Been looking on line for deck masks for the swastikas..can't find anything in 1/200 .saw one but no stock. Any suggestions? I might have to do a tricky masking job...just want to be lazy 😂
  19. Change of mind .I'm going for the full 5th May striped ,yellow topped turrets so she will need to look smart above the waterline ..I'm doing a trip to the model shop this morning 😄 I hope I don't regret all the masking I'll need to do 😆
  20. Good point Roger..the super structure won't have any I just want to break up the mono slabs of colour on the hull. Keep those comments and observations coming .👍👍👍
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