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  1. Like
    sonicmcdude got a reaction from Jeronimo in LE BONHOMME RICHARD by Jeronimo - FINISHED   
    Oh wow!!!!!! this is just awesome  to have this beauty in a living room.
  2. Like
    sonicmcdude got a reaction from Rao A.L.G. in LE BONHOMME RICHARD by Jeronimo - FINISHED   
    Thank you for sharing this beautiful piece of art... the detail is like on the real ship !!! wow
  3. Like
    sonicmcdude reacted to albert in HMS Naiad 1797 by albert - FINISHED - 1/48   
    Hello, some pictures of the magazine Naiad and the figurehead, the whole is yet to be finished and secure.








  4. Like
    sonicmcdude reacted to Rustyj in HMS Winchelsea 1764 by Rustyj - 1/64 - POB - 32-Gun Frigate   
    Hi Everyone. Thanks for the comments and likes.
    Sorry for the delay getting back to you all. My PC's hard drive started failing and had to take her to the doctor.
    During that time I was able to complete the startboard side planking, sanded it down and applied one coat of
    wipe on poly. The good news is that I was successful in doing it without any drop planks or steelers. The bad
    news is after sanding it a few joints aren't as tight as I would have liked.
    All in all I'm happy with my first attempt at this type of planking. Hopefully the next one will be better
    and the planks a little more uniform.

    Well I'm off to the port side to start the last two bands of planking.
  5. Like
    sonicmcdude reacted to Rustyj in HMS Winchelsea 1764 by Rustyj - 1/64 - POB - 32-Gun Frigate   
    Hi all,
    Well I'm back and glad to be back in the shop and it feels sooooooo good. The first thing I did was
    to clean up a bit. Mind you it had nothing to do with running out of room to work.
    One of the things I did was solve the issue I had with my vacuum hose being the same diameter as the
    outlet for my Byrnes tools. I broke out my handy dandy lathe and took a 1 1/4" PVC coupling milled the
    inside diameter to match the outside diameter of the hose and bingo I had a quick coupling.



    The next thing I wanted to do was cut some sanding paper for my thickness sander. Normally there are
    two 3" strips of sand paper on the drum. Sometimes though I sand wood that is 3" or wider. Now you can
    put two strips of sandpaper side by side but that tends to leave a little grove in the wood from where they
    meet. So I got some 6" wide sanding belts and cut strips  that cover the whole drum so now, if needed, I
    can sand wood up to 6" wide now in one pass.


    Ok back to actual modeling here. I have now completed planking the first two belts on both sides of the hull.
    So far so good. Not stealers or drop planks. And as I said before it is slower but the planking is much easier. 
    Everything has been sanded with 120 grit paper. Once the whole side is planked I'll finish sanding it
    and apply a couple coats of wipe on poly. Now it's not a pristine as Chucks but I'm happy.


  6. Like
    sonicmcdude reacted to Rustyj in HMS Winchelsea 1764 by Rustyj - 1/64 - POB - 32-Gun Frigate   
    Hi All,
    When starting the planking I wondered about the waste, or maybe better put, the amount of wood needed
    to plank the hull in this manner. I started with a 2" x 18" piece of wood and I was able to cut all the spilied
    planks for both sides and still had wood left over. I was very pleased with this.
    Now onto my impression of this style of planking a hull. In the words of my sweet granddaughter
    .......OMG........ though time consuming it was soooooo much easier to lay the planks. No twisting and
    bending and forcing them into place.
    Here are pictures of both side rough sanded. Once the entire hull has been planked I will progressively
    sand it down to 400 grit and then seal with wipe on poly.


    On to the second belts!
  7. Like
    sonicmcdude reacted to Rustyj in HMS Winchelsea 1764 by Rustyj - 1/64 - POB - 32-Gun Frigate   
    Hi Joe, Good to hear from you!
    Sjors, Look as close as you would like. Just watch out for splinters.
    Some planks had been placed, trashed and broken but progress has been made. At the bow I have fit and glued
    the first 7 rows which is the first belt. I am working my way to the stern and will finish up the entire belt before
    I move onward.

    Here is a demonstration picture of marking off the plank to be cut. The tape is placed on the hull and then using a
    pencil you mark the edge of the plank where it meets the existing plank. Then I marked the bulkheads. At each
    bulkhead I then mark the height that was already placed on the bulkhead. The tape is taken off and placed on the
    wood to be cut out and using a French curve the top marks are connected giving you the shape of the plank. Because
    the pencil lines are hard to see on the camera I traced over them with a sharpie so you can see them better.

