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    Jack12477 reacted to mtaylor in USS Constitution by CaptainSteve - Model Shipways - 1:76.8 scale   
    Nice horseshoes, sir...  well done.  Copper paint maybe?
    As for a full gundeck... have a look at the other Connie builds.   A lot gets hidden with full planking and decks.. However, you and a few thousand of us will know what's there. 
    Oh.. and tell xken that there's no sacred cows except to be nice and have fun....
  2. Like
    Jack12477 reacted to CaptainSteve in USS Constitution by CaptainSteve - Model Shipways - 1:76.8 scale   
    For those o' ye who ha' not a-followed Our Hero through his Bounty Launch build, and be yet to discover the vagaries of CaptainSteve, then ye shall soon learn-eth that he doth have a tendency to go off on tangents, at times.
    Most verily, this be one o' those times !!!
    "If you wouldst recall," CaptainSteve didst begin-eth, "'t'other eve there be three drink can ring-pulls a-sitting on me work-bench ..."
    These were not there, as one might assume, simply because Our Hero got lazy and couldst naught be bothered to clean up after his-self.
    "I be a-seein' this pic," he were to announce-eth, "in me copy of Marquardt's AOTS."

    It got Our Hero to thinkin', and this eve he were to take-eth up his Dremel and his pin-drill.

    "Now, they be a-lookin' like this !!" CaptainSteve stated, somewhat emphatically.

    Hmmm ... 'pon reflection Our Hero may consider a re-do ...
  3. Like
    Jack12477 reacted to UpstateNY in USS Constitution by CaptainSteve - Model Shipways - 1:76.8 scale   
    Kudos to Matt and the Nutz Brothers for planning ahead.    Very sensible chaps indeed.
    Now, I don't think even the Connie has enough decks for me to swab to cover the weekly entrance fee to the posh seats, even if snacks are included!  But, never mind, there is space back here so let me see if all is ready.
    1) Comfy camping chair w integrated adult beverage holder.
    2) Binos so I don't miss any of the action
    3) Cooler packed w lots of beverages  to share including my favorite single malt and of course some Jim Beam for our host.
    4) Snacks...hopefully the Nutz Brothers are OK w peanuts. 
    Yep..all looks good and the cap is of the first beer...work is done for the day....and so life is good!  Looking forward to the build! 

  4. Like
    Jack12477 reacted to trippwj in Andrea Gail by popeye the Sailor - FINISHED - 1:20 scale   
    Nice recovery, my friend!  The details you put into these are absolutely mind boggling (however, before you get a swelled head, it does not really take much to boggle my mind....)
    As to our Dutch friend and his IRL - I suppose that is better than the other Dutch word he taught me
    Cary on - we all wonder what is next!
    :im Not Worthy:
  5. Like
    Jack12477 reacted to mtaylor in Licorne 1755 by mtaylor - 3/16" scale - French Frigate - from Hahn plans - Version 2.0 - TERMINATED   
    Thank you for the comments and the "likes".
    It was a minor point, Carl.. a fiddly place in the curve.  A bit of sandpaper took care of it.    I did rip off the channel wales and have put them back on (properly) this time.  I guess I'm being too,,, hmm..  focused... yeah... focused.  The planking on the outside of the bulwarks is moving forward.
    She's about 2 /1/2 feet long at this point.  Bathtub?  Maybe I ought to build one really big and opt for a swimming pool?  I wonder if the Admiral would buy into that...?  Maybe. 
    You're right...  I keep forgetting it's in the picture.    :D  
    Back to planking.
  6. Like
    Jack12477 reacted to Piet in Hr. Ms. O 19 1938 by Piet - FINISHED - scale 1:50 - submarine of the Royal Navy Netherlands in service 1939 - 1945   
    Thank all of you my friends for your kind words.
    It's time now for me to search for some water or alcohol based dye for my display board side molding. I also want to make a few extra things for the display, like a few crates of Heineken beer, another anchor, a few more mines and crew members of course.
    For all practical purposes the model is finished and am now figuring out how to take the photos.  I plan to make a few prints on glossies to give to the museum in Holland.
    So, till then,
  7. Like
    Jack12477 reacted to cog in Andrea Gail by popeye the Sailor - FINISHED - 1:20 scale   
    I knew it, when I read it about the reel, I just knew it ... you wouldn't stop!!! You can't ... it naggs, and you start to fret and won't be able to sleep, so you just did a rare redo ... you couldn't resist and when the reel didn't come off ... you just had to try ... now I'm curious ... where are those last pictures ... those pictures of a redone reel ..? Knowing I need to wait all day ... just to get a glimpse ... the suspence is killing me
  8. Like
    Jack12477 reacted to popeye the sailor in Andrea Gail by popeye the Sailor - FINISHED - 1:20 scale   
    all ready did...........done...........and back on the deck!  the reel was re-spooled as well.   I ended up still having to pass it over the lower bars of the  'X'   but now it doesn't rub any of the other bars.   it looks close though,  but it's better than it was.    now I go to bed a happy camper 
  9. Like
    Jack12477 reacted to gjdale in Bomb Vessel Granado 1742 by gjdale - FINISHED - 1/48 - Cross-Section   
    (Continued from last post)
    The completed Shell Room was then placed on the model, but has not been permanently fixed as yet - just in case it needs to come out again during construction of the next phase of building.






