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Posts posted by navymast

  1. Thank you so much for the link to inside the ship, however may I ask if any photos were taken of the cabin sides as this would be extreamly interesting to see if there was any panaling .robinps I allmost forgot to congrat you on your work so kine am I on the tother thing

    Hello, Robin. This link - all that I have. Perhaps there are detailed photos of other parts of the ship. But I do not know where to look. Typically, you need a lot of looking around. For a variety of search queries. Sometimes you can find interesting information.

  2.   9018254m.jpg                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Ever wondered what the inside of an antique ship model looks like? The museum's Rogers Ship Model Collection includes some examples of stunning craftsmanship on the interiors as well as the exteriors. These photographs were taken with the aid of a modern surgical arthroscope. Instead of using it to look inside people’s knees, we use it to look inside our ‘dockyard’ ship models. In this instance we were examining Model No. 54, a model of an unidentified British 70-gun ship; both the ship and this model were built in   . England in the mid 1720s. Here we inserted the scope through the rear double doors of the Great Cabin at the stern and looked forward.                 https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.396021497081817.112946.137100856307217&type=3  

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