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Ian B

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Everything posted by Ian B

  1. I think the coils look super---don't knock them-- you did a good job on a great build.
  2. 10 out of 10 for perseverance--- going to be a great talking point when finished (i guess it is already) when people visit you
  3. second planking done--- now limbering up my sanding arm---sand, fill, sand, fill, sand, fill, sand, fill 🤪🤪🤪
  4. @hof00 thanks Harry, this is my first dedicated workshop in 12 years and the first build on it,. So much nicer having space and all my tools to hand .. Definitely not looking forward to the railings 🫡😂
  5. A bit more sanding then should be ready for second planking
  6. I have some nice copper solid wire and a plan for the fixings... Not long now 🤫
  7. Thanks everyone, every day is a learning day..I'm definitely going to have it also I will be adding a disguising cable...
  8. I know when she was launched she never had them but had it installed soon after, apparently they made sure any pictures of her out of water never showed the bow or doctored it to disguise its installation. The book on the wreck discovery mentions it's. It is described as schallanage active sonar in AOS. Tirpitz had it fitted post 1940 and in a listing differences wth Bismarck it was not mentioned. So I think the assumption is both Bismarck and Tirpitz had the upgrade..I guess we'll never get a definitive answer 😕
  9. Whilst waiting for the glue to dry , I have been working on the Bow casting. 1. mooring hole drilled 2.first filing of the sonar sensors 3. drilled the hole for the bugspiere.
  10. Super thanks both.i can sort the rear shear and leave the front 😁
  11. slightly confused during dry fit of top decks--- advice anyone? The hull is perfectly flat and so are the deck main and stern sections --yet the bow kicks up quite a bit it seems far to much for just a bit of sanding-- is it supposed to? I cant work out if it is wrong or right (i suspect wrong lol ). I just need to check the whole deck is supposed to be flat before I take lots of corrective action?
  12. The builds coming along great, I enjoyed Chucks design a lot. There's plenty of good building time ahead 😉
  13. fascinating-- never heard of or seen one before--- I'm thinking it could be good for applying fake rivets or weld seem lines ?
  14. LOL-- but I'm pragmatic- Just take it one step at a time.. Mind you there should be no excuse for any manufacturer not to have correctly fitting laser cut parts.
  15. No happy to have side conversations were all doing the same build ...
  16. Blimey --Parts 4 to 5 (vertical frame for the stern section) just as bad as the two deck halves earlier. What a terrible fit for such and expensive kit !!! VID_20230308_140719476 (1).mp4
  17. Well I started the easy bit----- Wow was it not straight when I joined the two parts together- I know she went round in circles before she sunk-- she would have gone round in circles when she was launched LOl
  18. As we go along I am relying on everyone here shouting when I get to any bit/section that either needs correcting or advice where you had issues-- Make my life a fraction easier 'Standing on the shoulders of Giants' I think the expression goes...
  19. I certainly will.. initially when I install the bow as I want to incorporate the underwater sonar panels and bits
  20. Super-thanks Werner- I will definitely check it out
  21. At last the waiting is over for me, my new workshop is ready, my last build complete, the corner of the dinning room and the table has been returned to my long suffering Wife, so a fresh start all round . I have watched @hof00@ted99 @rvchima and @Joe100 builds and comments now its my turn LOL So let the fun begin
  22. Hi Harry Are you now using the original ones from the kit?
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