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Everything posted by bdgiantman2

  1. Just out of dumb curiosity, has anyone on here built a ship hull out of metal for non RC models? I ask because I have been challenged for the next model that I make to be a clipper with a metal hull.
  2. Yes, the large model is the Mary and mine will be similar in many ways. Thanks for the share, Sticlaru, you did a great job on your model and she is a beauty.
  3. Thank you so much both of you! Really appreciate the encouragement. She is slowly coming along. Mostly making and shaping hull frames. This for sure will be a fun challenge to make.
  4. So I decided to attempt making my first POF model using plans by Mamoli of Yacht Mary. Enlarged the plans to double the size, so nearly 3/8 scale. I am making this model out of bass wood. So far I have the keel made and am now working on hull frames. Pics enclosed. Brian Davies
  5. I have recently started to undertake the challenge of building Yacht Mary myself, using the plans from Mamoli. However, I am doing mine at a much larger scale and trying to do a full POF admiralty style. So far, this has been a fun ship and I like many of the modifications you made, as well as a few of my own that I plan to do. Will have to start my own thread on here
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