    I won't use this piece as my tracing was a little to inaccurate.
    For a much better description follow check's link above!
  8. Like
    sonicmcdude reacted to Rustyj in HMS Winchelsea 1764 by Rustyj - 1/64 - POB - 32-Gun Frigate   
    Hi All,
    Well in case you didn't notice I've been AWOL for a while now. August and the first week of September is really busy at work. 80 hours work weeks with no days off blah, blah blah. Boy that was no fun. I used to be able to do it no problem but now it kicks my butt. So it was work, sleep, dream of working on the Winnie and then back to work.  Once that was over  it was another week or so to catch up around the house with all the things that needed my attention.
    So I've now looked at MSW and found 11 unread pages in the Kit Build Logs and 4 pages in the Scratch Build Logs. Not to mention, oops I just did, all the other topics!
    So to all my friends out there I'm sorry I missed posting to your logs for the past 6 weeks and it may take another 6 weeks just to catch up.
    Now that I've got my whining out of the way here is where I'm at.
    I have not completed marking all of the bulkheads with the plank locations. That was over 1400 little pencil marks. I'm seeing little dashes in my sleep know.

    I've now started on the planking and here you see my first attempt at spiling a plank. You can see the curve compared to a piece of strip wood.

    Well I've now started the planking and will let you know how it goes.
  9. Like
    sonicmcdude reacted to Rustyj in HMS Winchelsea 1764 by Rustyj - 1/64 - POB - 32-Gun Frigate   
    OK I've been continuing my work on the wales and black strake. The first picture you
    will see one coat of black paint applied.

    I then went over the wales sanding some and taking care of a couple of joints that weren't
    as tight as I thought they were. Just put a dab of glue on the crack and sanded it.

    And here you see it with a second "wafer thin" coat of paint. So far that is it!

    I'll be spending the next few days trying to lay out the run of the planks and not bugging
    Chuck to much while doing it.   
  10. Like
    sonicmcdude reacted to Rustyj in HMS Winchelsea 1764 by Rustyj - 1/64 - POB - 32-Gun Frigate   
    Thank you very much Joe, Bob, Ben and Jim and to everyone who posted a like too!
    Ben, I didn't mix up the wood types but I could have as it's going to be painted. All
    throughout the wales I used some old pieces I had left over and cut them up. The
    colors varied greatly from gray/brown to light brown and grainy looking. I figured it
    was a good place to use up some "scrap" boxwood up.
    Here is the anchor lining done. On this side you will noticed I took a lazy way out. The
    top piece over the black strake was about a 1/64" too narrow and seeing again that it's
    going to be painted I just left the gap and filled it.

    Now the directions call for painting the wales now prior to planking the hull. My thought
    is I'm a rough hull planker as I put in my lap, tip it upside down ect. I usually scratch the
    paint all up and have to repaint it. So I'm just going to apply one thin coat just to see if
    any imperfections show up and then fix them.
    Then it's on to laying out the planking belts for the hull, mill the wood and then plank it.
    That will be good for 2-3 months of cussing.  
  11. Like
    sonicmcdude reacted to Rustyj in HMS Winchelsea 1764 by Rustyj - 1/64 - POB - 32-Gun Frigate   
    Thank you Bob and Mark. Much appreciated.
    Well I've commenced with adding the wales. The second layer is 1/16" x 5/32" just like
    the first layer of planking. The black strake is 1/32" x 5/32". At the bow the black strake
    is sanded down to 1/64" thick while the wales well be left slightly thicker than that.


    The anchor lining was traced onto the wales and black strake. The lining over the wales is
    1/32" thick while the portion over the black strake is 1/16".

    Here all but the piece over the black strake have been added.

  12. Like
    sonicmcdude reacted to Rustyj in HMS Winchelsea 1764 by Rustyj - 1/64 - POB - 32-Gun Frigate   
    Well the starboard side has the first layer of planking has been completed, rough sanded and a
    light coat of poly. The planking came out fairly well but I am disappointed both side do not mirror
    each other exactly. There are some slight variation in how the planking hits the gun ports.