  10. Like
    Jack12477 reacted to gjdale in Bomb Vessel Granado 1742 by gjdale - FINISHED - 1/48 - Cross-Section   
    Thanks again for all the good wishes folks.  After a week or so of complete rest following the operation, I was permitted to return to the shipyard in a very limited capacity, which has been enough to enable me to complete the assembly of the Shell Room.
    Before commencing assembly, I thought ahead one more step and realised that the upper support beams will be let into the deck beams above them. To ensure a proper fit, I cut a 5/16" slot in a piece of scrap using a 5/16" end cutter in the Sherline Mill.  I then passed each of the three upper support beams through the Byrnes Thickness sander a couple of times so that they made an easy slide fit in the test notch.  This should mean that the Deck Beams will be easy to fit, allowing a little room for glue.
    Here are a few shots of the third (and final) set of components dry-fitted as a final check for accuracy:



    In order to provide easy access for both application of Wipe-On Poly and installation of the Bombs, final assembly was done in stages.  The first stage was installation of the centre-line racks.  In the next photo, you can see the centreline racks installed, with WOP applied and Bombs temporarily installed.  You can also see the brass pins used to aid alignment during installation.

    After that the Bombs were epoxied in place in all racks, the port and starboard racks were installed and finally the header cross beams were added.  Here are a few shots of the finished product:




    In the next post I'll add some of the completed Shell Room in place on the model.
  11. Like
    Jack12477 reacted to Piet in Andrea Gail by popeye the Sailor - FINISHED - 1:20 scale   
    Hey Popeye, marvelous work my friend.  I see the air horn!  Like it?  That's not the word for it - - I LOVE it, it's looking great.
    Came back today from Fayetteville and there were a few similar models, nice but naked compared to your ship!  I'll post a pic of them tomorrow so everyone can see what a difference it makes to a model when everything is put on the model that can be put on a model. 
  12. Like
    Jack12477 reacted to xken in US Brig Niagara by xken - FINISHED - Model Shipways - Scale 1/64   
    Made a test with the black glue experiment using white glue and Lamp Black; my first attempt I added too much Lamp Black which resulted in a weak glue joint. I added more white glue to the mix and then had a strong joint also a more of a darker gray than a true black. Lamp Black can be purchased at any paint store that mixes paint, I bought 1 ounce for less than a dollar.
    After the glue set I sanded then piece down to get a nice clean joint. I then stained with Colonial Oak which looks similar to the deck of the real brig pictures. The stain I have is oil based so must be stained after gluing. Staining first would result in poor adhesion of the glue unless a water based stain is used.

