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Everything posted by Cathead

  1. Ken, Those are great links, thanks. I'm intrigued by the rod-based building jig and may tinker with that. The Cairo link is particularly fun to find, as I visited that myself in Vicksburg a few years ago and have some nice photos. Also on the brown-water front, we visited Shiloh this spring and enjoyed standing on the river bluffs there imagining Grant's steamboat fleet filling the river and desperately shelling the shore to disrupt the Confederate advance. Have you been there? Everyone else, Thanks for your support and interest! I fully expect to rely on your expertise to help figure out some of the fiddly bits on this build. I'm still working through some of the implications of the plans and will likely have a few questions to group-source before I proceed much farther. For example, the plans show twice as many floors as futtocks, and I can't decide whether this is accurate or whether half the futtocks are left out for some reason. Some other riverboats (like the Cairo Ken linked to above) are framed so closely they're nearly solid. Yet if I do that here, you won't be able to see into the hull much to observe the interior framing. Will update more when I have a chance to take photos and lay out the design questions more visually, rather than in a text dump.
  2. Well, John, that's pretty much what I proposed by making my building board (see quote above), except I thought that parallel dados in the board would hold the frames more consistently than lots of spacer blocks. Am I missing something?
  3. From the second-to-last paragraph: As for how to assemble all these, my current plan is to make a building board with parallel grooves at the spacing & depth of the hull frames. I can then set all the frames into this pattern while attaching them as on the prototype, with a variety of internal stringers and a strong keelson. This, incidentally, is another reason to use my slightly over-sized stock: it’s the same width as my table saw’s dado, making this process very convenient. The trick is, using just internal stringers and keelsons, the hull has to be assembled right side up. I've only done upside-down hulls on a mold, where it's easier because you fix the keel in place and attach everything else to it. I haven't thought of a way to fix an internal keelson in place in the same way; am I missing something?
  4. The hulls of western river boats are quite different from those of ocean-going ships, and this presents the first challenge of this project. For example, the Bertrand has no keel, meaning I will have to work out a new way to lay out the hull’s framing without an external keel to anchor everything on. There are good reasons for this oddity. While early river boats were built like regular ships, with projecting keeps and deep hulls, it was quickly determined that this didn’t work on the shallow, fast-flowing, curvaceous rivers of the region, for several reasons: 1) Keels provide resistance against leeway. This was not only unnecessary for steam-powered boats, it was actually a detriment to the maneuverability needed to handle the sharp turns and shifting currents of the rivers. Riverboats were amazingly nimble, and large keels just got in the way. 2) Keels strengthen the hull longitudinally. This, too, quickly proved to be a detriment under western river conditions. While the long, narrow hulls of steamboats were very prone to hogging, they also needed to be flexible for the inevitable need to scrape over sandbars or even rock shoals. It has been claimed that steamboat hulls needed to flex two feet vertically to handle the river conditions they were subjected to; an overly strong keel could break the back of a steamboat like a ship on a reef, rather than allowing it to slither over shoals. We’ll explore the steamboat designers’ flexible solution to hogging later in the project. 3) Deep hulls provide stability and cargo capacity, but shallow channels made this impossible. Steamboats quickly evolved to barge-like hulls carrying all their machinery and most of their cargo on the deck; their long, flat-bottomed hulls provided all the buoyancy they needed. The Bertrand was only about 14 feet shorter than USS Constitution at the waterline, and almost as wide on deck, but with about 10% of the draft and displacement. Bertrand would have lasted mere minutes in the open sea, but Old Ironsides couldn't have made it thousands of miles upriver to western Montana carrying tons of cargo. None of this would matter much for the model if I intended to simply plank the hull; in that case I would either cut bulkheads or shape a solid block, and just plank over everything. But I want to show off the unique internal framing of the craft, and so have to work out the best way to assemble it in place. The Bertrand has something like 60-70 internal frames, including some cant frames in the stem. Above, you see examples of a typical midsection frame. These aren't curved the way a ship’s are, just a straight floor joined to