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    Shasta County, Northern California
  • Interests
    Journeyman Carpenter. and livin in the house I built Changed careers and now a Firefighter/ Paramedic. Love boats and deep sea fishing. Live in the mountains
    On a small farm. Work in the Bay Area, inner city, unwind here in the Mountains. Also, Captain 71 is my actual title. Nothing to do with the Sea Service. ( I wish)

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  1. I have the book Frigate Surprise. Learned a lot and valuable in getting a perspective of how the basic shape should be. Still haven't gone to San Diego yet. Sorry to hear the Rose is in disrepair. I have been to Boston to see The Constitution and Plan to go back in June for the arrival of the Tall ships. Good to see you goin for it and making good progress. I work on mine in short binges then slack off for awhile. I'll post some more photos when I've made some respectable progress. Thanks for the pics and updates. They're encouraging.
  2. Thanks Waitoa. Very helpful. Since I have a frame around each metal gunport anyway, I might just go with wood as well. I"ll do some experimenting. The plans and parts are so screwed up, it's kinda of a free for all anyway. Going down to San Diego. While I'm there I'm going to take a look at ship they used for the movie. The HMS Rose replica. Just for fun mostly but I think It will help me get some perspective on how it should look.
  3. Looks really good. Your a brave guy, Waitoa. I'm inspired. I'm always scared to move forward. First off. Damn! Makin those gun port boxes must have been tedious. How far did you set them back from the surface of the first planking? How bout a close up. And finally what size and wood did you use for the finish planks? they look wider than the ones I thought we use. I have all my gun ports framed in and first planking on but haven't set them in place yet. I'll be adding pics to my log soon. Great job!
  4. Framing in my gunports. now. Decided to go ahead with the metal. Filed off the frag seems to be fitting ok. Just sitting loose for now.
  5. People always ask me how long it takes to build one of these fully rigged 18th century type ships. I tell them a couple of years if you do a rush job. Then I tell them to imagine 50 or so men working to mill, shape and put on maybe 1 hull plank a day. Then I thought to myself " it would be cool to have 50 little ship builders, dock workers, wagons etc . all working on my ship It would kind of put things into perspective as well as helping with the scale of things. So My ship is an 80 foot Frigate at 1:75th scale. The nearest I can find to that scale in figures is HO or 00. but it's not quite right and finding historical sailors and dock workers has been unsuccessful so far. Any Ideas would be appreciated. Then I can have my little guys build for me while I sleep. You know. Like Elves. Right?
  6. I'm back. I've been in the same state of mind. I don't know why but I was really freaked out about starting my hull planking. I kept putting it off and muttering "I gotta get back to my boat". I looked at your log and said what the hell, Waitoa went for it, so I did too. There's always putty. Right? So I back on it committed to 1 plank a day. Started level with the gun deck.
  7. I'm back to work on my ship after a long stint on the beach. Laying on the first course of hull planking.I'll be adding photos to my log when I get to the gun ports.
  8. I'd like to have some 1:75 scale 18th century Sailors, Officers and even dock workers. I'm getting a fine run around the internet for things I have no use for. Any advice on a good supplier? I don't mind doing the painting myself either.
  9. Thanks DS, This is very helpful.
  10. Committed to the grating size and look. Not attached yet just sitting there. Noted that the boat stands are metal not wood like the plans show. That threw me for awhile when I couldn't find the wood ones. Been over seas for awhile. Workin on my boat slowly.
  11. Getting alittle confused about attaching the transom. I calls for a 2mm slit between the blocks and the frame.? Also, are the cut outs in the bottom of the transom supposed to fit into the notched out end of the gun deck? If so, they are way off and need to be re cut. anyone have pictures or better plans?
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