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About alangr4

  • Birthday 10/24/1955

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  • Location
    Canberra, Australia
  • Interests
    Transitioning to scratch building, photography, travel, cycling

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  1. Gerald your website and this site continue to provide inspiration to us all. Thank you for sharing. Thought you and your readers might enjoy the following story about the USS Agerholm model contained in Atlas Obscura. http://www.atlasobscura.com/places/agerholm-model Some parallels to your current build Gerald. Those State side are probably very familiar with the story (my apologies if I am treading familiar ground). Alan
  2. I'm sorry Ben about your mishap. Can't get over the amount of movement through the humidity. Wish you every success with the next stages. Alan
  3. A Build for the Ages. A wonderful example of the fine art of model shipbuilding Druxey - undertaken by a master. Congratulations and thank you for sharing with us. Alan
  4. MIke K I agree with Gaetan's take on this subject. You might also want to take a look at Gaetan's latest build. In respect of your query on metrics David Robert's in his translator notes of a number of the late Jean Boudriot's books observes "that all measures are given in French units of measure - feets inches pounds and so on, which are approximately 10% greater than their corresponding English measures. Where appropriate, the metric equivalents are given in square brackets." You might want to get an app that I and a number of others on this site have found useful called model scaler by Woodland Science. Happy modelling Alan
  5. Druxey: In today's UK Times, a wonderful picture by Rob Powell of the Gloriana emerging from winter storage at Denton Wharf. See following link for more: http://onthethames.net/2016/04/05/gloriana-bound-st-katherine-docks-winter-storage/
  6. Gerald, like others following this thread I have been in awe of your body of work over many years both in the nautical and auto domains. Your rendition of Bucklers Hard as it looked in the 18th century is inspiring stuff. Your auto builds and accompanying books are also a font of knowledge and wonder. Have been following your present build on your own site but am grateful you are sharing it with a wider audience here. Alan
  7. Exquisite work Druxey. As always. In your research any sense what the original vessel would have been made of? Impressed too by your innovation with the base! Have you used that method before? Alan
  8. Druxey/Jay/Wayne Many thanks for your respective contributions. I'll bit the bullet and join USNI. Alan
  9. Thanks Brian and Crackers Brian: particularly interested in obtaining a listing (preferably definitive) of the Sergison and Pepy's collections. Not sure that such a thing existed(s) but Baldridge's title sounded promising. Crackers: the Naval Academy catalog sounds interesting. Will chase this up. Thanks for your responses. Alan
  10. I am not sure this is the right area of MSW or in fact whether the moderators permit this. If I have broken a rule or lodged this under the wrong category mea culpa. I am on the hunt for a book/paper/document written in 1938 by Captain Harold (Harry) Alexander Baldridge titled: Ship models, the collections of Rogers, Sergison and Pepys. I understand it is a slim document some 14 pages in length. I am hoping it contains a listing of the said collections. If anyone has come across this would welcome his/her review of it. If they are happy to part with it even better or know where a copy might be obtained. Thanks Alan
  11. Good point Mark. The mystery deepens. Thanks 74_Boni for clarifying Bonhomme Richard status. Given that Commodore Jones and his squadron had some "500 British prisoners" while in Trexel, one wonders whether they may have been co-opted to build models, in part, to keep them occupied? Equally, they may have been made by the American sailors during that same internment period? The Chesapeake and Bonhomme Richard being two products from this time? This is pure speculation from one located in Australia but I am now intrigued by this story.
  12. Agree with you USS frolick. Heck of a story if correct. As I understand it, Peter Tamm's collection forms the backbone of the Hamburg Maritime Museum's model collection. Hopefully, with the release of Stein's book in Jan 2015, it will contain the story and pics of the Bonhomme Richard POW model.
  13. Have to agree with Mobbsie. Looking very ship-shape Black for me as well. Reckon they were caulked back then which was probably some tar type substance.
  14. That is indeed a pity Clare. There were some nice vessels on display. Perhaps NRG will transfer the photos to this site at some stage. Alan
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