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Everything posted by Angarfather

  1. Many thanks to Nils and all "likes" Cheers. Hartmut
  2. Almost three weeks I had some trouble with pneumonia. No fun for an old boy. But now I am better and the modelling will go on. Slow but with fun. The deck beams from the bow to the mast. That's the time to make the pinrail. The woodparts are from 5mm pear and the sheaves from 6mm brass. Some steps in modelling the nail rail Cutting and drilling the sheaves Ready From here to stern I will modell the interior of the ship. Crew mess, staircase and than the Great Cabin. Cheers Hartmut
  3. Many thanks for all "likes" After prolonged reflection I will furnish only the large cabin and the pavilion with interiors. Added to this are the stairs to the cabin and the foredeck Cheers Hartmut
  4. Hallo Mike, absolut perfect work! Very good. Best regards Hartmut
  5. Congrats to this beautiful model Hans, and thanks for sharing this great build log. What will your next be ? Cheers Hartmut
  6. Modelling Gianna or Aga I had used 0,50 / 1mm planks. At the Utrecht I use pearwood 12mmx2mm.To work with this kind of planks was a new experience. They are very hard and difficult to form. Now the outsite planking is finished. Here are some pictures from yesterday. Cheers Hartmut
  7. ere is a little update. I have the transom again revised. Because of the strong grain of the wood the planks angle is barely visible. As said earlier, I will represent the caulking after grinding. Overall, it's an entirely different matter 2mm thick planks to shape and install. In my other models I have double planked hulk. And the plank thickness was only 0.75 mm. Here the current results of the work Cheers Hartmut
  8. Modelling the wales. To determine the location of the main wale I did use a copy of the sheer profile plan. The location of the main wale This copy was the base for modelling the wales. I wasn't able to bend the bow parts of the wales, about it I have made it by sawing. I bend the long parts of the wales and later on the planks after immersing it in water. For the heat I use a soldering iron with a surface designed for bemding modelplanks The distanz between the main and lower wale is one plank. Cheers Hartmut
  9. @Amateur Thank you for the picture. I will represent the right direction of the planks after grinding by incised lines. Cheers Hartmut
  10. Hi Mateus, Thanks for your post. The angle of the planking was taken differntly according to the sources known to me. In the 16. and 17. century and at larger ships the shipwrights have taken that in the way you drew it. At the Staatenjachts especialy in the 18. century are angle from 15/20 degrees to perpendicular in the historic drawings to be seen. At the replica Utrecht is it approximativ 8 degrees, and in Dr.MacArdles drawings perpendicular. Espacially at the Staatenjachts it seems to be rather an aestheticle as an constructiv element. Kindly Hartmut
  11. Keel and stems are in place. There were some pieces of wood, therefore I have made the rudder of it. sawn sanded Next step was to mortise the timber transoms in place, and planking the square tuck. In addition, this work should be made well before planking. to model the Wing transom was a nice and fiddly job. The finished square tuck Cheers Hartmut
  12. Thanks to all likes and to Patrick and Ioannis. After I had finished sanding work I gluede in the keelsom to stabilise the frames. Marking the position of the upper wals Next step: the stems and the keel Cheers Hartmut
  13. This had been the frames after glueing in the fillers. After this there were some hours of sanding . The bowsection after first sanding. During installation of the bow the laser was a good help again And thats the Utrecht after many hours of dust and noise. But I think that it could be reasonable certain usefull Best regards Hartmut
  14. Hello Sjors! Take time, it's not business, it's fun. Well done! kindly Hartmut
  15. Since the beginning of May was little time for Utrecht. Some rather interesting jobs took precedence. But something was still managed in Angarfathers dockyard. Some pics from the way To make the sternsection was a most interesting job. The outside after first fairing Fairing the inside Aligning the components prior to assembly That's Utrecht today. Cheers Hartmut
  16. Thanks to Jan B. Marc and all the "likes"!!! Yes Marc, I'm building the Utrecht following the plans by McArdle. The plans, particularly the drawings of the frames are of great help. Next days I will fair and assemble the other frames, without bowsection and Stern. And I will scratch the keel. Unlike McArdle I'm going to assemble the keel before I install the bow and stern frames. Cheers Hartmut
  17. All frames are swan. The seven frames of the centersection with glued floor timbers. To assemble the Frames I use this jig. Cheers Hartmut
  18. Another chair taken. The Story behind your build is most interesting to me. First Time I heard something about this Ships was in the 50. when I did read Tom Sawyer and all the other storys of Mark Twain. Regards Hartmut
  19. Thanks to Jan B Jan, special thanks for your advice! That 's a very important point. And yes, she will be 90 cm over all. Cheers Hartmut
  20. Many centuries watertransport was the fastest and most comfortable way of traveling on the coasts and along the big rivers in Europe. By towing with horses along the rivers and canals. By sail across the open waters. The statenjacht was the Rolls Royce of this passenger ships. Used to move fx company executives or other VIPs from place to place to execute their jobs. It was the time of the Barroque. So this ships were fitted out with most comfortable state cabins, bedrooms, kitchens, and last but not least magnificently decorated. At first I had in mind to build the HMY Mary from 1670. Only her decorations and paintings were very complicated. The Utrecht, however, seems to me a bit simpler decorated. Moreover, in the books of Seawatch books are very good plans of this ship. I build the Utrecht in scale 1:36. As POF model. However, I'm doing the frames of10mm plywood. Since the frames are not seen through the planking, solid wood is too good for this job in my eyes. Some shots from yesterday. Regards Hartmut
  21. Many Thanks to Nils,Omega1234,Mark,Sjors, Mike and all the "likes" Best regards Hartmut
  22. Ahoy, Karl, marvelous workmanship! Absolutly awesome! Regards Hartmut
  23. Ahoy, Mates, Gianna is finished now. And here are some pics from yesterday. To build Gianna has made a lot of fun. Now I will start the next model, the Statenjacht Utrecht. Cheers Hartmut
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