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Everything posted by mtdoramike

  1. I have all the frames cut out, installed on the keel and starting to put on the sheer planks. The box in the front of th deck is the battery box.
  2. Thank Mark, that would be great. Yep I guess you can call it a scratcher.
  3. I have all the pieces cut out, keel and bulkheads or frames. It took me a while because I use a coping saw. I'm not good with a scroll saw and find I have more control going the old fashioned route with the coping saw. It takes more time and a bit more effort, but I get a better result.
  4. I was able to get the crane back together and donated the barge/crane to a local charitable non profit organization, who were thrilled to receive the donation. Unfortunately with the damage that the crane had received originally, it could not be made functional anymore. But to me, it really should not have been functional anyway as a static or r/c model.
  5. The plans show to make the keel and bulkheads out of 1/8" balsa. Well, that ain't going to work for me, I'm going to use 1/8" light plywood for both. I have learned from building R/C boats that building light only means you will have to use more dead weight as ballast. I would rather use stronger building materials than add useless dead weight. Also, anything protruding above deck level means more ballast weight to compensate.
  6. I also would like to do mahogany planking (unpainted) from the bottom of the side port holes to the waterline, which I think would give it a bit more class than painting the entire hull.
  7. I think I may do some modifications on it, by shortening the cabin structure and enclosing it a bit with glass and put in a door to the rear of the cabin, which would give enough room to mount a couple of swivel post fishing seats. But all is up to speculation at this point.
  8. I like the different and unusual that way if I screw up on something, no body really knows because there are fewer examples out there to judge it by hahahahaha.
  9. A fellow model building sophisticate Pat Tritle developed this build years ago and since he is a model building hero of mine, I thought I might give the Yoda's Ark a go. But I have a few other things in the works at the moment, I hope to start on it soon. The model is based on an artists rendering of a 1930's Great Gatsby era line of an excursion boat. Another modelling sophisticate of mine also built this model and gave me the plans and building templates from his Yoda build.
  10. Here is the Lucky Lady aka: 1940 Barrel Back Mahogany Run about all dolled up and ready for her new home. I made sure and asked the recipient of this model if his wife was ok sharing him with the Lucky Lady, he laughed and said sure, he was getting it for his adult son for Christmas. Hahahahahahaha.
  11. absolutely beautiful work. Folks don't realize that a display base can either add to or take away from the model. Yours matches the majesty of the model you are building.
  12. Unfortunately the spilled blue paint on the box kind of ruins the rarity aspect of the kit since the box makes up 50% of the collectability of the kit. Although I do like the splash of blue, it gives it character.
  13. Those are some ambitious projects for sure and that Wyoming is really something.
  14. Thanks Chris, it's a labor of love or some times hate hahahaha, just depends on the model and how bad of shape it's in.
  15. Let me introduce you to the Lucky Lady, she was an orphaned partially built kit that I felt sorry for and adopted. She will be finished within the next couple of weeks. This is a vinyl decal reminiscent of the old nose art on military planes. It will be covered with epoxy resin to seal it.
  16. I also would like to offer my condolences for your loss. I agree with Chris on his analysis. Even though things may not equate to monetary value, they still have value to you. I would offer them to folks with children. I think they would look lovely sitting on a shelf in a Childs bedroom.
  17. I pretty much finished the Crockett. She's sitting awaiting her home port. I will post some finished pictures of it. I also adopted another way ward orphaned 1940 Chris Craft mahogany runabout, which had been partially built and then left to whither on the vine so to speak. I'll try and give it a little love and breath a little life into it. The work quality that had been done isn't the best as usual. I usually don't like building the same model twice, but I felt sorry for it and hated to see it getting kicked from pillar to post without someone taking a bit of gumption and finishing it.
  18. Why not, even adding in shipping and customs fees, it is still great values. If I were still building tall ship models, I would have bought them all.
  19. Resale values of kits notoriously run 50% less than retail. Which would put the value of this kit around $90.00. He posted if someone wanted it for postage. I offered considerably more than what postage should be on this kit. I'm not particularly interested in the kit and hope someone will step up and offer more than what I have. But if not, then I will take it.
  20. If they back out, I will give you $50.00 shipped for the kit.
  21. I have a buyer lined up for the Crockett. He will be driving down from Georgia to pick it up in a few weeks.
  22. Yes, I also replaced most of the decals after applying them because I didn't like the water slide decals.
  23. The model doesn't look to be in bad shape. A few hours and it would be good as new. I have seen models built by self proclaimed perfectionist and I was not impressed. I'm not a perfectionist, but to me perfectionism is subjective. I have found when it comes to model building, perfectionism can and in most instances create more harm than good.
  24. Where are you going to put the already together hull? It ain't going to in a 30x8x4 box, the original kit box maybe.
  25. If you are getting a free kit, with the hull built and deck planked for $100.00 shipped by who ever packs it, I would jump on it. I have built this particular Mamoli Victory several years ago, and it is a nice kit that builds into a respectable model. If I wanted to build another Victory, I would be all over this deal like a frog on a June Bug.
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