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About Lukasvdb

  • Birthday 09/19/1990

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    Kortrijk, Belgium

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  1. Beautiful work B.E.! Very lovely idea to produce a book of your build. An original idea!
  2. Thanks for the compliments Jason and BE! If find it really challenging to add some realism to this model. It's hard but is very satisfactory when it comes out like you want it to.
  3. Hi Guys! Some more progress to report. I did some scratchbuilding on the bulkhead. Based on the works of jean boudriot. Not easy but I like it! It still needs 2 extra timberheads but Ill get there in due time. This is how it looked before. And this is how it looks now: Also the other railings are attached. Fit was not great. but that is an issue that comes back a lot in this kit. It seems some parts are warped or bent. Just an old kit I guess. I also made a little investment in turned brass cannon barrels to replace the kit barrels of the 8 pounder cannons. This is how it looks unpained/unblackened: A big improvement on the kit pieces: Stay Tuned!
  4. Starboard side is also done! A huge milestone reached for this build. I have to admit I have to get used to the look now after she has been so long without her gun port lids. But I'm happy with the results. Needs some cleaning up here and there but that will be taken care of when I feel like it. Hope you guys like it!
  5. Soooooo some more progress: port side done! The lids are attached firmly and provide some extra protection for the cannons. The lanyards might be a bit overscale but I'm going to leave it as it is. I'm happy with the results!
  6. Hi Guys! So it has been a while since I've posted here. I made some progress. I did some weathering, added the transome, refitted the lanyards for hthe gunport lids, added the lids and some more One question, what do you guys think of the lanyard attachment to the lid? Does it look ok? Any tips?
  7. Hi Ray, any progress on this build? Still working on mine, will try to post pictures soon. Grtz.
  8. Hey all, in the above pictures you can see that the ropes for the cannon port lids are a bit unfurled. I don't want them to stay like this as it won't look good in the end. Sloppy even. What do you think I can use to get the lines tight again? Beeswax, some white glue, CA glue? If necessary I can redo them but I'm not a big fan of that option Every suggestion is welcome! Edit: drilled all the holes for the lids on the starboard side. Holes have been drilled in the lids and 0.5mm copper wire inserted. All have been tested to fit in the holes in the sides of the ship and they fit (some after some adjustment ofcourse) fairly well. Pictures will follow later!
  9. So some more updates! I tidied up the ropes along the ladders on the sides of the ship. I didn't like it and found a cleaner way to tie ropes. Rope, Needle and CA glue looks soo much better! Before: After: A small but for me noticable difference in the overall appearance and finish of the ship! I have also started drilling the holes for the gunport lids on the lower gun deck. First I made a jig: Then I drilled & test fitted the lid. Using 0.5mm copper wire to strengthen the joint of course! Succes!! Me happy. Now repeat this 27 more times I also tried making some rigols but I'm not sure wether I'm going to install these or not. Here in dry fit Happy with the results of tonight! Now I need sleep Until the next time! Grtz
  10. You should definitely try it! I suggest you take your time with it and then you can make a great model of it. With a few modifications here & there You're welcome!
  11. Hi all! So some more progress to report: I fitted the sternchaser ports and based my work on the books of Boudriot. I'm happy with the result and it defitinely adds realism to the model. Heller provided two single plastic blocks without any detail that would have looked so sad Some cleaning up needs to be done, painting for example but nothing major. That's it for now, I have some great plans to continue with!
  12. it looks good! Maybe you can seal it with a coat of matt varnish to get rid of the glossy look?
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