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    NMBROOK got a reaction from WackoWolf in Sovereign Of The Seas by NMBROOK - Scale 1/84 - based on the works of Van De Velde the elder   
    Thank you very much Michael It has come as a great surprise being 'relocated'Toying with changing the title of my link.It seems inappropriate now.What to,haven't got a clue .I have looked backed through my log myself and realise what a rollercoaster it has been.If I was to start all over again,the build would start in this section as that is what I should have done in the first place,scratchbuilt.That would have avoided the few compromises I have had to make regarding my only true source of reference,the Van de Velde engraving.
    I thank you again for your kind comments
    Kind Regards Nigel
  2. Like
    NMBROOK reacted to themadchemist in Sovereign Of The Seas by NMBROOK - Scale 1/84 - based on the works of Van De Velde the elder   
    It was an enjoyable read. I typically have several extra tabs open with differing build logs I'm reading through at the time. Eye issues limit my reading time so it took 3 days but then again I spend a lot of time looking at pictures.
    Its funny you mention 12 square inches. You'll probably need to take picture to show the judges of her construction to prove there's kit in there.
    I find your work very inspiring and your bravery of just ripping into her is refreshing to see. Dee Dee is building her second lobster smack and she is planning on ripping out and opening up the cabin. I quit paying attention to instructions long ago and so when I started his hobby roughly a year ago Ir was quite easy as the AL instructions are horrible. I was shocked to see the RC arise towards the end of reading. The RC and SotS are 2 such beautifully ornate ships.
    Here's a technical question you may know, the forward bulkhead with the round gun ports, were they functional? I'd think firing through all the front beak and rigging would call for a really good aim to make sure you didn't take anything out. Just a thought. Sometimes I just really find it hard to believe some of these very ornate ship were actually meant to fight in battle. The difference in mind set from then to today I find fascinating. Seriously, can you imagine if the US built an aircraft carrier and covered it with sculpture.
    I have recently finished the UK series Monarchy and interestingly they discuss Charles 1 and his ship tax leading to so many problems. One might say that the SotS was a big part of his demise. Its a very informative series well worth viewing and its on Netflix streaming.
    BTW I looked at originalmarquetry.com as you mentioned it but I can't seem to find the black boxwood. What category is it under.
  3. Like
    NMBROOK got a reaction from tarbrush in Sovereign Of The Seas by NMBROOK - Scale 1/84 - based on the works of Van De Velde the elder   
    A small update.Having a eureka moment in bed the other night made me realise I have a small amendment to make to my new bulkhead.Van de Velde depicts the first three decks protected by a grated overdeck.I had been trying to work out the deck levels form his artwork.It came to me that deck one and three(its easier to refer to them like this)must sit slightly below the top of the hull.I therefore trimmed back the top former and lined the inside at the top with 0.8mm ply.This will later be planked with boxwood.I then cut the door and lined the top and sides,the bottom I plan to incorporate into the ladder leading up.I drilled the six gunports as indicated by the V de V artwork.these were lined with brass tube for a clean finish and will be painted black(I know I said no paint but can't avoid it this time).I treenailed top and bottom edges with 0.3mm copper but have left the rest till I sort out the prow deck height.
    Working back on the hull I have fitted the uprights to the forecastle.In the photo you will see a spacer I made,one end is marked with a cross.By alternating which way up the spacer went as glued the uprights on,I prevented any vertical creep due to spacer inaccuracy.I then lined the insides again with 0.8mm ply.
    Kind Regards Nigel
  4. Like
    NMBROOK reacted to mtaylor in Sovereign Of The Seas by NMBROOK - Scale 1/84 - based on the works of Van De Velde the elder   
    We moderators put our heads together and agree... off to the scratch build area with this.  
  5. Like
    NMBROOK got a reaction from egkb in Sovereign Of The Seas by NMBROOK - Scale 1/84 - based on the works of Van De Velde the elder   
    Thank you very much Michael It has come as a great surprise being 'relocated'Toying with changing the title of my link.It seems inappropriate now.What to,haven't got a clue .I have looked backed through my log myself and realise what a rollercoaster it has been.If I was to start all over again,the build would start in this section as that is what I should have done in the first place,scratchbuilt.That would have avoided the few compromises I have had to make regarding my only true source of reference,the Van de Velde engraving.
    I thank you again for your kind comments
    Kind Regards Nigel
  6. Like
    NMBROOK reacted to michael mott in Sovereign Of The Seas by NMBROOK - Scale 1/84 - based on the works of Van De Velde the elder   
    Good to see your build where it belongs Nigel.
  7. Like
    NMBROOK reacted to md1400cs in Sovereign Of The Seas by NMBROOK - Scale 1/84 - based on the works of Van De Velde the elder   
    After I got the email updating  a posting on your SOS log, I clicked in. Yes, your ship needs to be on the other side of our world, the side where many michelangelos also exist taking blocks of wood and creating astonishing ships timber by timber. You are now where you belong, with some of the best of our artists. The kit side also have builders that make me swoon with envy (in the positive sense) of how excellent their work also is, however building a complete ship plank-by-plank from just looking at pieces of paper is amazing.
    I then clicked on your page 1of your log, and spent a wonderful time revisiting your entire build. I had forgotten, in some areas, of how amazing it is. 
    A wonderful way of having my morning Laté. 
  8. Like
    NMBROOK got a reaction from egkb in Sovereign Of The Seas by NMBROOK - Scale 1/84 - based on the works of Van De Velde the elder   
    I would just like to say a big thank you to the moderators for moving my log It has come as a very pleasant surprise.I do feel like a very little fish in a very big pond now though    
    I would like to say 'Hello' to everyone in this section,the 'darkside' and I shall no doubt enjoy corresponding with you all.I haven't made many posts on this side mainly because it is nearly a full time job to follow all your great works.When I have popped my head in I find myself sat reading one of the logs for several hours.
    They are all fascinating and a very enjoyable read
    Kind Regards Nigel
  9. Like
    NMBROOK reacted to michael mott in Sovereign Of The Seas by NMBROOK - Scale 1/84 - based on the works of Van De Velde the elder   
    Nigel, I just finished reading through all 22 pages. Your details and carving are exquisite!, yes it  really is not a kit is it, it should be in the Scratch build section in my opinion. Some bold moves there during the construction. The treatment of the hull and the treenailing really do look sharp. the step by step on the carving was useful, I shall have to give some carving a go.  How did you find the maple for your planking to work with?
  10. Like
    NMBROOK got a reaction from AntonyUK in crooked keel   
    Hi Ed
    I know the majority will say strip down straighten and then reassemble.I would be tempted to try a couple of things first.Can the deck not be temporarily be pinned in place to straighten the keel out?Failing that you could get a piece of timber and cut notches out to clear the bulkheads.This could be slotted on from the top and clamped or bolted to the side of the keel.I would go for bolting as clamping my restrict space for planking.This could be removed after you have got as far down as is possible with the outer planking.
    Kind Regards Nigel
  11. Like
    NMBROOK got a reaction from WackoWolf in Peleng-i Bahri 1777 by derebek - 1/48 - POF - Ottoman Galleon   
    Great work Ersin   There is so much logic,but yet simplicity in the way you have worked through the frame production process,like it a lot!
    Kind Regards Nigel
  12. Like
    NMBROOK got a reaction from Dimitris71 in Sovereign Of The Seas by NMBROOK - Scale 1/84 - based on the works of Van De Velde the elder   
    As I mentioned earlier,these next few stages are really slow.I have fitted the deck beam shelves and planked the inside of the hull on the starboard side,including lining the gunports.The framework of the entry port is in place,but this will have the carvings added at a later date,probably when I fit the channels as they sit on the middle channel.I had to reverse engineer the gunports to ascertain the deck levels which involved a great deal of headscratching,but it did 'prove' my gunports were correct.The internal planking has had several coats of poly applied in preparation for treenailing.I am using Dafi's(thank you Dafi) idea for drilling the holes inside.I have glued a drill into the end of a bamboo skewer so I can poke it through the gunports to drill the holes on the opposite internal face.I have given it a try and it works great,but it ain't no Dremel so I may be at it some time
    Kind Regards Nigel 