    A little more sanding needed on both side and then I can start the wales planking.  
  13. Like
    sonicmcdude reacted to Rustyj in HMS Winchelsea 1764 by Rustyj - 1/64 - POB - 32-Gun Frigate   
    Hi Dave, Thanks and once released I'm sure you won't be disappointed.
    I had a little more time in the shop thanks to some thunder storms! I've applied a light coat of
    wipe on poly. This helps me determine high and low spots that need more sanding.


    I will now clean up the highs and lows and then apply a last coat of poly. After that I will finish
    the starboard side and then on to the second layer of planking for the wales.   
  14. Like
    sonicmcdude reacted to Rustyj in HMS Winchelsea 1764 by Rustyj - 1/64 - POB - 32-Gun Frigate   
    Hi All, I have been plugging away at the port side planking. I have completed most of the first l
    ayer of planking and given it a quick sanding with some 120 grit sandpaper. Once it is finished I'll
    sand it down to 400 grit and then add the second layer for the wales.
    Then it's over to the starboard side!


    It's always slow going this time of year but that's ok.
  15. Like
    sonicmcdude reacted to Rustyj in HMS Winchelsea 1764 by Rustyj - 1/64 - POB - 32-Gun Frigate   
    Hi Dave! Thanks for stopping by and I know you will love building this one!
    Sorry there hasn't been much activity on the build log. There has a lot going on and
    I've only been able to pop in once in a while. I had a bathroom renovation I had to
    do as well as the other "normal" spring time duties that required my attention so
    shop time suffered.
    Now most of you know, and I've done it before, when your busy with activities other
    than modeling you should not try to steal time to work when you can't devote your
    full attention. Rushing in the shop and grabbing a few minutes here and there seemed
    like a good idea butttt..... Now I'm sure you can feel the "oh crap what have I done"
    story coming here!
    I started laying the first five rows of planking. The first plank on the model is the first
    strake below the wales and then the next four rows are the base for the wales. Sooooo
    after placing these first planks I notice that my planking wasn't running the same as Chucks.
    Now that's not too unusual as I can't come close to planking as well as he does. But after
    going back and looking at Chucks pictures and the plans I notice the rise of my planks at
    the bow was too sharp. I don't know how I messed it up. (Did the same on the Confederacy! Duh!)
    I pouted for a day and then sucked it up and set about correcting my boneheaded mistake.  
    Not the first and certainly not the last!
    So to correct this I went back to around the 7th bulkhead where the run was true, ripped
    the planks off and reran the planking. Although not perfect it is much closer to where it
    needs to be. Thank goodness that the second planking of the wales will cover the cut line
    or I would have had to rip the full run off. Of course I had to do this to both the port and
    starboard sides as they matched.
    Here are some pictures of the planking in it's rough state as she sits right now.






    Also to get the curve correct for the hull planking I took the plans and cut the shape of
    the hull out of a scrap piece of wood and was able to bend two planks at a time. There
    was a little "spring back" but for the most part they fit very well.

    Ok the plan now it to keep my head out of my butt and proceed with as few errors as possible!
    * Please note that censors severely edited the language in this post to maintain a "G" rating *  
  16. Like
    sonicmcdude reacted to Rustyj in HMS Winchelsea 1764 by Rustyj - 1/64 - POB - 32-Gun Frigate   
    Thanks Dirk.
    Hi Ben, Yep I'll probably be able to start laying some planks after I get back from the CT conference.
    The first step in chapter 4 is to plank the lower counter. I used boxwood strips for this.
    The method Chuck describes has the planks wet in water for about 15-20 seconds and
    then edge bent and clamped. I probably soaked them for about 45 seconds. A hair dyer
    was purloined from the admiral and using the hottest setting the planks were dried. Once
    they cooled they were removed from the clamps and there was little spring back.

    Here is the counter planked. The outer edges still need to be faired.

  17. Like
    sonicmcdude reacted to Rustyj in HMS Winchelsea 1764 by Rustyj - 1/64 - POB - 32-Gun Frigate   
    Thank you all for the likes. I see that you are all "liking" it as much as I am!
    aliluke, It is a great adventure into scratch building. The Cheerful looks like a wonderful
    project too and that will be a build waaaaay down the road for me too.
    Hi Bob, and I always look forward to your posts my friend.
    Hi Grant yes it is such a shame that I have to toil away at this day after boring day.
    Alright then. On to the hance pieces. These were cut from boxwood and are oversized
    width wise. Once glued in place they were faired to match the hull lines. I have only
    faired the outboard portion of the hull at this point.