two straight futtocks at an angle. There were multiple ways to make this joint; on the Bertrand this was a cocked-hat chine in which the two pieces were simply butted together at the turn of the bilge and braced with a triangular timber. I will need to make about 40 of these assemblies, plus 20-30 more that slowly change shape with the curve of the bow and stern. You’ll notice that my frames are a bit thicker than the scale plans imply. This is intentional, as I feel that truly scale timbers would be extremely difficult to work with. They need to be strong enough to hold their shape against fairing and handling, and I don’t think would have enough surface area to hold glue joints properly in some of the unusual arrangements I’ll need to do. This is especially true as I intend to leave a large section unplanked, such that the frames need to hold their own. When the model is completed, I don’t think the slightly overscale timbers will be noticeable, but the model will be much stronger. I made these by first cutting an internal wooden pattern to the exact shape of the mid-hull, as taken from the plans. The pattern is from slightly thinner stock than the frames. I then cut and lay out the three pieces, with a small dab of wood glue in the two joints, with the pattern holding them to shape. When the glue is tacky, only a few minutes, I spread more on top of the joint and lay two broader pieces at an angle across the joint to create the “cocked hat” brace (this is why the pattern needs to be thinner, so it doesn’t get glued to the brace). When the assembly is dry, I use a sharp knife to carve away the excess, including the plank-width area at the outside turn of the bilge. One broad plank will be used here between the side planking and the bottom planking, as on the prototype. While it might seem that making 40+ of these would take forever, each one takes only a few minutes. I simply make one, set it aside, and work on something else. Doing this in the background means I’ll have them all done by the time I work out the rest of the hull plan. As for how to assemble all these, my current plan is to make a building board with parallel grooves at the spacing & depth of the hull frames. I can then set all the frames into this pattern while attaching them as on the prototype, with a variety of internal stringers and a strong keelson. This, incidentally, is another reason to use my slightly over-sized stock: it’s the same width as my table saw’s dado, making this process very convenient. In the next installment, I’ll explore the bow area, and how I plan to tackle the framing in that area. In the meantime, I’ll be making a lot of hull frames! In the meantime, any comments, questions, and suggestions are quite welcome.
  5. Oh, no question, all along the West Coast. I've explored the wrecks of several steamers along the banks of the Yukon, where the northern climate preserves them quite well. There are some great stories about early steamers on the Columbia running the rapids and proving the river was navigable farther than originally thought. But as far as I know, all those boats followed the basic designs first developed in the Mississippi basin, which is why I find these early steamers so fascinating: they're like watching evolution in progress. Nothing like having the sternwheel right there to bury the evidence!
  6. American western river steamboats represent a unique form of shipbuilding. Designed and built on the American frontier during the core of the 19th century, such boats rapidly evolved to fit the specific needs of the great inland river systems that drained inland North America. In this build I will replicate a typical specimen of this design, the steamboat Bertrand, trying to accurately duplicate the features of these fascinating vessels. I hope you’ll follow along, both to enjoy the construction, and to learn about this obscure but fascinating (to me, at least) part of maritime transportation history. These boats are almost, but not entirely, unlike an ocean-going vessel of the same period, in large part due to the demands of their specific riverine habitat. Below, my updated workbench with Bertrand profile on the wall for inspiration. The “western” in western river steamboat refers to the landscape between the Appalachian and Rocky Mountains. Over the course of the 19th century, this area went from the mostly unknown wilderness of Lewis & Clark’s 1804 expedition up the Missouri River, to a land mostly settled and integrated into the United States by the dawn of the 20th century. Most of this landscape centers on the Mississippi River basin, including its major tributaries such as the Ohio and Missouri Rivers. This system drains over 1 million square miles (almost 3 million square km), covering parts of 31 American states and 2 Canadian provinces. Almost all the rivers in the system were navigable in the 19th century for most of their lengths, creating a vast trade and transportation network across the continent’s interior long before railroads appeared on the scene, when roads were all