    I water soaked two long strips in the plastic bag that wood strips are shipped in over night and edge formed them and clamped one at a time to the 1/32" pattern. The clamped half overhung the edge of a desk while weighted to keep the pattern flat and I used a ruler to check the flatness of the pattern. When one was dried on the pattern it was removed and the second clamped and dried. The longer the parts are left dried (ideally overnight) the better the results with less spring back.

    Here is a closeup showing the flatness of the pattern which is critical.

    This shows the pattern with the formed strips with the deck planking awaiting the black glue.

    Now to sort out the butt pattern for the deck planks; right now I am considering a length of 4 inches for the individual planks and then bleeding off with random lengths at the stern and bow.
  13. Like
    Jack12477 reacted to mtaylor in Licorne 1755 by mtaylor - 3/16" scale - French Frigate - from Hahn plans - Version 2.0 - TERMINATED   
    Ah.. update sooner than I thought.  Got the anchor planking done on the starboard side.  I've ripped off the wales and redid them.  Have one small area I'm not thrilled with in the pearwood part.  But I think I can fix that with some more sanding.  I'll sort it out when I go to plank that area.   Next in line is to continue up the rail (cutline).  I won't be cutting her free though for quite a while as like the security of the jig. 

  14. Like
    Jack12477 reacted to GLakie in Hr. Ms. O 19 1938 by Piet - FINISHED - scale 1:50 - submarine of the Royal Navy Netherlands in service 1939 - 1945   
    Said it before, but what the heck----It's a really great thing you guys have done, and are doing now, with the Lifeboats for Warriors, and I'm proud of you both for the part you play. Having seen it now on FB and the TV link, I almost feel like I met you guys in person. 
  15. Like
  16. Like
    Jack12477 reacted to Omega1234 in Hr. Ms. O 19 1938 by Piet - FINISHED - scale 1:50 - submarine of the Royal Navy Netherlands in service 1939 - 1945   
    Thanks Piet for sharing your words and sentiments. Having read your experiences, and especially the fact that you've only recently had closure, just makes the reason behind Dave's efforts, all the more real. There are somethings that take time and in your case, I hope that your pain is now bearable.
    All the very best and take care.
  17. Like
    Jack12477 reacted to mtaylor in Hr. Ms. O 19 1938 by Piet - FINISHED - scale 1:50 - submarine of the Royal Navy Netherlands in service 1939 - 1945   
    A moving and fitting tribute.  We, who have gone in harm's way know that life change in an instant.  Those left behind don't always understand. 
    I'm proud to know you and Dave at least through this forum.  I wish I were closer to the east coast as I would have loved to have been there.  Let's hope there's  a "next year" and more of us can be there.
  18. Like
    Jack12477 reacted to Piet in Hr. Ms. O 19 1938 by Piet - FINISHED - scale 1:50 - submarine of the Royal Navy Netherlands in service 1939 - 1945   
    Thank you all for your kind words and my special thanks to SawdustDave for planning this event for a very worthy cause.  Children who have lost their fathers in a war.  
    Regardless how tragic this is for them, at least they have their father buried in a tangible grave they can visit.  I do not have that, and not till a rather recent time I did not fully know how my father died.  The part of the ship where his battle station is is the part that was hit by the Jap torpedo and in the resulting explosion that part just vanished, evaporated, with him and his shipmates.  Yes, I write it in the present tense, for a reason.
    However, I now do have actual photographs of the wreck and the stern section just aft of his battle station, so now I also have a grave marker.  I do have closure of sorts but the hurt is still there.
    So, I do fully understand the loss of these children, the mental anguish they have to deal with for a long time.  I was fortunate in that my father came home while his ship was being rearmed and fueled, to say his goodbyes.  One of the things he told me man to man was, that it is his duty to go out with the fleet to meet the enemy.  That word - duty - is burned into my memory.  No matter how unfair this world deals with us  These fathers have sworn an auth as well.  It was their duty to put their lives on the line, tragically, some did not survive.
    Dave deserves our admiration and thanks for his time and effort to set up this affair in order to gen up some capital to give something back to these children as a small token of our gratitude for the ultimate price their beloved fathers paid.
    That's why I did not hesitate to drive 450 miles to be an active part in that effort and share my story.
    Sorry for the sob story but I felt all of you needed to know why Dave set this up, for there is a great need to help these children and of course the widows who are left behind.
    I sincerely hope that more can be done in the future.
  19. Like
    Jack12477 got a reaction from augie in USF Confederacy by Augie & Moonbug - FINISHED - Model Shipways - 1:64   
    Augie, what they all said above and more !  WOW ! Really nice.
  20. Like
    Jack12477 reacted to augie in USF Confederacy by Augie & Moonbug - FINISHED - Model Shipways - 1:64   
    Time for a small update.  In preparation for the quarter deck planking, a series of coamings, hatches, gratings and ladder down to the gun deck have been added.  Nothing spectacular, but here are a few photos to show where we are:




