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Everything posted by Jack12477

  1. Just catching up with your build. Beautiful stand, Steve. Very nice presentation.
  2. Do you ever do your own research ? Or do you expect us to do it for you? ModelExpo - Vallejo paints Hobby Lobby - Vallejo paints
  3. When you load the photos in using the Choose Files function, they load somewhat randomly. To get them added to the post in the order you want, just click the + (plus sign) symbol in the photo preview, click each photo in the order you want and wait for the system to add it before clicking on the next one. I just added photos to my Skipjack build without any problem.
  4. Small Update/Progress Report: I installed the shrouds around the main mast and lashed the deadeyes in place. Had a lot of trouble with the deadeye rings supplied by MS - they spread open too easily and pull out of the chainplates. Spent a lot of time using medium CA getting the "glued" back into the chainplate. They are the ones circled in red in the last photo below.
  5. Vallejo makes a paint specifically formulated for airbrushing straight from the bottle - no mixing or dilution required. They also make a formulation for applying with a brush. Both are available from Hobby Lobby or Micro-Mark (in NJ) mail order.
  6. Did you read Brian's (GuntherMT) post above ? He answered your question.
  7. Nasty stuff Denis. My Admiral had that and came down with a bad C.Diff infection that landed her in hospital for a week. Keep on the probiotics for at least 2 months to be safe.
  8. Derek, if you have any 1/4 x 1/4 inch square stock you could glue it into the 4 corners of that bulkhead and false keel to strengthen that repair.
  9. Just checking to see if everything is still viewable. Still working on the Lazy Jacks and other rigging
  10. Derek, they are water soluble so just thin them down to the consistency you want and brush them on - they go on okay and cover well. I personally find them a tad thick but they are okay to use. Don't throw them out.
  11. I have not built one of their kits but I have seen several finished models built from their kits and the finished models are extremely beautiful.
  12. Lawrence, thanks for the compliment and stopping by. Yes, I am slowly getting the hang of soldering and I think the iron is now "broken in" as they say because it seems to melt the solder a lot quicker than when I started. Right now I'm in the midst of deciphering the rigging diagrams and figuring out how these "Lazy Jack" lines get rigged and also how to make them with all their Y-branches. Also have to transfer the sail pattern from the blueprints to another piece of paper so I can have the Admiral make me two sails. (She volunteered to do it). And messing around with some other fiddly bits.
  13. I did the Longboat a while back. It's a very good kit, bit challenging at times, but not overly challenging for a beginner. In addition the kit contains a Practicum written by Chuck Passaro (admin here on MSW) which is an excellent manual on how to build it. There are also an number of build logs here on MSW to use as reference. So I would say YES, go for it. Start a build log here and ask questions. There are plenty of people who can help you. Welcome aboard.
  14. Congrats, Ken. Absolutely beautiful model and the two figures are very realistic. Thanks for showing us how to do it.
  15. Ken, beautiful job on the dive suit. It sure looks real. Question: What material is the figure made of? It looks like plastic, but I doubt it is since it would probably melt or deform under the temperatures required to bake the Sculpty.
  16. Nuked ? Take a gander at this article on a village on NY's Tug Hill plateau. Seriously tho. When I did the lettering for the stern on the Marie Jeanne I put the Home Port name in both English and Irish Gaelic. For the Gaelic font, I just copied and pasted the name from a Gaelic source directly into the Decal Maker program as text, then adjusted the size to fit the stern. If you find the name in a font you like, just copy/paste it into the Decal Maker program and fiddle with it a bit for size and height.
  17. Hi Russ, just discovered your build. Pulling up a seat in the back to follow along.
  18. Carl, did I mention photography is my other, actually first, hobby, started that one in 8th grade. Model building came later
  19. Nice job on the planks, Mark. Looks like the Deathstar is back to full power
  20. Roger that on the depth of focus - my Canon won't go smaller that F8 - the Pentax will go much smaller. Yeah, ISO 50-100 is generally what I choose when shooting film but haven't "seen" any graininess in the digital so far. Might if I enlarge it a lot but for posting here it's okay.
  21. Carl, my workshop is in the basement - very narrow windows - no much daylight - so I use one of those accordian arm desk lamps with a 75 watt LED bulb rated for daylight (5000 K). Provides plenty of light for even hand-held photos at ISO 400-800 at f/8.
  22. Welcome back, was wondering what happened to you. I can empathize with you on the solid hull - did both the Phantom and Sultana kits and did not like the results. Open a build log of your Syren so we can follow along.
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