but non-existent (map below from National Park Service). The Bertand, built in 1864 and sunk in 1865, was a wholly typical and unremarkable western river steamer, except for its rediscovery beneath a US Wildlife Refuge along the Iowa/Nebraska border in 1968. The boat and its cargo were remarkably well-preserved, due to quick burial beneath river sediment by the quickly changing channel of the Missouri River, and the anoxic environment thus produced. The Bertrand’s mint-condition cargo is now on display at a fascinating museum at the DeSoto National Wildlife Refuge, which also hosts a detailed large-scale model of the craft (shown below). The archeological excavation of the craft resulted in a plethora of information about period steamboat construction. In pairing with the later, but similar, discovery of the sunken steamboat Arabia along the Kansas/Missouri border and subsequent founding of a similar museum in Kansas City, the two wrecks represent a spectacular repository of historical and maritime knowledge and preservation. Below, the gorgeous large-scale model of Bertrand at DeSoto (FWS photo). I live and farm near the Missouri River, and have long been fascinated by the history of its steamboats. My first-ever attempt at wooden ship modeling was a scratchbuilt version of the Far West, perhaps the most famous of its class, a sternwheeler which ascended the Missouri and Yellowstone Rivers to extraordinary distances, and carried General Custer’s troops to and from the infamous Battle of Little Big Horn. The Bertrand is a similar craft to the Far West, which was built to ascent the shallow, treacherous river to Montana, while the Arabia was a sidewheeler more typical of the lower Missouri River below Omaha, Nebraska (and the Ohio and Mississippi). I had initially intended to build the Arabia next, but due to a lack of available plans, and my inability to make it to Kansas City to do research at her eponymous museum, I changed my focus to the Bertrand. Below, my model of the Far West for context: I’ve had plans for the Bertrand for several years, having purchased them at the same time as my Far West plans, and consulted them on that project. Now, the goal is a similar boat but at much greater detail: I would like to build the Bertrand frame-by-frame, just as initially constructed in the riverside yards at Wheeling, West Virginia. I have a shelf of texts on western steamboat history and construction, and several more detailed references on the excavation of the Bertrand on order through inter-library loan. I intend to leave one side of the hull unplanked, and possibly the same side of the superstructure, to show full detail throughout. Below, longitudinal internal section of the Bertrand from the plans I'll be using. I hope you’ll join me on this (likely) wordy trek through a relatively unknown period of American maritime history and design. Few other steamboats grace this site, so I'd like to fill the gap a little with this project. I’ll try to interweave build details with explanations and demonstrations of why the boat was designed and built the way it was, to give context to this project and help share my love of these steamboats and their (my) home. This project is a significant undertaking for me, a serious step up from my previous Bounty launch kit and various smaller and less-detailed scratchbuilding efforts. I hope to be open to suggestion and advice, and I hope readers will be patient with the slow progress I'll likely make as I juggle this project with the summertime demands on my time, as well as the budget necessary to do this with my uncertain income as a self-employed farmer and writer. Welcome aboard, and unlike most boats of this type, we'll hope this one doesn't sink or blow up on the journey! UPDATE: Build completed and index available. I finished this project in January 2016, and compiled an index of the general steps involved, with links to each one. You can review the build index here, in a post at the end of this log.
  7. Looks like I had the link wrong in the first post. It's fixed now. Also, here's the photo from my log showing what this looks like.
  8. When dealing with hood ends, I found it very helpful to use a form with the same curve as the rabbet, to ensure the hood ends stayed in place. Photos and descriptions are here. It's easy to do, you just cut a piece of the scrap wood from which the stem of the keel came, and clamp it parallel to the rabbet. This gives a strong overhang of wood that the hood end can butt up against, making it impossible for it to pop out while drying. I first tried using a clamp itself against the rabbet, for the hood end to push against, but found that a clamp strong enough to hold the pressure also dented the keel. Using the strips of wood works better, as the flat surfaces of wood grain on wood grain have way more friction than a clamp, and a few clamps can be used along the length of the piece, holding it very securely and not risking any damage to the keel. Worked like a charm for the rest of my planking once I figured it out.