    Need to do a little tweaking before everything is cemented in place.  
    Have begun working on the waterways and margin planks.  These are being cut from Swiss Pear.  Need to finalize some decisions as to how much of the quarter deck will be left open to view the interior.  I'm favoring Chuck's suggestion to leave the entire port side open but I think I may add the margins and waterways to that side just to look more 'finished'.  
    No pressure   .......  
  21. Like
    Jack12477 reacted to popeye the sailor in Andrea Gail by popeye the Sailor - FINISHED - 1:20 scale   
    the last picture....will be the next area worked on.   a hole was drilled on both sides of the fore deck reel,  and thread was cemented in them.  I did one side at a time.   I'm taking a gamble on how the runout should look.......but I'm going to have it toward the bow side.   I'm hoping it don't hit the upper frame of the trawl rig.

    the lengths of small dowel for the buoys were cut......there will be six of them.   these are 1" beads........I'm beginning to think that they are too long.   I may try to cut a small section out and make them shorter.....I'll have to see what they will look like.

    both sides of the fore deck reel have the thread on now

    looking at the picture above,  you may notice the eye bolts on the stern bulwark posts.  they are white,  and may be hard to see.   the same goes for the eye bolts on the top bar of the aft section.   I removed those blocks under the gangway,  and will relocate them here.   the short pieces of chain that they were suspended from were too long anyway.

    here is the angle in which I settled on for the 'birds'.

    it's gonna need a wide berth........but I like it this way.   the progress with the third control panel is at this stage,  at the moment.   almost ready for sanding....I've done some already.

    one of the buoy poles has a bead on it..........the first step in figuring how to assemble them.   I believe them to be plastic,  so making them shorter should be easier.   if it doesn't work,  I can get them in a shorter size........but if I can make 'em work........all the better!
  22. Like
    Jack12477 reacted to popeye the sailor in Andrea Gail by popeye the Sailor - FINISHED - 1:20 scale   
    more progress was made yesterday.   I began by doing a bit more with the air horn.....I didn't need to do much.   I hope Piet can see his contribution to the build......and I hope he like it 


    the next step I took,  was to decide how I was going to show the 'birds'.   I was on the fence about it,  but I did like the idea of showing them partially deployed.   the rigging was terminated with them slightly off the mark.

    the length of chain needed for the counter weights was measured and cut on the starboard side.  the port side pulley was fitted with the chain and the end was cemented in place.  it will have the same runout as the other side.

    basically,  all I did was tie a piece of string to the chain and rig it up through the eye rings on the boom.   it was then threaded through the pulley at the tip.   the weights will need to be made now.

    the fore deck reel control panel still needed to be made.......it starts the same way as the others.   why I didn't make all three at the same time........it's all part of the madness,  my friends! 

