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Everything posted by mtdoramike

  1. Welcome to MSW. You have a wonderful supply of wood, I just wish you carried mahogany, which I tend to use a lot of.
  2. Thank you CD for posting pics of the contents as well as the instructions. A lot of build logs miss that part on kits. I love to see the details, especially the contents of the detail kit.
  3. Boy, she is looking beautiful and realistic as does that Victory behind her.
  4. I have started on the cabin structure. I took the parts of the plans and used a printer to expand the cabin structure parts to 15% larger, since the is a larger version. I then made templates out of the plan pieces.
  5. I was able to get the top deck planked, installed the stuffing tubes, rudder shafts, cut out the portholes, painted the hull and installed the portholes. She is starting to pretty up a bit.
  6. No, a lot of the fun stuff has already been done, the rigging is the boring stuff yet to be done. The planking is exceptional and a very good job on it at this point. Someone should grab this.
  7. I don't know about a score, I have bought several kits on ebay claiming to be complete and two out of at least 15 have been complete. All the others are missing various items from keel and frames to fittings to plans. If your good at semi-scratch building then most of the time it works out to be a decent deal, but hardly a score.
  8. Yeah, you would think after 47 years she would know better, but she still sends me to the grocery store with a list hahahaha. You would think by now she would have realized that dog won't hunt, but God bloess her for trying though. It kind of reminds me of that saying "the very definition of insanity is doing the same thing, the same way and expect a different result".
  9. That seems like a good sale. unfortunately, I wouldn't know what I needed or even how to use it or what to use it on. I have always been curious about them, but like my wife always points out "you need another hobby like you need another hole is your head" hahaha.
  10. I had to build up the sides about 1 1/2" to get the right profile. I then puttied it with bondo.
  11. I built in the battery box on the top deck as well as laid the subdeck on the top deck. I had to build the front portion up because the top deck extends up 1 1/2" on the original Yoda. I then planked the upper portion with wood planking, then covered over the planking with bondo body filler. I'm now in the process of smoothing and sanding the bondo filler to get it as smooth as possible.
  12. I don't have nor did I ever have those Byrnes Trifecta. I did however buy well over $200.00 on modeling tools 25 years ago and wound up selling or giving most of them away because I didn't need them. But then again it's good excuse to tell your wife how you need all those over priced tools/toys for your hobby. I'm a minimalist, I don't even use a scroll saw, although I do own one. I use a coping saw most of the time because I have more control of it and get a better cleaner cut all be it slower. My desk top belt sander is my hand 3x21" belt sander flipped up side down on my bench.
  13. That is a really nice setup and unfortunately a waste of money. I don't have but maybe a tenth of that stuff and built close to 100 ship and boat models over a 25 year period.
  14. Oh I forgot to mention Dumas.com for quite a bit of R/C stuff. I also buy my motors and speed controllers mainly from Ebay.
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