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Everything posted by Dilbert55

  1. Incredible, also thought the first shot was a photo.
  2. Yikes, going to be a challenge to work right next to your finished stern and around the rudder fittings. Will you be protecting the stern from dust, etc.?
  3. Welcome Alain, lovely ship you have there!
  4. Agree with you that any type of CNC machine process would be a ridiculously expensive exercise for any one-of model manufacture.
  5. Thanks for the info, will keep on my list if I need to make an order from the U.S. Unfortunately the minimum order is usually 30$ USD and I don't happen to need anything else at the moment.
  6. Perhaps I just need to pay more attention to cleaning the cannons before priming. Going to try soaking in vinegar but haven't figured out how long to soak them yet.
  7. Will use a quote, as it describes it better than I could. " As its name indicates, 5-axis machining uses a tool which moves in five different directions corresponding to the 3 linear X, Y and Z axes, to which are added two axes, A and B, around which the tool rotates. With such a configuration, the part can be approached from all directions and can be worked from five sides in a single operation. Unlike 3-axis machining, this technique is extremely suitable for deeper parts made from harder materials, and it guarantees a high degree of precision due to using shorter machining tools. The machining speed is also faster, while tool vibration is reduced."
  8. Do you think it would be possible to feed your 3D data into a 5 - Axis CNC machine and create parts from hardwood stock?
  9. Relatively content with how the main deck and cap railings turned out. Nothing like building to learn what not to do! Onto the deck details next and need to find a better means of blackening the cannons on this deck. Not trying for realistic finish on this model, just a clean one.
  10. Welcome Canuck... We're da boyz dat builds da boats!
  11. Radio did not become prevalent until the 1920's so these happy people must have been enjoying live music while strolling the decks of your wonderful liner.
  12. Not sure, only been a member for 3 years. Can't believe there is another model ship forum with more credentials than the collective memberships here has. There are some mind-blowing builds in this forum.
  13. Welcome back Jeff, why not give us a picture of your Fair American as she is now, then start a Build Log for the remainder.
  14. Looks real good, will definitely try this next chance I get. When plates require some forming, do you just do it by hand or with tools?
  15. Welcome aboard Mark. While you are waiting to get into your new shipyard, take a look at the framing and planking guides and tutorials available in the forum (link below). There are some very good You Tube videos in there. You'll need to decide which method and tools you prefer to bend planks and there are very experienced members here (not me ) who will be happy to answer any questions you have. I'm on my 3rd build and don't think the Corel Sloup would be too much for a first timer who's done this homework. https://modelshipworld.com/index.php?/forum/14-building-framing-planking-and-plating-a-ships-hull-and-deck/
  16. Good work, figuring this out was also "quite well thought out".
  17. Believe I have a solution for the stripe on the cap rail. Carefully scrapped the blue paint off from the cap rail molding center line sections and will cover with a bit of poly when I do the deck. Will paint the molding that will eventually go over the bottom of the blue line on the hull in Buff to match, hopefully.
  18. Been sending your pictures to a mate of mine here in Canada who's from Liverpool. He sent me back this one.
  19. Was thinking about painting the small center strip on the cap rail the same "Buff" colour as the 1/4 round molding on my gun deck but after a few tries it became obvious that it wouldn't be very clean so ditched that idea. Perhaps I'll try a different paint sequence on the upper cap rail and do the lighter color first? This strip is yellow on the real paint scheme but I don't think I'll be using yellow. Will complete the finishing on the deck before add this cap rail detail.
  20. Welcome to the best website in the known universe.
  21. If it wasn't for the satisfaction we feel in our craft, there probably wouldn't be a MSW. Go with what makes you good about your ship. There's no debate for me, prefer natural wood.
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