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Everything posted by bdgiantman2

  1. Hey Patrick, I actually meant that you are making it a challenge to match skills when I finally start my own motor yacht model.
  2. I must say, Patrick, not only is Shadow looking increasingly great, you know how to give one heck of a challenge! Keep up the great modeling Brian
  3. Great looking model, Toni, she is looking sharper and more realistic. The stern quarters looks absolutely fantastic. May I ask what you are using for your windows on your model? Brian
  4. Merry Christmas to you, Dennis! You have quite the fishing boat fleet. Nice detailing on all of your models. Enjoy following your blogs.
  5. Your model is turning out beautiful, I have enjoyed following this blog. I seriously once drew up a boat similar to how yours is looking, but only drew the side view. Would you be willing to sell a set of plans? For how much if you do sell the plans? Brian
  6. So one of the items I have undertaken recently in building my Yacht Mary are the futtocks that go between the main ribs of the hull. This is because I am attempting to make this model admiralty style. Merry Christmas to all and wishing you all safe construction with smooth sailing.
  7. Beautifully built model so far and welcome to this group. I will be following this for sure. Keep up the good modeling.
  8. Amazing that you are making such details at that small a scale. Doing a great job, Daniel Brian
  9. Would using thinner wire work? Maybe gluing the wires instead of soldering for the bottom section? Or what about just placing the wire into position as the "glass" solidifies in the lantern? Just a few ideas to consider. Keep up the great model building. Brian
  10. Very nice job. How do you make your tools? I remember seeing you did the same thing for the trim work earlier on your beautiful model. Will need to do template setups like this, and I have no idea what to do. Keep up your great model and await the next update.
  11. Chuck, your demo looks great to me, and thank you so much for sharing and starting this blog. Are you just using exacto blades carved to the proper curve shape? If so, how do you go about doing that? You can try adding minuscule amounts of putty and fine it down with a file or dremel. I think that at the scale you are working with that such details would be nearly impossible to see despite our desire to be as close to perfection as humanly possible.
  12. I am very impressed with your ship model as she looks right now, extremely realistic and a beautiful model. You have done one hell of a job, a museum quality masterpiece.
  13. Hello Toni! You have a beautiful model and it was a pleasure to get to talk to you today at the San Diego NRG meeting. I appreciate your advice and will be continuing more on my model ship soon.
  14. Your model of the Yacht Mary is beautiful, sir. The stern windows you made in the lower hull turned out fantastic! I too am working on this same ship using plans from Mamoli but I am completely scratch building my model and making it a plank of frame model. And I agree that there are several major mistakes in the Mamoli plans, especially concerning her bow.
  15. Looking good, Patrick! Now you can have some real fun with Shadow, since the bay where the tenders are stowed will have sliding tracks either in the floor or perhaps in the ceiling. I think would more likely be in floor. I can already see for fun one tender sliding out on the rails and other sitting there visible in the hull. Keep up the great modeling. Brian
  16. Shadow is a brand new yacht, so she wouldn't have that oily and diesel odor like a more experienced yacht would. Besides, I know that Patrick will hire a crack crew that will be skillful at keeping her with those fresh air scent things and other devices as well as operating and navigating the big ship
  17. Seeing your gold hulled ship is reminding me of a game I play on Facebook, named Sunshine Bay. You can buy these gold yachts, but the game makes you pay real money to buy them. Shadow is looking great so far, continue the awesome work, Patrick!
  18. Looking good so far, Patrick! Is that Polystyrene strips you are using for your stringers? Sure appears so to me. This is going to be a fun build to watch.
  19. Alright!! The new ship is underway! I am very interested to see how she comes along with your amazing skills. I will be following
  20. I like a lot what you are doing on your model, Karl! Your work is amazing. What are you using for your windows if I may ask?
  21. Another update from my shipyard. Word has it that some early construction is being started on the hawse timbers and a horizontal piece that will help support those timbers from underneath. The yard crew is also hoping to potentially start making the deck soon. The Mamoli plans I am using have one major error as you will see in my enclosed pictures. Mamoli shows the Yacht Mary having a typical bulb round English bow, which is not historically accurate. The books about the Utrecht (Available on Seawatchbooks.com) show and tell how the Dutch Statenjachts at the time had a more square bow, similar to that of the American Whaling fleets. Once under the horizontal timbers, the bow timbers would be angled in at forty-five degree segments. The Dutch book 17 de eeuws Statenjacht will show the same information.
  22. It took a bit longer to finish than desired, but I finally have the second frame now in place in the stern. I am going to need to fill in some spaces around the deadwood, thankfully I have a lot of that saved up. Enjoy the pic. Brian
  23. The shipyard got some new tools to work with and play with. A few pieces and extra attachments are wanted, but should make for some interesting new experiences.
  24. She will be a fun challenge, sir. I can't wait to see that one start. I will gladly be watching
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