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Everything posted by ccoyle

  1. I tried to catch one when I visited Minnesota this past August, but they didn't cooperate. I caught a few bluegill, but hey, who hasn't? 😑
  2. Welcome aboard, Dave! Maybe between the two of us we can get Bob to try a card model!
  3. Very cool! That's the Dutch royal family in the foreground -- Queen Wilhelmina with her husband, Duke Henry, and daughter Juliana.
  4. Welcome to the forum!
  5. Which is why I enjoy showing the photos here -- at least someone will have seen them!
  6. Well done! I love all the little details that draw the viewer in for a closer inspection.
  7. Movin' right along. Here's the parts 12 and 13 I mentioned in my last post. Parts 12 are a quadrant of some sort. Parts 13 constitute another instrument panel. Optional parts are included for a glazed panel. And here's a test fit of the completed cockpit side. I will not glue this assembly on until I have the other side completed. I will need to make sure that there are no seam gaps between the two sides, otherwise fitting the outer skins will be problematic. Cheers!
  8. Good luck on your project! I have tagged your log as a first build -- this is to let folks know you may need more than the usual amount of help and encouragement.
  9. This is the port-side cockpit wall (part 11) and all of the #11 parts that go with it (11a through 11w) plus three styrene parts -- 27 parts in all. I think I made myself a little sick from staring at these through a magnifier for so long while working on them. Still have all of the #12 and #13 parts to go on this side.
  10. Still does to this day. It's also a very common species grown on Christmas tree farms.
  11. Moin, Joachim, and welcome aboard!
  12. I have seen such things done with Halinski kits, but I feel sufficiently challenged by just building the basic kit (plus the few 3D-printed details).
  13. I agree! But I got it for free back in the day when my kit stash was much, much smaller than at present, and I didn't have the cash to splash on new additions, so it got built!
  14. Split rings and eyebolts are very easy to make on one's own. All you need is some blackened, annealed wire, a pair of side cutters, and a pair of round-nosed pliers. The learning curve is not steep at all, and once you get the hang of it, you can turn out rings and eyebolts lickety-split.
  15. Butt joins, eh? Those are a real booger -- I dislike them almost as much as petal structures. 😒
  16. My excitement about moving on to the cockpit walls was premature. I forgot there was equipment to be added to the space behind the cockpit. This stuff will really be hard to see once everything is closed up.
  17. Welcome aboard!
  18. Okay, we reached a milestone today. But first, here's a picture for all of you who might still be firmly in the grasp of Old Man Winter. It was sunny and 72 here in Greenville this morning -- perfect weather for taking the dog out for a stroll through Falls Park. I have to enjoy this while I can, because in July it won't be perfect weather anymore. 😬 Back to airplanes! First, we finished off the aft bulkhead bits. A few bits remained to be added to the cockpit floor, and then we were able to glue the aft bulkhead to the cockpit structure. Now we can move on to the cockpit walls, which means we only have this many cockpit parts left! 😵‍💫😢😒 That's it for today!
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