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Everything posted by Angarfather

  1. Hi Mates, Next part to make was the rail above the counter. Productionsteps: cut out by saw, profiling by a millingmachine and finishing by files and carving tools The complete rail. The little pedestals at portside and starboard will be the bases for the decoration elements of the stern. First painting of the rail. Cheers Angarfather
  2. Many thanks, guys! In the next two month there will be time enough for modeling the Utrecht. Next steps will be the finishing of the rail, making the sky lines, the capstan and all the other parts. And after that I will try to carve the decorations. Cheers Angarfather
  3. Hello again, during the last 3 month there was no time for modeling. Some most interesting jobs, Christmastime and so on. But now I am back in the dockyard. Next steps had been modelling the window frames of the Pavillon and to finish the pavillions front. Cheers Angarfather
  4. Hello Paul Carruthers, god luck with your build and enjoy it. Some years ago I also have modeled this kit. And I must say that it had been a long and very good time to model Pegasus. And if there are question in details its best to look into blue ensigns build log. It's absolutely perfect. Cheers Angarfather
  5. Hello Nils! what a forest of vents on the boatsdeck!!!! In my office there is an old, photo of the "Kaiser". A very heroic picture of the "proud of the merchant navy". But without such inconsistencys like vents. Very impressive work!! Cheers Hartmut
  6. Hello, Jack. Congrats to the begining of this nice modell. Cheers Angarvater
  7. Many thanks to Patrick and all the "likes". Today I have made the windows of the stern. Because of he curved tops of 3mm plywood. best regards Hartmut
  8. It had been a wonderfull sommer. Two journeys to Danmark, two most interesting jobs and last but not least the birth of my seventh grandchild, Richard. Therefore there was no time left for modeling. That was already o k. But now its time for working on. The windows of the pavillons frontwall. I have made it from quadrangular brass, and glued it with cyan acryl. To instal the windowpins ( 1mm brass wire) I have drilled in 1mm holes into the frames. the bay windows of the side walls. The woodwork ( pearwood ) This frames are made from square tube (1,5 x 1,5mm)brass Cheers Angarvater
  9. To make the front wall of the pavillon was very fiddly. At first I have made some decorations for the pillars. Next were some test pieces for the infills. After some more training in makeing this parts this is the way I will make them all. But now it's closing time in the dockyard for the next two weeks. Holidays in Danmark! Cheerio Hartmut
  10. Thanks guys!! The last weeks I had to do a lot of little work steps. Some wood work and some painting. The window revals The last parts of the rails The skipper seems to be pleased. Closing time today Cheers Hartmut
  11. Thanks, guys!!!! The next steps to model the pavillon was to make the pavillons deck and the walls. And after this I had to cut in the windows. cheers Hartmut
  12. Hello Nenad, What a fight against the Green beast! We also had three of this monsters in our garden. Of course in the northern Part of Germany it groths up very slowly. But after some years it started to Lift up the garden way. And I must say that it was a hard fight to kill her and to get out the roots.
  13. After some work on the house ( paintwork, remodeling the kitchen etc ) are done ,its time for going on with the Utrecht. The stern and the pavillon. First step was makeing the counter. I made it from one piece of wood. Next: the fore bulkhead of the pavillon And than the stern part Cheers Hartmut
  14. Nils and druxey and all the Likes - Many thanks for your compliments. Today I begin to make the Pavillion. There are a lot of questions in planing and building this part of the ship. But most interessting! cheers Hartmut
  15. First step for building the Stern was this rail. It will be the base for the counter and the stern. Its a very big rail but it will be the base for the decorations. To make this rail in one operation was a little bit complicated. Therefore I have made it in to steps. First the big one, and than the smal decorationrail. Cheerio Hartmut
  16. An update. After dinner there was time for painting the bullwark and the mainrail. Cheerio Hartmut
  17. Thanks to Patrick and all the likes!! @Patrick It depends on whether I find a suitable tool. Otherwise I make my own scrapers. I have used this tool to make the profile rails. The mainrail is 2mm. For this job I have made a scraper by myself. This day I have finished the bullwark on maindeck. Cheers Hartmut
  18. What a beauty! And what a perfect job you make! Cheers HArtmut
  19. Many thanks, guys!! Before I could start to paint the walls and the bulwark I had to make and install a profile rail. Next step will be to make the mainrail. Cheers Hartmut
  20. Thanks,guys!!! To finish the deck I had to model the pinrail. At first the wooden parts. one of the rolls Ready. Cheers Hartmut
  21. Hello Paul! Perfect craftmanship I must say! Cheers Hartmut
  22. Many thanks, guys ! next job will be to make the other hatches. To make the hatch of the skylight of the cabin will be a little bit fiddly fore its an octagon. Regards Hartmut
  23. Planking the deck. First stepp: milling and mounting of the waterway Cheerio Hartmut
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