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    mtdoramike got a reaction from Canute in Model expo Constitution   
    You can't deal with a better company than Model Expo. They make every attempt at correcting any issues that you may have with a kit that they manufacture and will even assist the best they can to short comings of foreign manufactured kits as well. Try dealing with Artesania Latina or Constructo or Mamoli, I have on a few occasions and what a real pain in the butt it was on each occasion. I have built a number of Model Shipways kits and have yet to be missing any parts. The Constitution is one fantastic kit so I don't doubt for a minute that it's popular Marc. I have built a few Constitution kits and the Model Shipways version is by far my favorite and quite realistic too.
    Way to go Model Expo.
  2. Like
    mtdoramike reacted to GLakie in Montanes by mtdoramike - FINISHED - OcCre - 1:70 scale - next donation project   
    The planking turned out good Mike. I think it works well for it too! 
  3. Like
    mtdoramike got a reaction from coxswain in Montanes by mtdoramike - FINISHED - OcCre - 1:70 scale - next donation project   
    Finished the planking of the upper deck. Pictures of before and after the trimming.

  4. Like
    mtdoramike got a reaction from texxn5 in Model expo Constitution   
    You can't deal with a better company than Model Expo. They make every attempt at correcting any issues that you may have with a kit that they manufacture and will even assist the best they can to short comings of foreign manufactured kits as well. Try dealing with Artesania Latina or Constructo or Mamoli, I have on a few occasions and what a real pain in the butt it was on each occasion. I have built a number of Model Shipways kits and have yet to be missing any parts. The Constitution is one fantastic kit so I don't doubt for a minute that it's popular Marc. I have built a few Constitution kits and the Model Shipways version is by far my favorite and quite realistic too.
    Way to go Model Expo.
  5. Like
    mtdoramike got a reaction from mtaylor in Model expo Constitution   
    You can't deal with a better company than Model Expo. They make every attempt at correcting any issues that you may have with a kit that they manufacture and will even assist the best they can to short comings of foreign manufactured kits as well. Try dealing with Artesania Latina or Constructo or Mamoli, I have on a few occasions and what a real pain in the butt it was on each occasion. I have built a number of Model Shipways kits and have yet to be missing any parts. The Constitution is one fantastic kit so I don't doubt for a minute that it's popular Marc. I have built a few Constitution kits and the Model Shipways version is by far my favorite and quite realistic too.
    Way to go Model Expo.
  6. Like
    mtdoramike got a reaction from Ryland Craze in Model expo Constitution   
    You can't deal with a better company than Model Expo. They make every attempt at correcting any issues that you may have with a kit that they manufacture and will even assist the best they can to short comings of foreign manufactured kits as well. Try dealing with Artesania Latina or Constructo or Mamoli, I have on a few occasions and what a real pain in the butt it was on each occasion. I have built a number of Model Shipways kits and have yet to be missing any parts. The Constitution is one fantastic kit so I don't doubt for a minute that it's popular Marc. I have built a few Constitution kits and the Model Shipways version is by far my favorite and quite realistic too.
    Way to go Model Expo.
  7. Like
    mtdoramike reacted to JerseyCity Frankie in Model expo Constitution   
    Its not every day on the internet that you see the CEO of a company step in personally and address the complaint of one of the companies customers! And even on the rare occasion we see this happen, seldom do you hear more than some platitudes and vague generalities.
    Its refreshing to see this kind of response, an actual precise explanation from a person that could have very easily pretended not to know about a problem.
    Model Expo has been an important part of this hobby and I wonder how many of us would be making models today if the company had not been there over the years offering tools and kits? I wish all hobby companies were as attentive to their customers.
  8. Like
    mtdoramike got a reaction from CaptainSteve in Heavily decorated ships   
    The older you get, there is always an issue with shrinkage.
  9. Like
    mtdoramike got a reaction from CaptainSteve in Heavily decorated ships   
    Well it appears you need a hammer to break it so...........Also, thanks for making me hanker for some baked chicken.
  10. Like
    mtdoramike got a reaction from toms10 in USF CONSTELLATION by toms10 - FINISHED - Artesania Latina - scale 1:85 - first wooden build   
    I know what you mean Mark, back when Ship in Scale had there chat room up and running back in the late 90's there was a big discussion on that aft portion of the Constellation being accurate or not. There was discussion about the stern being square like the Connie, but without plans, or some type of documentation, how would anyone know this and why would the stern galley have been changed is what I find to be the interesting question if it had been.
  11. Like
    mtdoramike got a reaction from toms10 in USF CONSTELLATION by toms10 - FINISHED - Artesania Latina - scale 1:85 - first wooden build   
    WOW, now you see, an old dog like me can still learn a thing or three. I didn't even think of that option when deciding on what to do with the metal windows, I just decided to chunk them and scratch build some new ones. I wish I had thought of doing it your way, it would have saved a few hours of work for sure.
  12. Like
    mtdoramike got a reaction from mtaylor in Heavily decorated ships   
    The older you get, there is always an issue with shrinkage.
  13. Like
    mtdoramike got a reaction from mtaylor in Heavily decorated ships   
    Well it appears you need a hammer to break it so...........Also, thanks for making me hanker for some baked chicken.
  14. Like
    mtdoramike reacted to uss frolick in Heavily decorated ships   
    The most heavily decorated ship of the American Navy was the USS President. When launched in 1800, she had a triple figure head, consisting of the bust of George Washington sitting on a rock, supported on either side by two full length female figures, each representing an important virtue.
