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Posts posted by mattsayers148

  1. Hey Pops,


    I don't know much about cameras, but I got this one a couple years back for under $100, I think at Home Depot. I don't use it much since my whole internet world is through my iphone. It seems to take pretty good pics, it's my all-in-one computer on the go(I don't even have a computer, not a great fan of technology).


    The oars, hand sanded mine an it seems like more comes off than stays on! The finished product seemed too fragile for turning.


    I haven't soldered anything on my builds yet, so this anchor will give me an excuse to bust it out.




  2. I've used these very successfully for rigging ... especially for threading dead-eye pairs.

    Thank you guys for the likes and comments. I kind lucked out though because my great-grandma taught me fine thread crochet when I was little, and that still one of my other hobbies. This one definitely pushed me past my comfort zone.

  3. Well I finally got one of the oars done, nine to go. It took awhile to come up with a design for the whipping.


    I picked a spiral hitch(also called French whip) with a 3 pass/5 bight Turks Head for the decorative ends. In real life these knots are fairly easy, but making them to this scale was a challenge. I made jig for starting the first pass of the Turks head that's an inch square. It was then transferred to the oar, tighten knot, and finished it with 2 more passes.



  4. H K F Courses Winds Rems. Sunday 10th May 1789 In the Bountys Launch

    1 2 2 WBN EBS Fine Wr. I now got fitted a pair of Shrouds to each Mast, and contrived a Canvas weather cloth around the Boat also raised the Quarters about 9 Inches by help of the Seats, and found it of great Service

    2 2 4

    3 2 6

    4 2 2

    5 3 " " Served a bit of bread and a Jill of water for supper


    You are correct CaptainSteve. I've been putting in motion a method of storing materials that would give the men more room. The little squirrel has been dropping hints, he's been right before, so I'll listen to him still.


    Hope everyone is having a happy and safe New Year.



  5. Hey Ken,


    I've only been using minwax stain. It's helped out exceptionally well to prevent glue from going where you don't want it.


    This kit I stained everything before use, you just need to sand off where you want the glue to stick, the rest wipes of clean. Hope that helps. Also you can change the appearance(shade) by degree of sanding. The finer you sand, the lighter it will be.


    Good luck, Matt



    I found these little grab bags at my local hobby shop and went back to get another, and none were to be found. Well eBay is the place to go. Search "k&s 320" also may add to that search "tube assortment"(changing a word or two will find you more items)


    I bought 5 bags for a bit over $16 shipping included.


    It made quick work for the pintles and gudgeons on my Bounty Launch.





  7. Hey Ken,


    I did my frames one piece, sheer line to sheer line and an inch or so past the tabs. Remember too when applying the wax, be careful how far you put it past the sheer line. This is because you'll need to tack glue tip of frames to the jig after everything is dry. I put the wax too far down and had to very carefully sand jig and back of frame to make it stick.


    I marked the middle, to line up with keel, and rubbed the middle with my soldering iron to start a slight bend. Then slid through slot, clamping one side while rubbing rapid enough to not burn other side, and as steam heats up frames, bending will become much easier, then did other side.



  8. Hey Pops,

    Yeah it kind looks like a fish hook. I think I'm going to google "18th century boat anchors" and see what I find. CaptainSteve's Kit-bashers guide has a post showing how to make your own. It's pretty cool, if you haven't yet, check it out, lots of really good ideas.


    Hey Ken,

    Yeah there's one not too far from me, I'm pretty sure they're open every day. I'd say the bulk is R/C and trains. They actually have a small corner for ModelShipways. It's way cheaper buying online, but if you need something now, it's worth it. There's also a wood craftsman style store down the road. I haven't been down since I started shipbuilding so I need to go soon. They have everything for making large projects all the way down to intricate inlayins, every kind of wood you can think of. It's one of those stores you should leave your pocket book at home for your first visit.

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