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Everything posted by Jack12477

  1. No, not those planes, altho those are very interesting planes. It's these miniature planes http://www.leevalley.com/us/gifts/page.aspx?p=70138&cat=4,104,53212,70138 They come as individual or sets, I would recommend starting with the low angle block plane shown above, and the bench plane. The chisels are useful for getting into small areas of the model. Others as fiances and needs/interest dictate.
  2. $AU190 just to ship it from US to OZ ??? Holy S*** ! Does that include import duty as well....... ? Yes, you're right ! That is some cross to bear in the Colonies.
  3. Jeremy, I have to mail order from them also, no stores nearby
  4. Bill, invest in a set of the Lee Valley Veritas micro planes, specifically the low angle block plane and the bench plane. They may look like a toy but they are fully functional and sharp planes. For "rough sanding" of the hull I use these to pare the wood down and smooth out the edges where the planks mate. And you have a lot more control over them than a Dremel and it saves time on the actual sanding. Model is coming along nicely.
  5. Rich, I use those green fabric Velcro plant ties you get in garden shops to hold my model to the build rack. See the tail end of my Willie Bennett build log for photos of them in use. You could run them under the rack and thru 1 or 2 gun ports - since they're Velcro they go on and off really easy and don't impart a lot of downward pressure on the model.
  6. CT you can also get them from Woodcraft https://www.woodcraft.com/search?q=incra+rules&button=search I have 3 of them - 2 T-bar rules and one flat
  7. All of my Tamiya plastic armor models were painted with Floquil - had every color on the (US) FS-55 (or FS-54 ??) paint chart. Airbrushed on great.
  8. Hi John No I have not tried it on a fully dried out caked paint sans liquid. Most of those I just toss out. I have tried on paint that is almost dried out but still has some liquid and it works pretty good at re-mixing it. The paddle has a very smooth surface with no sharp edges, but lots of dimples for mixing, so you won't cut yourself if you grab it while it's spinning. The motor is not a high torque motor, just enough to mix small batches of paint like we find in model paint jars and it mixes the paint very quickly - cleans up easily also. I have not encountered a paint batch that would "stall" the motor yet, I can "stall" it with my fingers tho if I grab it while it's spinning. I have found it to be a worthwhile investment and use it a lot.
  9. MicroMark makes/sells a small battery powered paint mixer - I've used it to stir all my paint jars - has just the right speed . Worth the price .
  10. The original Floquil formula was based on Xylene base - can be nasty with prolonged exposure - so make sure you have good ventilation when using it. But otherwise I would go ahead and use it. I still have several bottles of the original formula and as long as it as not dried out I can (and do) still use it. Still have some cans of their original solvent. Ken that buyout was several decades ago. I think Testors retired the entire brand line due to issues with Federal VOC laws.
  11. Nice video ! Nice music ! Nice choreography ! But I still don't know how to tie a trucker's hitch
  12. Thanks, Denis. Yes there were two - People's Choice award (1st, 2nd, 3rd place) and the Jim Roberts Award . Everyone who registered got a ballot to vote for the People's Choice award. The Jim Roberts award is a more formally judged award based on a set of criteria - panel of 5 judges did that judging. It's present by the New Jersey Club. Don't know much else about it since I'm new to all this. The winner of both awards is in the NE Joint Clubs forum see this post https://modelshipworld.com/index.php?/topic/15240-35th-annual-northeast-ship-model-conference-and-show/&do=findComment&comment=496528 The rest of the models are a post or two prior to this one. The Admiral won one of the door prizes - the MS Sultana kit - so I guess I'll be building that for her sometime down the line.
  13. We did make it to the Northeast Joint Clubs Conference in New London CT and displayed the Willie Bennett. So to finish off the build log, here's a photo of her at the show. Great show; great models; enjoyed meeting members of MSW.
  14. Ah yes, the little "Budgies or Budgees" - had 3 or 4 of them when my kids were young. Enjoying your build immensely, Frank. Nice work.
  15. David, down here in the lower 48 your "whatcamacallit" is called a line level - very useful for leveling small projects like ship's keels - I have a couple of them
  16. Thanks, Gerty ! Good to see you back at the shipyard, looking forward to following your skipjack build.
  17. Artesania Latina's main website lists it as out of stock price 149.99 Euros. No mention of it being discontinued. https://www.artesanialatina.net/en/108-advanced
  18. Tower Hobbies has it listed as available Late June for $126.49 Latina 1/90 San Francisco II Wooden Model Ship Kit
  19. Denis, if you have a Lowes box store close by, check in their Molding aisle for 1/8 square poplar; I know they have 1/4" sq poplar because that's what I used to build the timber cribs for my Skipjack base. They cost about 99 cents for a 3 ft strip. But it is NOT in with their dimension lumber, it's in the back of store with the molding pieces. Since these big box stores all have pretty much the same layout try aisle 47 crib G 13 H bottom shelf. That's where my Lowes store has them.
  20. Good catch Carl ! Good one also Popeye, but he's not sitting. You missed the gent hiding behind the Marie Jeanne, Carl. And you all missed the Blue Crab picnic taking place right next door, altho Popeye did spot one of the picnicers. Actually these are the wife's Byer's Choice Christmas Carolers, the Nautically attired figures stay up year round to augment the boat display. But the entire shipyard disappears from Thanksgiving to about the Epiphany for the Caroler display. The Picnic (2 Santas flanking the Sailors) The Christmas Caroler display Thanks for the compliments, guys.
  21. On display atop the TV armoire with the other two ships Marie Jeanne (L) and Virginia (R).
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