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Everything posted by mtdoramike

  1. The Caribbean Dreamin BR549 is did. I have the fishing nets installed, so she is ready to go fishing.
  2. The original buyer backed out on buying her due to budget constraints. So the Caribbean Dreamin BR549 is up for sale. It is 36" long and about 24" tall and about 9" wide. It has a preformed plastic hull (one of the best I have ever seen). It is built from the Artesania Latina Hellen kit. It will come receiver ready to run, all you have to add is your radio/receiver and battery. I just need to tidy it up a bit and she'll be ready to go. $275.00 plus shipping cost.
  3. Awww that hull issue ain't no big deal at all, wish I had the funds, I would have loved the challenge of building this beast.
  4. Unfortunately, I built that particular model over 20 years ago. But a couple of things I would suggest is to built your own stern windows and ditch the wood chips used to simulate copper plating and use copper foil tape instead. Also, If I remember correctly, I changed the depth of the cannon, even the dummies because I felt they protruded out to far from the sides of the hull. I did this on both the Mamoli and Model Shipways versions if memory serves.
  5. It's getting close to being completed, I have to button up a few things on her and she will be ready for a new home.
  6. I'm quite curious to see how much ballast will be required for her to float properly with all the extra weight from the deck house going upward. I did a float test on her for leaks before I installed the deck and put in about 8oz of lead weight midship and the stem of the boat at that time. Due to the roundness of the bottom of the hull, I'm sure it's going to take quite a bit more weight because with that shape, she will tend to roll a bit and be a bit pitchy.
  7. Thanks Bob, your right they look sharp on the boat. I can see the light at the end of the tunnel and should have the Caribbean Dreamin done within a few days.
  8. I bought these tires to use as side bumpers for the Hellen. I loosely and I mean loosely based my build on this boat.
  9. I know the feeling Bob, I've done all of those things, even the Xacto knife, fortunately, I was wearing a pair of loafers at the time, so no damage. The worst injury I have had was a couple of years ago, while cutting out gun ports on the Montane's. The Xacto knife slipped and cut a 1 1/2" in the top of my hand down to the bone and then some. Now I use cutting gloves that Oyster shuckers use. I was able to spend a little time on the Hellen aka: Caribbean Dreamin last night/ I got the deck glued down, deck furnishings installed, mast made and installed. I'm on the fence about using the brass mast tops. I think they are a bit too out of place on a fishing boat, but I'm not building it for me. If they are used, the sure as heck ain't staying brass, I will paint them. Though it is a shame to paint turned brass.
  10. I had to take a few days off from the model. I made the mistake of drilling a nice hole in my finger. I always tell buyers or people who receive one of my builds that I a bit of blood sweat and tears in it and I don't mean this figuratively, but more like literally.
  11. I didn't realize you have documented all of your progress on YouTube, I'm checking them out now to see how you weathered parts such as the Deadeyes, which look like they were blackened. I have done very little weathering on any of the 60-70 models that I have built because I usually build to sell or donate and people usually gravitate more toward shiny things, which is why I'm considering trying my hand at weathering a model for my grandson.
  12. It is an interesting concept and I do like your approach to it as well as the video. I would like to ask how you did the weathering on the unpainted wood? I'm considering trying my hand at extreme weathering a wooden tall ship model for my grandson and making it like a ghost ship and possibly in a diorama scene. Nothing fancy like as large as the Trinidad, something a bit more of a smaller scale and fairly cheap in case I mess it up.
  13. If I offended you, that was not my intent, I was merely asking if this was the look you were going for and if your intent was to make it more of a ghost ship or a ship that had just been through several battles. You usually don't see a ship weathered to this point. As long as you are building a model to your liking that is what it's all about.
  14. Here is where I was going with this build and color theme. I finally got the name graphics in this morning.
  15. I'm getting ready to glue the deck to the hull and working on the mast.
  16. I'm following right along, I have the Tamiya Tirpitz 1/350 scale waiting it's turn. Are you going to build it radio control or static?
  17. When I saw a build thread going on the Santisima Trinidad, I was elated. This is one of my top 5 model kits. My question to you is, are you trying to weather the model, or make it into a ship wreck? The reason why I ask this is because weathering can add to a model when tastefully done, but really de-track from a model when it is over done. Full scale Military vessels were never weathered or allowed to weather very much, the job of the crew was to insure the ship remained in tip top shape even when out to sea.
  18. I have built a few of the Billings kits, if not mistaken the older kits did not come with the fittings package and required you to purchase them separately. I think most of the newer kits comes with the fittings packages now. The last two Billings kits I built were the newer kits, Blue Nose and the Danmark and both came with the fittings, the Danmark had an extensive fittings packages. But yes, some of the fittings such as the blocks are plastic, which is easily replaced. The fittings kits can be purchased from the Billings boats site.
  19. I think I remember seeing your Mateo on Ebay and thought that was a fantastic price for that particular kit and had I not built it close to 20 years ago, I would have been all over it. The Norske Love is a very nice kit and usually when you find it, it never comes with the fittings package, which sells separately at Billings. I built the Artesania Latina version of the Spirit of Mississippi by OCcre called the King of the Mississippi, they are basically the same kit and it was a hoot to build. They shouldn't last long for they are all great kits. Good luck on your sale.
  20. These are some really nice kits, That Tratamores would make a nice R/C boat, the Constructo San Mateo makes into a beautiful ship. But you really should list some kind of prices to give an idea of what you are looking to get out of them as a starting point. Without pricing, you leave yourself open to Low Ballers.
  21. Boy or boy, would I have loved to tackle that beauty, but I'm sure she isn't quite an orphan yet and someone will more than likely give her a good home.
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