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Everything posted by sport29652

  1. Great job sir! Pencil for caulking ? It looks great, I'm with Robbin had I know then what I know now what a difference it would have made. Keep up the great work I will follow your build.
  2. Robbin I think you should be able to drill the crows nests without removing them. I would jut make sure you make a good starter mark and use a dremel. Take your time and don't force it, the metal is relatively soft. I understand your feelings about the line material, the new line will look great.
  3. So working on the rat lines, what a marathon this is. I nearly lost my mind on the first set but after a few beers I found my groove. A few things I have done: #1 the line supplied with the kit sucks, and I dont mean just a little....allot. So I replaced it with line I ordered from Nature Coast (I think its Jotika ? line) and I have an order in with morope to finish the other parts. I refuse to use the supplied line. #2 I used a curved sewing needle (thanks Robbin) to attack the knots (I used granny knots) #3 I dyed my lines using Kiwi leather dye.
  4. Great work, can't wait to see how you address some of the other cheesy parts supplied with the kit.
  5. The suspense is killing me now. I am just ready to start planking. Does this misstep have anything to do with that ?
  6. I am proud to announce that my first set of shrouds are complete. Hopefully they are not too tight. I can seriously see my model imploding from the strain
  7. Sorry stopped reading the instructions awhile ago. I actually have been referring to my modelshipways instructions for the steps and part names.
  8. Thanks guys, and Robin maybe we can trade work. It's definitely a learning process that I hope sticks. The line work is defiantly a bit more tedious. The snake is calling and I don't know how much longer I can put it off.
  9. Robbin-I pinch the thread and pull untwisting the line to the deadeye. I also made sure there was no twist in the wire when I was attaching the deadeyes. Much happier with the main mast set. Just ten more to go
  10. You make the rat lines sound easy. Do you have a secret tool or method. Tried to tie one line and it ended poorly. Also how tight are your shrouds ?
  11. I believe your build a going to be one of the best of the San Fran class of 2013
  12. Installed shrouds and deadeyes on the aft part of the ship. Mixed feelings about them. No twist but not exactly even. Next set will see if I can get them level?
  13. Thanks guys, with your feedback I decided to build as I go. My fat fingers helped make that decision. Masts got glued in place tonight so ill have some picks up once my first st of shrouds are done. So far the hardest part is making up my mind on how to do something
  14. Thanks guys ill look around the rigging thread and see if I can find the answer, if not ill post it
  15. I triple dog dare you ; ) Lookin good, have you though about what your next build will be?
  16. Help! So I have a huge dilemma. So should I assemble the masts completely or is it better to fix the lower mast and then attach the upper portions as I go? I am stuck on which is the right or better way? Also you can see my deadeye jig ala Robbin.
  17. Anyone have any ides as to what this kit could be bashed into ?
  18. Your jig is brilliant ! Your shrouds look great. I will be copying your jig. P.S. sharpie will bleed. I would stick with your current color looks good. I know how powerful the call of another ship is
  19. Hey captain welcome to the club. This article is referring to "long key" off of key west ?
  20. Garward, I don't know it they sell this in Europe, but this is what I used to blacken all of the metal on my build
  21. The Connie is a MS. Its really hard looking at that box and not touching it. I am using the san fran and the snake as stepping stones for the Connie build. When I look at the rigging for the connie I feel like throwing up, but hopefuly by the time I get there I'll be ready. P.S. I am a huge fan on MS, and wil probably only pruchase their kits. Next purchases would be Syren, Prince, and Essex. That is unless I bump my head and go scratch.
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