    the port side counter weight chain went pretty much the same way as the other.........the thread......up and through the pulley........with a clothes pin on the end,  as a counter weight for the time being

    not that it really matters......but I can add some slack to the chain as it sits still.  to move the model at any given time,  will cause it to lose it,  with the weight on.  but this can be easily put back,  when the model is finally on the shelf. the only reason I mention it,  is the plans show it in this manner.   I have found this problem with other kits.......the anchor with the chain drooping out of the Hawse holes,  only to be sucked in after a time by the weight of the chain within the hull.   I've had this problem with rope as well..........short of cementing the chain or rope as it enters the hull....the next best thing would be zero gravity.   when I did my second build of the Revell Cutty Sark,  I figured a way to defeat this,  and gave function to the windlass.  if this is of interest.....ask me and I'll give you the link to it.


  23. Like
    Jack12477 reacted to popeye the sailor in Andrea Gail by popeye the Sailor - FINISHED - 1:20 scale   
    thanks for the kind comments and the likes!  I've done my best to keep with the Billing's plans,  but I did change thing enough to keep away from the copyright monster.   if one was to purchase this kit and build it though,  I think you would be just as pleased with the outcome.
    George:   every kit has at least a couple parts that are not used........some reveal that the kit may also build into another model that the company offers,  some are simply extras.   it's when you start to see big pieces laying around.......that's when you get scared!   
    Greg:     there is a beauty to these types of builds.   I enjoy doing sailing ships as well,  but it very hard to expand on them,  as can be done with these types of vessels.   the window is very narrow.    with F/V builds.....quite a bit of detail can be added,  even if your doing a replica build.   as with any model,  keeping within the subject is very important.........take it from me,  I've fallen off the edge a few times {one time actually worked}.  
    John:     believe it or not,  the plans do not show anything in the way of fish boxes.   some of the models I've seen have what look like crates on board,  rather than crab traps and such.   this vessel's primary catch is swordfish,  and most likely tuna as well.  I have some detail ideas in mind.....haven't given much thought about boxes........I think I'll do a bit more digging 
    Greg:     what the Holiday Harbor build is about,  is the replication of hulls from known kits.  the hull that has become the Andrea Gail,  is actually a French fishing vessel,  known as the Boulogne Etaples.   it another Billing's kit........it's supposed to be out of production at this point in time,  but I have seen the kit still being offered on some websites.  there were to be three vessels in that build,  but only two turned out to have valid subjects.   the A.G. was the first vessel I thought of when I built the frame and planked it..........and when I found that the hull dubbed "Larry"  was the odd man out,  I jumped at the opportunity.........I guess you could say  'with both feet'      I really didn't need to add another build to my roster,  but once I started on her,  I found that I couldn't stop.  usually,  I'll stop at a certain point and turn to another build,  just to keep the others active.   I feel a bit relieved that MSW ,  has been kind enough to let a crazy guy like me,  run rampant on their website,  with all the open logs I've got in the works.   I was trying to be good......my intent was to clear them up and finish them,  before moving on to new ideas.   this build is a good example with how that plan has been working for me 
    Carl:   thanks for posting the link........I would have done it       I really appreciate it!.
  24. Like
    Jack12477 got a reaction from GLakie in USF Confederacy by Augie & Moonbug - FINISHED - Model Shipways - 1:64   
    Augie, what they all said above and more !  WOW ! Really nice.
  25. Like
    Jack12477 reacted to michael20 in Hr. Ms. O 19 1938 by Piet - FINISHED - scale 1:50 - submarine of the Royal Navy Netherlands in service 1939 - 1945   
    Fantastic model of your Dad's boat Piet. I was very glad to have been able to meet you and to see that fine model in person. It is nice to see the personal connection as the drive to build a masterpiece like that.  Thank you for sharing your story with me. That is the type of History you can't get from a book.
                                    Happy Modeling.
                                     Marty G.
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