  13. Like
    NMBROOK got a reaction from mtaylor in Sovereign Of The Seas by NMBROOK - Scale 1/84 - based on the works of Van De Velde the elder   
    Hi Keith
    The front bulkhead was depicted in the artworks as having four cannons in the central ports.The outer two had no cannons and wouldn't be able to accommodate any without great difficulty due to the close proximity to the inner hull wall.As to what use they were I don't know as they would probably remove half the bowsprit!You are correct in the SOTS was indirectly fundamental in the start of the civil war.Ship tax was only paid by coastal communities,but the ever spirally budget of the Sovereign necessitated everyone would have to pay it.The fact that Charles ordered the ship despite major recommendation by the Admiralty that it was a ridiculous idea,did him no favour.The ship would never be repeated in the fact it was purely a display of wealth,ego and standing.
          I do agree photos will be necessary for the judges as I do plan on entering National competitions when she is finished.Hopefully I will 'just' scrape into the modified kit class,scratch class is another ball game altogether,up against some builds that the modeller has taken half a lifetime to build,not only that but according to the national model boat magazine,the Russians have started making an appearance,which will make for massively tough opposition
    I will look into the Monarchy series you mention,it may be on Sky anytime..
           The black boxwood is in the banding and stringing section listed on the left of the homepage.
    Kind Regards Nigel
  14. Like
    NMBROOK reacted to Modeler12 in The Kit-Basher's Guide To The Galaxy   
    Steve, you present several interesting ideas. Keep it up. 
    However, the 'crumbled aluminum can' idea was not mine to start with. It was an old one proposed by . . .
    I don't remember.
    What I suggested was to use very thin cloth and go from there per: http://modelshipworld.com/index.php?/topic/89-making-cloth-flags/?hl=%2Bmaking+%2Bflags
    More importantly: I wish all of you people a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
    If Christmas is not on your agenda, I hope that your God or believe will allow us to pursue more friendship and common enterprises through this great forum and other venues.
  15. Like
    NMBROOK reacted to CaptainSteve in The Kit-Basher's Guide To The Galaxy   
    WATCH PARTS - Search E-Bay for this phrase: "steam punk". A 30g packet containing hundreds of miniscule cogs, gear-wheels, coils and springs cost me less than A$20.00 (including shipping). Watch-spring coils will, I imagine, make excellent mast-bands!!

