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Everything posted by Lukasvdb

  1. Hi all! Back again. I have restarted work on le superbe once more. This time going all in I have added some detail by the steps at port- and starboardside: a rope for the sailors to hold on to when climbing up. From a close perspective, it does look a bit messy but it's better seen with the naked eye. Tying nots is still a challenge though. Does anyone have any tips on this subject? I also ordered some 1,3 mm rope as anchor cable. Does look much better than the 1,7mm before! The gun deck was also closed up (also a big leap forward in this build) with the forward piece to hold the bowsprit in place I have also ordered some Black Brass to blacken the ring bolts. The ones that are installed already I'll leave on. But the result will be better than just being painted black . Also for future projects (jolly roger) this product will come in handy! Some pictures:
  2. Thank you for the tip algericas! I already noticed this error and I am surely taking this into account. I will change the spancing as necessary. PS: are you also following blue ensigns build on pete-coleman forum? It is a goldmine of tips for me! good luck building!
  3. Thank you for your kind comment algeciras! I have a lot of patience and I used all of it, I was sometimes on the brink of a nervous brakedown though It's nice to know that my ship will have some historic value, haha The anchor cables... yes I was thinking the cables might be overscaled... The current thickness is 1,75mm, what would you think suit better, 1,25mm perhaps? I am still able to change it if I want to, I may be able to find suitable rope. Grtz
  4. I will be following this with great interest as I am building her myself (though at a very slow rate of progress) Best of luck with this build! Grtz, Lukas.
  5. Thank you B.E.! Thank you for the tip, but I think I like the British configuration better... I don't know why but it looks more professional to me It is more work but will give me greater satisfaction, I have no doubt about that
  6. Some progress I installed eyelets on the upper whale, as this would be used as to hang off to paint or fix things around the hull. Did both sides and still need painting, but I kind of like this look. I have had trouble painting those brass eyelets because the paint doesn't adhere that well. Is there any blackening solution that could be recomended that is both cheap and efficient? I also managed to put together a suiting figurehead as I don't like the one Heller supplied me with. It is a spartan from the 1/72 figurene set of indeed, spartans his left leg is fixed by now, it's more straight now, and looking as if he is pushing of off the ship, forward, in attack mode in his right arm there will be a lance or spear if you will Also started putting together the canon for the upper gun deck gunbarrels are not yet cleaned up and drilled.
  7. Looking good Nick! Are you aware that the real l'hermione is being built in Rochefort as we speak? The ship is almost finished, the last cannons are being fitted and she will be ready for sea trials. They plan to sail to boston in 2015 Maybe you can use these sites as reference material for your build? http://www.hermione.com/accueil/ https://www.facebook.com/pages/Le-chantier-Hermione-Lafayette/185262083157?fref=ts grtz!
  8. Thank you Nick! It is my first ship of this kind that I have built and so far so good!
  9. Thank you Jason for your constructive comment! As I am following Jean Boudriot's work I decided to go with four ropes, in the event this does not work out the way I want it to, I can always reduce the amount of ropes to two . I made some big progress today! I installed the upper gun deck, which normally is a very tricky job! I read on some other build logs that this is a process where a lot of stuff breaks off but there is a little trick to it. I sawed the dek in two, making it much easier to install. I did not dislodge any cannons and the wholes for the masts are still alligned I also did a dry fit with the quarterdeck (?) and the ships boat (cutter?), it's looking good!
  10. Hey all, I have a question regarding the anchors. I'm at the stage where I will fit the anchor ropes. According to Heller's instructions there should be four ropes, I'm a little confused because on most (read almost all of them) models I only see two anchor ropes. Can anyone explain this to me? Or is this merely one of the differences between Britisch and French ships of the time?
  11. Finally, all the cannons on the gun deck are finished, FINALLY I'm happy with the way it looks, especially when you will not see a thing of it, a shame but it was good practice for the ones that will be visible
  12. So the port side cannons are glued to the deck, the breeching ropes however are not yet finished but that will be for next week! So, as I like to display my models in a realistic way I went ahead and did a little water test. As you don't see many ship models actually on the water, I prepared mine so it can float Maybe she sits al little high for now but there's a lot more stuff to go on her Enjoy!
  13. thank you all for your kind comments! it really gives me extra encouragement to bring this project to the next level! Thank you for your constructive comment Doreltomin! The deck is all paint over plastic. The way heller made the lower gun deck, it was just a plain piece of plastic with 3 holes in it. I scribed all the planks in it and painted it. First a coat of black, then a light coat of gray, and then some random strakes of sand colour and earthbrown, then I gave it a wash with some thinned down brown paint Ah yes, the problem with the masts, I know the foremast is a little bit warped but the main mast is straight, thank god I already addressed this problem a bit, I think the foremast is a little bit straighter but I will certainly try your tips! Thank you! Cheers!
  14. Woehoew starboard side of lower gun deck cannons finished I dare say it worked out pretty OK regarding this is my first time doing somethin like this. It required super glue, toothpicks, a little weight and a lot of patiencie will clean up later! I like it! What do you guys think? Enjoy the pictures
  15. Thank you for your kind comment Jason! I could see why this would be different in reality indeed... But as you say it is a nice contrast against the copper, for easthetic reasons I will leave it this way (and not to make me go completely crazy ). But I have another model waiting to be put together and I will surely keep this fact in mind. Currently installing the cannons!
  16. Some progress: I fitted the cannons with the breeching ropes, Soon to follow: eyelets to attach them to the hull. Also a general shot of the ship in current condition. I don't think that I can add something more in this state... Oh perhaps I can! I am still thinking about it... the second and last pictures are a before and after shot of the front beams, I have no idea what to call them? Can anyone help me on this? I modified this using 0,5 mm round styrene rod, because I did not like the look heller provided. Contemporary models also show this beam to be straight, and I like it better that way I think it worked out well!
  17. all cannons done, ready to install them I also decided to leave the copper paint as is... it looks good to me! Some pictures of the lower gun deck cannons dry fitted in the first two pictures you can see my little jig so the cannons would be the same hight. It worked pretty good. First measured the correct height of one cannon [the cannonsbarrels according to heller are aimed too high up] with a noteblok as you can see. It is pretty accurate as you can add page by page or remove a page until you reach the correct angle. So then I taped a piece of tape upside down and when the gunbarrels are glued to the carriages, I just place the tip of the barrel on the piece of tape, let it stick until it's dry and you have 30 equal cannons feel free to use the same method if you please, it's pretty handy and fast!
  18. Thank you for your kind comment piet! The strings are or will be the ropes to hold up the gunport lids of the lower gun deck. I had to install them early on in the building proces when the hull halves where not glued together yet, as I would not be able to drill holes when the halves were together. To ease working visibility and improve neatness a little bit I taped the ropes to the hull I don't think the Thermopylae has cannons? Or does it? In the first case you don't have to worry about the strings, they're only a pain in the derrière so to speak Is there a build log to your submarine? I would very much like to see it Grtz!
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