  15. Like
    mtdoramike reacted to Eibwen in Heavily decorated ships   
    Jan, whenever I placed them on the hull, they become hard (must be because of the chemical reaction due to the superglue, as I said before)
    best regards
  16. Like
    mtdoramike reacted to Keith_W in Heavily decorated ships   
    Brian, I am not sure if he is referring to the same salt dough that I know, but: salt dough is what Chinese cooks use to make a dish called "beggars chicken". It is a mixture of 2/3 flour, 1/3 salt, and enough water to make a cement-like dough. It is rolled out, then the chicken placed inside with herbs and flavourings, then the whole thing is sealed to make a parcel, then baked. The chicken cooks in its own juices, and no moisture or flavour escapes. When it comes out of the oven, it is rock hard and needs a hammer to break it open, revealing the tender chicken inside. 
    The story goes that a beggar stole a chicken. When the farmer came looking for his chicken, the beggar wrapped the chicken in mud and threw it into the fire. This resulted in the most tender, juicy, and intensely flavoured chicken he had ever eaten, so a new dish was born. I still get excited whenever I am served this. 
    I had never thought of using salt dough for modelling. Salt dough is easy to handle, softens with water, easy to clean, and holds details well. The only question is - how durable is it?
  17. Like
    mtdoramike reacted to mtaylor in USF CONSTELLATION by toms10 - FINISHED - Artesania Latina - scale 1:85 - first wooden build   
    Yeah..it's interesting on that story.. the "claimers" said that when the ship went through it's "repair" in 1854, that they changed the stern and length and also "improved" the lines.  One of the things I learned was that they stole and modified or replaced the drawing in the national archives.  Where the originals of her went, no one seemed to have knowledge of.  
    The square stern was documented in notes by the designer as it was similar to Constitution's.   Also there's several paintings that show this.   I serously wish AL would go back and rework this kit to reflect the actual Constellation as it sits now, not as it sat about 40 years ago or more.  Not that hard, the hull is right.  It would just be a matter of tweaking the weather deck and getting rid of those Star Wars like cannon.
  18. Like
    mtdoramike got a reaction from mtaylor in USF CONSTELLATION by toms10 - FINISHED - Artesania Latina - scale 1:85 - first wooden build   
    I know what you mean Mark, back when Ship in Scale had there chat room up and running back in the late 90's there was a big discussion on that aft portion of the Constellation being accurate or not. There was discussion about the stern being square like the Connie, but without plans, or some type of documentation, how would anyone know this and why would the stern galley have been changed is what I find to be the interesting question if it had been.
  19. Like
    mtdoramike got a reaction from mtaylor in USF CONSTELLATION by toms10 - FINISHED - Artesania Latina - scale 1:85 - first wooden build   
    WOW, now you see, an old dog like me can still learn a thing or three. I didn't even think of that option when deciding on what to do with the metal windows, I just decided to chunk them and scratch build some new ones. I wish I had thought of doing it your way, it would have saved a few hours of work for sure.
  20. Like
    mtdoramike got a reaction from toms10 in USF CONSTELLATION by toms10 - FINISHED - Artesania Latina - scale 1:85 - first wooden build   
    Tom, I'm very Impressed with your accomplishments on the Constellation. I love this ship and the history of it. They call her the sister ship to the Constitution. She was used in the war against slavery of the coast of Africa and was supposed to have captured quite a few slavers once slavery was outlawed in the states. There has also been some discussion about the stern section of the Constellation actually being squared off like the Constitution at one point, but then changed to the rounded version later on. I have to ask, did you use the cheesy metal rear galley windows on the stern? I tried those blasted metal windows and never could get them to lay flat and when I tried to add a bit of curve to them I broke a couple which I thought at the time was no great loss. So I scratched those myself out of wood and wood grating and the looked way better than the cheesy metal windows. I didn't do any painting to the Constellation, all natural wood and no copper plating either and no sails. I sold it shortly after finishing it to a fellow on the East coast of Florida, who still keeps in touch with me.
    I can't get over how fantastic the sails on your Const came out. They look great and so real looking. I have found with most sails, they are either too small or too big, but yours is just the right size.
    Great work and for a first time build, I can't believe it. The Const was like my 3rd or forth model.
  21. Like
    mtdoramike reacted to costeo in Apostol San Felipe by costeo - OcCre   
    ... with the last pictures, this was, summarily, the beginning of my first adventure in model ship... until today, of course!

  22. Like
    mtdoramike reacted to costeo in Apostol San Felipe by costeo - OcCre   
    Just adjustments, small changes, reconditioning works!

  23. Like
    mtdoramike got a reaction from mtaylor in Montanes by mtdoramike - FINISHED - OcCre - 1:70 scale - next donation project   
    Thanks Don, the planking is growing on me especially since it seems to be laying great and the odd sizes of it works pretty well also.
  24. Like
    mtdoramike got a reaction from Bobstrake in Using Cherry for ship builds   
    I have used it to plank a hull with and thought the contrast was beautiful. It's about the same as most other woods to work with that I have found. But I bought some wood planks about an inch thick and 4-5 inch wide and about 4 feet long and cut them down with a table saw and thickness planer to get the desired plank size I needed.
  25. Like
    mtdoramike got a reaction from Canute in Montanes by mtdoramike - FINISHED - OcCre - 1:70 scale - next donation project   
    Thanks Don, the planking is growing on me especially since it seems to be laying great and the odd sizes of it works pretty well also.
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