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Everything posted by Jack12477

  1. Ken, thanks for the response. I'm an old 35mm film guy who hasn't quite mastered the digital camera . I have a Pentax K50 DSLR with a 18-55 mm lens, plus a Canon SX130 pocket digital. (My film camera is a Pentax ist, plus a couple of older Pentax K and H series) I'll have to experiment with the ISO settings and see if I can improve the close-ups I take. I've been using the Aperature Preferred mode. Yours are fantastically sharp with great depth.
  2. Ken, what camera are you using for your photos, both the scenic ones and you close-ups of your model? Are you using a macro lens or close-up filters for the model photos. The clarity and depth of focus is extremely good. I'm assuming you are using a f/16 or higher F-stop plus a tripod for the model photos. I ask as I am an advanced amateur photographer myself, and always looking to improve.
  3. Congratulations ! I have to agree with Chris on the solvents questions. But with all pregnancies one can never be too careful, so best to put the modeling on hold for a while. Also when asking your health care provider about solvents also ask about the woods you are using - the sawdust / vapors given off by wood could have an effect.
  4. Don't know if this book is still available Skipjacks of Deal Island Also the Chesapeake Maritime Museum at St Michaels MD has a nice exhibit of boats. And all the build logs here.
  5. On one of the plan sheets that comes with the Model Expo (Model Shipways) Willie Bennett kit are some guidelines on color schemes typically used for Skipjacks. If you notice, just about all of the models have the bright red/white hull colors seen on the box art. I decided not to follow the box art but kept somewhat close to the color choices of real Skipjacks when I did my version of the Willie Bennett, for example, my hull bottom is Vallejo Hull Red which is more typical, with a Vallejo green for the trim. Since I did not leave the interior exposed I didn't paint it. There is a saying here on MSW that goes "it is your ship and you are the Captain" - translation paint it any color that appeals to your taste and sort of makes sense. Off white for the interior makes sense to me, leaving the floor planks natural perhaps sealed with a coat of Wipe-On-Poly (flat or satin) also makes sense. Are you making this a "working" boat or "pleasure" boat version? A lot of the surviving Skipjacks were converted for use as pleasure boats. That would also influence your choice of colors. Looking forward to seeing photos of your and Rob's models.
  6. For those interested, the El Galeon Andalucia, a replica Spanish galleon, owned by the Fundación Nao Victoria and completed in 2009, will be visiting the Hudson River Maritime Museum in Kingston NY from Sunday August 5th 2017 to Tuesday, August 8th, 2017. Kingston is one of El Galeón's last stops in the United States before heading back to Spain for the foreseeable future. Deck tours will be available. For further details see http://www.hrmm.org/el-galeon.html
  7. Thanks. Boom at the end measures 1/4 inch. I think I used Chuck's 0.025 rope (maybe .035) for the knot. Didn't take notes. Just did it for the fun of it. 34 at 1/16 may be too difficult. I tried using his .018 rope and found it too small to manage, so I went up a size. It's a tricky knot to master even at full scale size.
  8. Glad she is home, John, and recovering. She'll recover better at home than hospital. Prayers and best wishes for you both.
  9. Ken you could tie your own Turk's head, I put one on the boom of my Willie Bennett skipjack. Took a few tries to perfect it and lots of patience. Used Chuck's nice rope. See photo here https://modelshipworld.com/uploads/monthly_01_2017/post-13502-0-58340200-1485189923.jpg Of course doing it for each one of those many oars would be a real challenge
  10. Pat, there's a world of difference between reading an online newspaper, magazine, or web conference site like MSW, and reading a book/manual with hundreds of pages. I don't want to even think about the eye and neck strain reading a digital book/manual that is 200-300-400 pages in length. And with most digital edition newspapers you have to have a paid subscription to post a comment of e-letter to the editor.
  11. Ever try to read a digital manual and write notes in the margins of the pages ? Can't be done.
  12. One of the reasons I hesitate to use Amazon, eBay or ??? I'll take a look a Harbor Freight, they have a store near me so I can do a "touchee feelee".
  13. Must have missed your post. Yes, I have the aluminum 90 degree pieces also for aligning bulkheads and other things also. Have them in 1x1 and 2x2 inch sizes of various short lengths. Chop saw looks like the mini that Micro-Mark sells ! [not the Proxxon brand]
  14. Rich, I use a very fine/small sable artist paint brush dipped in water to lift the decal off the sheet and place it on the model. Takes a little practice but you can master it pretty quickly. You want the decal literally floating on the paper backing.
  15. What type of glue did you use? PVA also called yellow carpenter's glue? or Elmer's white school glue ? or CA type glue. Isopropyl only works with PVA or white glue. For CA you need acetone. 8 hrs of soaking and the part should have floated right off the backing.
  16. There's already a couple of build logs there of aircraft, plus a couple of stage coaches from the 1800s.
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