  9. All this talk of hairdryers reminds of an unexpected benefit I had working on my launch; doing it in winter in a wood-heated house. The relative humidity is bone-dry in here when the stove's running 24/7, and I found that soaked planks dried really quickly. Not sure what would or will happen when I work on a similar model in our humid summer.
  10. I recently returned from a trip to the US East Coast, which included a visit to the Elizabeth II, a working replica ship of the late 16th century, of the kind that would have carried the failed Roanoke colonists from England. Here she is, from the official site: There are many photos available online if you search the name, and if you are at all capable of visiting, it is a fantastic experience. They have trained re-enactors on board who compromise the actual sailing crew when they take her out of port, and I had a delightful time poking around every nook and cranny of the ship. Also took a number of photos myself, which could be shared if you're looking for a specific detail (and I got it in the camera). She is berthed in Manteo, NC.
  11. 3 out of 4 for the steamer, interesting. I suppose it is the most unusual. I have a month to think on it. If I did do that, I would be very tempted to build all the internal framing, too, as I have books & diagrams showing details of such things drawn from excavated wrecks, leaving it open like an Admiralty model on one side. This could occupy me for years! Thank you all for the likes and input, I will have fun revisiting all of your ongoing projects when I return.
  12. And, the completed model: It does not have the beautiful detail of others' work, but it meets my criteria of a displayable out-of-the-box build that will look very nice on our bookshelves (preferably near my actual Bounty). This was great fun, taking about 50 hours of work based on my notes. I am greatly appreciative of all who followed and commented on the project, helping me through a rough spot, inspiring & teaching me new things even when I ended up following a different course than suggested. Now my attention turns to what comes next. I will be away and otherwise very busy with work for the next month, in fact I will likely not be on MSW at all until April, starting around the end of this week. So I will sadly miss (at least for now) the ongoing progress of others' launches. But I do have an interesting choice for my next build. Here are three options I am considering: 1) Scratchbuild the Arabia, sidewheel steamer which sank on the Missouri River in 1856. This was excavated recently and is the subject of a fascinating museum in Kansas City, Missouri, to which I have been many times. I live near the river, and this would be a fine companion to my first-ever ship build, the scratchbuilt sternwheeler shown in my signature 2) Scratchbuild the James Caird, the 22' lifeboat in which Ernest Shackleton and five other men navigated 800 miles of southern ocean, in winter, from the coast of Antarctica to South Georgia Island. The voyage was undertaken to seek help for the remainder of his crew, stranded after their 1914 expedition ship was crushed by ice. I have read extensively on the subject, Mrs Cathead has even seen the real boat, and it would make a fine companion to my Bounty launch, another open boat used in a historic voyage of survival. This has the added interest that it seems a very rare model subject; I can find no other record of a scale model being built, although photographs and information are available. 3) Tackle a more complicated kit. I am particularly drawn to the Model Shipways Charles Morgan, as I am also fairly well-read regarding whaling and would enjoy diving deeper by building an actual ship. I was hoping to visit the real thing this spring as part of travels, but the weather in New England is making this look unlikely. It has the up- and down-side of being a very common build, and I am generally drawn to the uncommon (just look at my previous builds), but it would occupy me for some time and would be a known product with near-guaranteed success. I would be interested in thoughts on these ideas, but if not, thank you for following!
