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Kevin Kenny

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Everything posted by Kevin Kenny

  1. The Caribbean remains a fantastic place to spend your vacation. I have spent almost all of my sundays from age 10 in a sailing boat with the exception of my time in University. I have also been fortunate to sail up and down the Caribbean literally 100’s of times, each time it always feels new and special. I would have made a very happy pirate in the 16th and 17th centuries.
  2. She looks great. I have found that applying heat off the model is the best way to induce bend. I have a Monocote blower but the truth is any hair dryer will work. Usually i make up a bend form off the model because bending on the model can cause something else to bend. I have to say all your paint lines look crisp and straignt. You have given your self a wonderful Christmas present. Enjoy the season. kevin
  3. I am afraid i still like glass. Its heavier but easier to clean.
  4. There is a CA remover that can be purchased. Most of us use CA and 5bere is not enough history to know the long term life of this glue. Having said that its such a wonderful and helpful product i would not stop using it myself. I tend to mix use all sorts of glues, PVA, EPOXY, 5 minute to 24 hours, CA thinand thick. Changes in humidity are probabely more of a risk than the glue you se. perhaps the best advice was given in an earlier post to make sure you have a rough surface and no a polished surface so you get a good bond no matter what glue you use. If you need to remove a piece that is already stuch there is usually a referance in the glue speck that tells you how to remove the particular glue. enjoy your modeling and do not over think it too much. Cheers
  5. Water on a ducks back
  6. I am goig to suggest you look at Tom Lauria YouTube. Ideo. I feel its a but late for your model but its worth thinking about for the next project. He also has some hints on folding sails. best regards kevin
  7. Go to Tom Lauria on you Tube and all will be revealed. I just completed my first Silkspan sails and it was not to painful. Toms video is excellent.
  8. Finial thought on the build of the America of 1851.
  9. I was check some of my models. One has a knot preventing the line from going through the block another goes through the block and is tied to the mast
  10. That’s correct I just have to finish the two cases
  11. Finial pieces to the scratch built. I decided to use one of the anchors on each boat. I excuse myself.
  12. Completed the scratch built modelFinial pieces to the scratch built. I decided to use one of the anchors on each boat. I excuse myself.
  13. Hi Walter i would love if you could remember where you got that information from as i plan to write a paper at then end. Even the front curved hatch i have done a bit differently. The drawings i have seen have it as part of a circle but i built it differently as curved hatch tops had a common solution and did not have to be perfectly curved. The curved circle would have been very difficult to access and use. Glad you find the videos of use, not very professional but should be instructive. I plan to do one last one when i finish. I may also add the case but am not sure as i have done two different ones on building cases.
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