    To give you an idea of the length of the practicum this completes the third chapter.
    In the forth chapter I will be planking the hull from the wales upward.
  18. Like
    sonicmcdude reacted to Rustyj in HMS Winchelsea 1764 by Rustyj - 1/64 - POB - 32-Gun Frigate   
    Hi Chuck, Not gonna happen. The planking of the hull will take a loooooong long time if
    I hope to come even close to your work..
    Thanks Augie. They are so much fun aren't they!
    Thanks Mike and Ben.
    Thank you Al D. The practicum and plans are outstanding. You will love it.
    Hi Bob, The pleasure is all mine.
    Ok I've squirreled myself away most of the last few days and have made a good deal of progress.  
    Here is a picture of the plans depicting the stern framing.

    There are eight stern frame sections  that fit into the slotted bulkhead section.



    The next step was to add the sills for the stern lights and the lintel filler pieces above
    them. I used both the plans and the transom cut out to alien everything.


    In case you can't tell I'm having a ball here!
    Once it all dried the stern was sanded smooth. I then added framing the quarter
    gallery entrance and the aft-most gun port.

  19. Like
    sonicmcdude reacted to Rustyj in HMS Winchelsea 1764 by Rustyj - 1/64 - POB - 32-Gun Frigate   
    Hi All,
    The framing of the gun ports is moving along nicely and one pleasant thing I learned was that
    there are no sweep ports to worry about.
    A batten strip was pinned to the bulwarks at the previously marked reference lines and a smooth
    run was established. I then marked the bulkheads for the final placement of the sills. The sill and
    lintels were cut from boxwood.

    At the bow the bridle port fell over a bulkhead and the bulkhead had to be cut away prior to framing it.


    To add the lintels a piece was cut at the correct height and long enough to sit on both sills this
    gave a consistent height and eliminated the need to measure each one.

    I have done the preliminary sanding to the out board side.


    On to the transom soon!
  20. Like
    sonicmcdude reacted to Rustyj in HMS Winchelsea 1764 by Rustyj - 1/64 - POB - 32-Gun Frigate   
    Hi Ben, Unfortunately it's a long haul for me and I won't be able to attend.
    Sorry it should be a great time. I hope you get to go.
    Ok I've been moving along just haven't been able to find time to post.
    The hull is faired fairly close to its final shape. I still have a little work to do on
    the tops of the bulkheads but I'll wait until I frame the gun ports to finish it up.
    I didn't need to use any cross bracing either. The plywood was good and solid
    and I was careful too.
    I next  planked the two platforms of the lower deck with pau marfim.

    After that it was time to add the bow fillers and bollard timbers. Two of the fillers
    needed to be a total of 7/32" thick. While the third timber needed to be 3/16" thick.
    Chuck used two pieces to obtain the 7/32" thickness, (1 x 3/16" & 1 x 1/32"), I used
    my thickness sander to thin down a piece of 1/4" wood I had to the 7/16". Same result
    I just used one piece.

    After that it was time to make the bollard timbers. these are not the traditional way to
    make them but seeing there are bulkheads and not frames only the tops will be seen.
    As you can see from the plans there are different angles, thicknesses and a hole it was
    a bit of a challenge. At least every piece was made twice and some three time before
    an acceptable one was obtained.



    The bollard timbers are just set in place for now. Next up it is time to start framing in the gun ports.
  21. Like
    sonicmcdude reacted to Rustyj in HMS Winchelsea 1764 by Rustyj - 1/64 - POB - 32-Gun Frigate   
    Hi Chuck S.
    I'm no chemist but I don't believe the stuff I use is water based. It's Elmer's Craft Bond
    Rubber Cement . It also has a warning that it is flammable and has a smell like contact
    cement. Like any liquid that you put on paper it could cause distortion.  When I place
    the paper on the wood I try to lay it as gently as possible and not to pull or stretch it.
    If I have doubts I'll closely compare it to the plans. So far no issues for me doing it this way.
    Well all of the bulkheads and braces have been glued in place, and it is very solid. I won't
    have to worry while fairing the main part of the hull. As I move up to the tops of the
    bulkheads especially the longer ones I may use some bracing on them. I'll have to see
    what's what when I get there.


  22. Like
    sonicmcdude reacted to Rustyj in HMS Winchelsea 1764 by Rustyj - 1/64 - POB - 32-Gun Frigate   
    I've been working my way towards the center and this is how far I've gotten.