  13. The launch is nearing completion. I have done all the rigging, but kept it all tied only, no glue, so that I can make adjustments later if desired. This also necessitated some careful line coiling on the model to keep the long ends orderly in case I need them later. Below, you see my methods for making rope coils. For coils hung from belaying pins, I made a small jig of dowels and scrap wood. This can sit right on the thwart next to the line being coiled, minimizing uncoiled excess. Clamping it in place with a reversed clothespin helps. The excess line is simply wound around the pegs, then lashed across the middle with a series of clove hitches. Fine tweezers with angled tips made this fairly straightforward. Then the coil was eased off the jig and hung in place. As many tended to stick out sideways, I hung small metal clamps from the bottom of each coil and let them dangle overnight; this stretched the coil to a more realistic orientation. I could have brushed glue on these while still on the jig, to keep them especially orderly, but I want them loose for now. So the price of that is a few disorderly coils, but that is acceptable to me. For several Flemish coils, I laid a piece of masking tape sticky-side-up on my work surface, then stuck another dowel peg on it. Then I wound the line carefully around the peg, using tweezers to gently nudge it into a tight coil. After a few turns, the dowel can be removed and fingers suffice for massaging the loops into place. The tape holds just strongly enough to keep the coil together. When at the desired size, I brushed some full-strength wood glue onto the coil and let dry, at which point it was easy to strip from the tape and lay on the deck. Here are examples of the finished coils in place, along with another detail shot of the rudder/tiller metalwork in better light than my last attempt.
  14. I don't like CA either. I used it in a few places, but I prefer wood glue for all of Canute's reasons.
  15. Progress: the end is in sight! The sails are sewed with a basic hem around the edges (thank you, Mrs Cathead!); nothing else will show in the finished furled form. I did lay a line within the foot seam, with loops at each end, to allow for attaching the clew and tack lines. I realize the real thing had rope sewn along the outer edge, instead of within the seam, but that is too much for me on this project. Furled, it is hard to tell the difference. Below is one sail stained and hanging to dry. I used a cup of water, with drops of oak stain (the yellow color of my thwarts) and black model paint added until test swatches came out the way I wanted them. Then the sails were dipped in, swished around until evenly absorbed, and hung to dry. I did the same with long stretches of line, to darken the natural white down to a similar color; you can see these hanging to dry as well. In a wood-heated house, things dry very quickly! I did not bother ironing the sails as they will be furled anyway and the creases will not show. The foresail is attached and mostly rigged, as shown below. I bound it to the yard, using a process I will illustrate when I do the mainsail later today, then carefully furled it and used lengths of line with reef knots to roughly bind it up. I encountered an unexpected quirk, when finding that the wider foot of the sail ended up with a long, odd-looking projection past the yard ends when furled. After some thought, I simply folded these extensions back under the yard and tucked them under the furling lines, as that seemed like something a tired crew might do (h/t/ Steve). Despite intending to use Matt's advice to display the yard mostly vertical, the square lash I used to bind this assembly to the mast did not allow for this, but did allow for a cocked angle, which I find pleasing. So I just chose a height partially down the mast, high enough to show the interior but low enough not to unbalance the appearance of the model, and went with it. Clew and tack lines are belayed to pins. i have not yet added the foremast halyard (through the block at top of mast) as I needed to stain more line overnight. I also have not yet neatly coiled the extra line. But this progress approximates my final layout. I have also finished my metalwork, attaching the tiller and simulating nailheads by nipping them off the nails and gluing the heads onto the strip before repainting. I think it looks well, and has the benefit of both sides looking the same (rather than a bent or nipped off nail on one side as the instructions say). The rudder swings nicely through about 150 degrees and I have had to be careful not to catch it on anything. Left to do this weekend: - Attach mainsail to yard, furl, and lash to mainmast. - Run both yard halyards through blocks and belay. - Add stays to both masts. - Trim and coil all lines. Optional: I may or may not get to the details like chest & barrels. These can be done later and do not directly affect the display of the finished boat. Oh yes, I forgot: a significant reason for posting this now, before completion, is for any last feedback on the appearance of sails and such. Anything I should do different or that I have not thought of? I have not glued any rigging, only tied and lashed, so everything can be readjusted if necessary or desired.
  16. I'm nearing completion of my first wooden kit, having scratchbuilt a few relatively simple craft before that. I've found the MS Bounty Launch to be an excellent intro kit. In general the instructions are clear, the kit is well-made, and there are only minor pitfalls and quirks that reading a few of the abundant build logs here will alert you to. It's simple enough to not be overwhelming, but as an open boat has some unique challenges that seem like they'll prepare you for many future projects. As long as you do some homework first about principles of constructing wooden boat/ship kits, I can't imagine you'd have much difficulty with the Bounty Launch. Just my experience as a first-timer.