  16. Like
    NMBROOK reacted to bhermann in The Kit-Basher's Guide To The Galaxy   
    BEADS - another use for beads is as parrel beads for all those gaff rigged schooners out there - or other applications where there are single parrels in use.
    Steve - great thread - may I suggest you change the title to something that might help people realize what you are trying to do with it?  It will help get more responses, I suspect.

  17. Like
    NMBROOK reacted to CaptainSteve in The Kit-Basher's Guide To The Galaxy   
    SANDPAPER STRIPS - Cut thin strips of very fine sandpaper to simulate leather strips, such as used for straps.
    The texture of the sandpaper is guaranteed to produce a few extra "Ooohs" and "Aaahs" from people who view (and touch) your model.
    (For these straps on my half-moon hatches, I have used black wet-n-dry sandpaper.)

  18. Like
    NMBROOK reacted to demonborger in The Kit-Basher's Guide To The Galaxy   
    I think you could probably use fly mesh for the metal work for windows.
  19. Like
    NMBROOK reacted to Dee_Dee in The Kit-Basher's Guide To The Galaxy   
    These come in 5.5" and 7.5" and are 1/16" thick.  You can get some at your local coffee shop, or purchase a few thousand on eBay for less than $20.  
    These are made of birch, very pliable and hold a corner very well.
    When I build my 18th century long boat, I will replace the basswood planking with coffee stir sticks.  
  20. Like
    NMBROOK reacted to NAZGÛL in Wasan 1628 by Nazgul - FINISHED - Billing Boats Vasa 1:75   
    Cheers mobbsie and Nigel! Yeah, I want to wait and see how they look with the steps.
  21. Like
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    NMBROOK got a reaction from NAZGÛL in Wasan 1628 by Nazgul - FINISHED - Billing Boats Vasa 1:75   
    Great work Matti,you can always add one more strip at the bow end if you find there will be too large a gap at the foot of the steps when you come to fit them.I honestly do not think anyone is going to sit down and count them.
    Kind Regards Nigel
  23. Like
    NMBROOK reacted to NAZGÛL in Wasan 1628 by Nazgul - FINISHED - Billing Boats Vasa 1:75   
    This last week has been even more hectic at work, but now its close to christmas. Ive managed to make the floor planks for the beakhead. Still need to weather them to make it blend better.
    I made the planks thinner then the plans suggested, that also gave me the chance to make them look slightly uneven like on the real ship. When positioning them I tried to catch the irregular look of the original. I overdid the curve at the end though. 

  24. Like
    NMBROOK got a reaction from md1400cs in Wasa by md1400cs - FINISHED - Corel - 1:75   
    I think that is a brilliant solution Michael,great work !
    Kind Regards Nigel
  25. Like
    NMBROOK got a reaction from CaptainSteve in Sovereign Of The Seas by NMBROOK - Scale 1/84 - based on the works of Van De Velde the elder   
    As I mentioned earlier,these next few stages are really slow.I have fitted the deck beam shelves and planked the inside of the hull on the starboard side,including lining the gunports.The framework of the entry port is in place,but this will have the carvings added at a later date,probably when I fit the channels as they sit on the middle channel.I had to reverse engineer the gunports to ascertain the deck levels which involved a great deal of headscratching,but it did 'prove' my gunports were correct.The internal planking has had several coats of poly applied in preparation for treenailing.I am using Dafi's(thank you Dafi) idea for drilling the holes inside.I have glued a drill into the end of a bamboo skewer so I can poke it through the gunports to drill the holes on the opposite internal face.I have given it a try and it works great,but it ain't no Dremel so I may be at it some time
    Kind Regards Nigel 

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