    While gluing them up I had a thought about putting some bracing between the bulkheads to
    help stiffen them some more for when I have to fair them. I also thought it may help eliminate
    any change of the hull twisting.  I took and measured the distance between the bulkheads at
    the former and cut a piece of bracing and glued it towards the outer edge making sure not to
    displace the bulkheads.


    It seems to be working. I'll let you know when I finish with all of them.
  23. Like
    sonicmcdude reacted to Rustyj in HMS Winchelsea 1764 by Rustyj - 1/64 - POB - 32-Gun Frigate   
    Thank you for the kind words Antony.
    Well I've pre fit all the bulkheads. Just some minor sanding of the slots was needed so it didn't
    take as long as anticipated. Here is the first bulkhead in place. I clamp the angle piece in place
    to hold the bulkhead square until the glue sets up. I do one bulkhead fore and one bulkhead
    aft at a time and work my way to the center.

  24. Like
    sonicmcdude reacted to Rustyj in HMS Winchelsea 1764 by Rustyj - 1/64 - POB - 32-Gun Frigate   
    Thanks Greg, I think I started doing that on the Confederacy.
    Glad to have you here Jim. Are you going to make it up to CT for the show?
    Hi Dirk, I hope you do build her. I would love to see it.
    Also thanks everyone for stopping by and all the likes.
    I had a great weekend. The real world left me to my devices  and I had a lot of
    shop time.  Bulkheads are all cut out and stacked as previously mentioned and I
    then attacked the bulkhead former . It is laid out in two pieces and I thought of
    just cutting it out as one whole piece. But as Chuck pointed out to me that getting
    one piece of plywood that long that wouldn't twist would be extremely difficult.
    So after an unsuccessful search I relented and cut it from two pieces. I knew  I
    shouldn't have wasted my time but then again I'm not known for my better
    judgment and decision making.  
    Any way the former plans were cut out and glued up, then I cut it out on the scroll
    saw and fine tuned it with the disk sander and a sanding block. Once satisfied I
    applied glue to both pieces, put wax paper over and under the joint, placed a scrap
    board on it and some heavy weights and allowed it to dry over night.




    Now I will test fit all of the bulkheads and then start gluing them up.  
  25. Like
    sonicmcdude reacted to Rustyj in HMS Winchelsea 1764 by Rustyj - 1/64 - POB - 32-Gun Frigate   
    I have the distinct honor of being able to work with Chuck again on my  next project,
    the HMS Winchelsea.  This is the same ship that Chuck is designing and currently
    building. I cannot put into words my gratitude to Chuck for allowing me to participate
    in his project. I will make every effort to build her as described in the plans and
    practicum although I will never be able to reach the outstanding level of craftsmanship
    Chuck has set.
     The HMS Winchelsea was launched in 1764 and is a Niger class 32 gun frigate. This
    build will show how she appeared during the American Revolution. The model will be
    fully rigged at 3/16" scale. I will be using various woods throughout the build but the
    primary wood used will be Boxwood, Holly and Swiss Pear. All of these woods are
    from Jeff at Hobby Mill.
    As Chuck has very eloquently detailed his log and I could never reproduce that either.
    I will just show how I worked my way through the build.
    Here is a sample of some the plans that I will be using to build the Winchelsea.

    The first step in the build will be to cut out and assemble the knee of the head. There are
    eleven parts to the head knee assembly and they will all be cut from 3/16" Boxwood. The
    pieces were rough cut with the scroll saw and finished with files, sandpaper and chisels.
    To simulate the caulked joints.
    Once assembled Chuck states " The entire assembly must be tapered. This taper extends
    from the upper stem piece towards the bobstay piece.  The aft edge of the upper stem
    should remain 3/16” thick.  It should gradually be reduced to 3/32” thick along the
    forward edge of the bobstay piece. The taper is 3/32” at the top of the bobstay piece
    but it also gradually widens back to 3/16” as it works its way down towards the cutwater. "
    Hopefully you can see this taper in the photograph.

    Next it will be time to cut out the bulkheads and the bulkhead former. These will all cut
    from Birch 3/16" aircraft 4 ply plywood. As there are so many bulkheads, a total of 27,
    I anticipate it taking a least a week to cut them out and fit them prior to gluing.
    That is if my mind doesn't wander!  
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