  17. Points well taken, folks. I like Matt's idea of displaying the furled sail raised partly out of the way, I had intended to place it lower on the mast, as if it had just been gotten ready to raise or had just been furled. Your idea will help display the interior without the yard in the way.I was intended to furl onto the yard before installation, thinking this would be easier than fussing with it over the hull. Steve, as for the crew's condition, I thought that test batch above looked pretty sloppy, but if it looks too neat to you, perhaps I don't need to practice further! In addition, I am not necessarily envisioning this model as the launch while Bligh & co. were using it, just as a representation of the launch overall. So I am ok with it being a bit neater than, say, halfway through the voyage, for display purposes. Matt, as for the sails, don't praise yet, what you see above is just a scrap piece of cloth with no stitching. I (she) am (is) only hemming the edges, not bothering with the interior bracing or reef points, since as you note, they will be hidden in the furled sail and save a lot of unnecessary work. Mrs. Cathead had asked if I could make the whole assembly operational (i..e yard could be raised & lowered, etc.) but I have managed to fend off that temptation. Perhaps the next time I build a small boat. I am mostly holding to my goal of building the kit solely with the materials provided, so adding the extra tackle needed for more complicated maneuvres is out. If the tack and clew lines are wrapped around the furled sail, ending up in the middle, where do they go from there? One presumes they should still have quite a bit left over; does that leftover then get drawn down and belayed to a pin?
  18. An observation, then a question: In planning to wrap my oars, I developed a concern. As shown in the plans, I thought the wrapping would be too far down the oar; it did not not look proportioned. Recalling that Milton Roth's "Ship Modelling from Stem to Stern" had a diagram on oar proportions, I went to page 145 and found that, sure enough, the wrapping location here was noticeably further from the blade. In the image below, the "true" oar is wrapped at the Roth location. The yellowish scrap is wrapped at the plan's location. Note that if wrapped to the plan, the oars will set between the pins so far in as to catch against the mast, whereas Roth's location allows for free movement. So I wrapped all my oars at this location instead, and am happy with the result. On to the question. I have decided to display the model with yards lowered and sails furled, partly to save work & time, partly because it is a different look than I have seen elsewhere, and partly because I just do not find the full sails attractive. So I am experimenting with furling while Mrs Cathead does the basic sail sewing (bless her!). I have been surprised to find little information on proper furling, especially for simple sails like these rather than full ship-rigged square sails. Below is a test run with scrap fabric and dowels. I am curious of folks' opinion as to whether something like this approximates the right look. Two notes: this scrap is not tied onto the dowel, so the head wraps over the upper edge of the yard more than it would in the final product, and I did this quickly so that the folds in the furl are larger than I would work carefully to achieve in the real thing. Oh, and as there are no lines attached to the clew and tack, those also look slightly different. All diagrams of furling I have seen apply to large sails with lines running up to blocks along the mast, etc, producing a different and more complicated pattern. It seems to me, after reading the research done by Matt and Steve, that this very simply rigged boat would simply have had its sails folded up under the lowered yard and lashed onto the yard. What think you all?
  19. My experience was that after 5 minutes on boiling water, the frames bent easily in combination with my bending iron. I tried a few without the iron, and it still worked. Steve is right about the grain, the few I cracked were mostly because of that. I still have a full length of cherry leftover. As for the twisting needed toward the bow, I did some of that free-hand with the pieces before I even put them on the mold. Just put a good, solid twist in them between your hands (in the right direction!), because it will slowly try to straighten later on. Overdoing it slightly meant that it twisted back INTO the right bend once clamped and drying. And to confirm, I re-soaked a few with no problem. Agreed that the bending process is rather mesmerizing.
  20. Very nice indeed. If I ever build the Endeavour, or similar vessel, I will use the same technique. Thus I will have a barque on bark.
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