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Everything posted by bdgiantman2

  1. Pulling up a late chair, a beautifully made model. Nice job on the whole ship, as Royal Caroline is a popular model it seems to build.
  2. Beautiful work, Patrick! Your tender looks incredibly realistic. You should set up your model in a case where the tender is tied up alongside Symphony and looks like floating in the water.
  3. I have never personally seen sanders like those ones you are using, look like would be really helpful. Model looks great, can't wait to see how rest of her will turn out.
  4. Can I make a suggestion too? Will she be showing her steering wheel(s) in the stern cockpit? Keep up the amazing work on this model, very impressive
  5. Cog, in the days of the old wooden sailing ships you would be right. However, these days yachts like Symphony and the big motor yachts can have small fireplaces like this in the cabin. Unlike most house fireplaces, the yacht ones burn oil or propane or maybe some diesel fuel, and are more for decoration purposes. Yes, they can produce can produce heat to the occupants when nearby, but the wood burning fireplaces produce more and better heat.
  6. Looks very good so far, sir. I especially admire your building board and the track devise. How did you make that, if I may ask? Would like to do something similar for my model of Yacht Mary.
  7. Now the fun part has actually started. Model is looking great. What material are you using for your interior walls?
  8. Dennis, your Titanic model is looking great. Here in San Diego, I know a guy who made a Titanic model and substituted all the plastic decking with real wood as well as installed a lighting system. From what I saw, it looked really cool, especially when the light were turned off and only the model got lit up. Brian
  9. Hello Marc. Am pulling up a chair to follow this progress even if a little late. Keep up the great modeling! I really enjoyed also reading your construction of Yacht Mary, as currently am working on that same model. Have those same two books about Utrecht from Seawatch Publishing, and I find them very useful. Seems that Mamoli made mistakes with bow of Mary after reading those Seawatch books and doing own research about the Dutch statenjachts. Mary should have had a bow same to the Utrecht. Brian
  10. Thank you gentlemen for your kind comments. Here are the pictures as requested, Tarbrush. I felt so close to finally being able to have the stern transom installed when realized the mistake. But as they say, better to catch early than to catch too late. Before I glued the deadwood in the other day, a piece of the tip broke off, which thankfully in ways goes well with the stern installation, but still need a tiny piece that broke off that you might see in the pics.
  11. All those fun other adult activities like working and school are heavily limiting my modeling abilities. Yesterday I glued the deadwood to the keel only to discover afterwards that I have made my keel too long where the sternpost attaches. Half of the keel got damaged anyways while trying to thin the width down to the proper scale size. So now I get to re-make half of the keel and will have to gently pry off the deadwood and the sternpost and place in the proper location. Can provide pics if you want.
  12. Hi Piet, your smack is looking great! When I was making the trail boards on my model, I cut out the boards to the proper size then pencil drew on the scrolls they show on the blueprints included with the kit. When the drawings came out satisfactory enough, I took my dremel to make a hole in one small place in the carvings, like the middle or something. Then found a loose wire blade for a Craftsman scroll saw and manually cut out the details. For my first time trying that I think it turned out decent. Once the details had been properly cut, I painted the pieces black and used a heat bender to help give the pieces their proper curvature. Hope this helps you. Brian
  13. I finally have the ability to post pics on here. This is a photo of my lobster smack that I took last March, rigging was still a work in progress. This ship model I modified after a smack at my local Maritime Museum here in San Diego.
  14. Looks great, sir. Just out of curiosity, where did you get the hinge pieces for your rudder? I want to try making my second model of this boat with a working rudder.
  15. Piet and Russ, thanks for the information and the pics. I did the same thing on my Lobster Smack putting the "lockers" under the cockpit seats. Didn't think that a little boat like this would have bunks considering usually did short hauls, but interesting to learn about the cooking being done on deck. This model is coming along very nicely. Keep it up.
  16. So as promised I am posting some pictures for you all to see of my progress. Using the examples of Bernard Frolich, I attempted to make the same posts he shows in his book The Art of Ship Modeling, and they were literally a royal pain to screw down onto the building board. Also enclosed is a close up of the dead-board under construction, and the stern plates with the first of the sections for the false cannon ports.
  17. Hello friends. I had to take a break from Yacht Mary to focus on school and my job, as well as overcome some technical issues. Now that school is out and most of the technical issues have been resolved, I am back to working on the model. So I am currently working on the stern plates.. Am making the false cannon openings that are on either side of the rudder, complete with metal bars. Have to remake the strips for the door frames, messed those up. Also will be attempting soon the two inner most frames that make up the pavilion on Mary. Pics will be coming soon.
  18. Your model is coming along very nicely and you are doing a great job. Maybe I should see about donating my first model of the Lobster Smack to the same charity, although yours looks way more realistic.
  19. Finally learned the answer to my own question! An Allen wrench has to be jammed into a small hole on the shaft which then allows the current head to be replaced by any other you want from the collection Glad to know another new skill
  20. I was recently given a ShopMate multi-tool machine by McGraw-Edison, and so far it has been rather helpful in making my current model. However, I am having trouble changing the heads on it. Does anyone on here have one or know how to change the heads on the ShopMate? I tried reading the operators manual and it didn't help at all.
  21. I like your CAD drawings. Those would be really cool if going to completely scratch-build that little boat. On my second Smack, I am going to be replacing all the balsa siding with basswood. Plan to also make the storage containers again under the cockpit seats. Can't wait to see how this kit comes along.
  22. Welcome to building ship models, Petrus! I have one completed model of this little lobster smack and a second one about half way done that I will probably make some changes to. I will be glad to be of any help to you that I can with your model. Good luck and will be watching from West Coast. Brian PS - I happen to be an aviation enthusiast as well wanting to working at an airport as the manager of the place. Probably not really related to what you used to do, but know you help make some rules for us also.
  23. Just out of dumb curiosity, has anyone on here built a ship hull out of metal for non RC models? I ask because I have been challenged for the next model that I make to be a clipper with a metal hull.
  24. Yes, the large model is the Mary and mine will be similar in many ways. Thanks for the share, Sticlaru, you did a great job on your model and she is a beauty.
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