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Ian B

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Everything posted by Ian B

  1. looking forward to its completion--- I have this on my Christmas present from Santa list ready for the new year
  2. Hi Chris Just found out a 50-gun 17C ship was actually built in Lydney Forrest of Dean called the 'Forrester'...she saw lots of action... That could be a great 'local' build not guess not much world attraction LOL
  3. I have built four ships in the last four years..first full sail , second and third no sails and currently furled sails...so even I can't decide lol 🤣🤣. Do what you think aesthetically looks good to you for your choice of subject..
  4. I used the technical I saw else where on here.. sorry I couldn't remember where..this gives a good nice shallowing towards the yard ends .
  5. I just so love how the hull looks-- so industrial ------Where are you going to display her?>
  6. You'll have to give us a review of them when they arrive
  7. Hi @modeller_masa yes, it is one of her many re-incarnations-- she was changed about quite a bit over her service, a nice model... I will one day get around to building her from scratch-- still think she is a most over looked potential kit for the general model ship building community to issue. On a slight note-- The go ahead has been given to build a full size replica of the the SS Great Western -- a paddle steam in the adjacent dock in Bristol.
  8. I've nearly finished this build..I hope you enjoy it as much as I did...you've made a great start
  9. A great project, love following this superb build
  10. After lots of agonising I started with a couple of furled sails..I will do a mix of full and furled.. so thanks for your great dry runs with the paper..super idea
  11. Chuck of Syren fame on his Cheerful build printed the flag on tissue paper then used a spray fixer. Looked so realistic -- on the Syren website you can down load the last pdf pages which shows how it is done...
  12. Looking fab, the cannons really start to make her look aggressive progress is super-- Love the painting those sails would look great on the model... I'm just about to embark on my sails --so its good to see your mock ups. I now keep changing my mind as to which way to go-- i am now thinking a mix of full and furled sails as per your painting...aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhh to much to choose from 🤪 By the way , I have just fitted royal stays-- I took my lead from you
  13. And the option to obscure the whole planking job in black paint makes it a very appealing first timer build. 😁 I had the same thought Richard with my first build-- Bounty-- nice white paint to cover things up the lower hull ..you are making great progress--keep it up and thanks for starting a building log for us to follow, very much appreciated.
  14. Getting that far is great for understanding the size and shape of her , looking forward to seeing how you get on--- should be fab . Ian
  15. Its coming on great--- glad I am following you, I noticed after looking at your pictures I have missed the foot ropes on my jib boom--- so thanks I shall correct that soon. Liking the anchor chains the length and the colour looks spot on to me...I have not fitted them yet I shall leave that to last when I fit the lights ---
  16. Keep up the good work its looking really promising, I find its all about setting small targets to achieve each one you mentally treat as a 'model' that way steady and sure progress without that feeling 'will i ever get this done' feeling LOL LOL
  17. Hi Daniel I have been following this for a while as this may be my next build-- with all the extra detail you are adding an average kit build is turning into something special---thanks for taking time to share it with us...
  18. Never seen this build before -- keen to see how it turns out-- good luck
  19. Hi Peter @flyer I haven't rigged the Royals--- but might... yes, the stove can be seen slightly (all of the top) -- better than not at all-- I spent so much time doing it I thought it a shame to hide it,
  20. @mort stoll easy -- they were just plastic coated electrical wire---stripped with just the end insolation left on end for the sponge and the bare copper for the shift and painted you can make loads in minutes ...and completely strip wires twisted at the end for the cork screw.
  21. no luck-- tried them as well-- just hoping some shop has old stock stuck somewhere
  22. Thanks, I have just added your build to my favourites-- gives me lots of ideals-- might go fully furled all round.. Better keep it light on here its not my build log Its a great build and looking forward to seeing how it turn out ..amazing I bet!!!
  23. yes--- and with their carriages on to the kit barrels they look right in proportion-- well to my eyes anyway Cannon Carriages - 9-pounder, 1:72 Cannon Carriages - 18-pounder, 1:72
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