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Everything posted by vossy

  1. hey Dan is there pics or links to that museum? would love to see those. chris
  2. I too got sent an email regarding this model. Looks nice in the pictures, is really big, not too bad a price from that site, the addition of a free dvd also helps the deal, and the ship is a very significant part of our country's history. Having said all that i do really respect Brian's opinion (and others as well) on the subject and just wonder if i am willing to risk $800 (by the time postage). also i reckon for models this expensive they need to go into more detail about the kit. i want to know if the life boats are metal or wood for example. all companies seem to use the same stock standard blurb to describe whats in the box. nearly all greatly stretch the truth to say the least. chris
  3. still reckon the good old grey lead pencil rubbed along both sides of the planks before gluing is the quickest, easiest method. easy to sand if off if you go over the edges and once sealed looks great. chris
  4. g'day all, this is a great and very much appreciated thread. my question - i live in australia and am currently building the trumpeter 1:200 bismark with the mk1 design full upgrade kit. lots of p.e. so an airbrush is a must for me; but which one? there seem to be so many on the market its just mind boggling and then to add a compressor well the combinations are endless and the price range huge. so can someone tell me what a good gun and compressor for me to purchase here in australia please? i have never used and airbrush but am extremely experienced in industrial commercial spray painting i.e.. airless and hvlp. i really just want advice on a good specific model of both gun and compressor. cheers chris
  5. Hey Pat remember this "call the hands, call the hands, calls the hands, wakey wakey (and the next bit could be anything depending on who was on the bridge at the time) memories - great ones chris
  6. not real sure mark. i can email stefan though. he has already said to me that its not a dremel. he lives in sweden and sometimes is a bit hard to understand. although i'm 100% positive his english is better than my swedish.
  7. apart from a dremel (which is very good and i do have one) does anyone know of one like this with a very flexible neck for getting into hard to reach area's? attached pic is from stefan's build log on flory models. sorry it doesn't show the tool all that well cheers chris
  8. g'day all, after raising my bat on passing 50 i found the old eyes weren't picking up the line and length as well as they used to. Is this a good tool to help me get my average back up? cheers chris p.s. sorry if non cricket country people don't understand.
  9. g'day tuffarts, i use bna a lot as you say they are cheap and quick. unfortunately their range of tamiya primers is out of stock and has been for quite a while. bna is where i finally got the mk1 upgrade kit (which i believe is currently sitting at the sunshine west mail centre). hopefully they renew their paint cans soon. cheers chris
  10. g'day all, would just like to say thanks to everyone who has replied to my question about primers in spray cans. your insights are greatly appreciated. i have ordered the mk1 design super deluxe upgrade kit for this build and hopefully it will arrive later this week or early next week. i can then begin to put the pe eyebrows and steps on the hull and then the moment of truth for the rattle cans (assuming i can get tamiya grey super thin primer from melbourne). am also scouring the net for a good quality affordable airbrush and compressor (which i reckon is probably even more important than the gun itself - certainly a lot more expensive). a bit of a problem for us aussies is the crap dollar exchange rate we have at the moment. don't know about other aussies here but i buy a lot of stuff from overseas specially a place i found in the uk called snmstuff. seriously it was cheaper postage from the uk to aus for 68 dollars worth of goods than from melbourne to ballarat (where i live) for the same order (exactly the same order). the uk postage was 3 pounds, the australian postage to send it 100 km was 11 dollars. also it took only 7 days to get to my door from the uk. i very highly recommend them. anyway i digress. cheers chris
  11. hi all, has anybody had experience with using primer in rattle cans for plastic models? apparently tamiya make a thin primer which is supposed to be ok. have an air gun on the way but the build i'm following used crc primer from a rattle can. any help greatly appreciated. link to build log http://www.florymodels.co.uk/trumperter-1200-bismark-1/ i'm an industrial/commercial painter by trade so have vast experience with spray systems but as far as rattle cans go i find they mostly splutter and clog up and you can't get a good even flow. perhaps tamiya thin is different or stefans crc? cheers chris
  12. thanks guys. Happy new year Brian.
  13. ok so i've begun trumpeter bismark 1/200 with mk1 upgrade kit to go along side my current amati bounty but i would very much appreciate any advice on fillers for plastic. which ones sand the best, take glue/paint etc. cheers chris
  14. g'day pat at least they kept Vampire and have put her to good use. They sank my beloved poor old HMAS Torrens! chris
  15. Thanks for that great link to HMAS Vampire. She was decommissioned 13 August 1986; exactly 9 days after i joined the RAN. Chris
  16. g'day mate, seems like an expensive outlay to me. replacement blades, etc are pretty cheap - plus - do you have the skill to accurately use this tool? not convinced, save your money and buy another kit i say' but hey i'm in the naughty corner at present cheers chris
  17. g'day homer, i also use Hubert's method and agree his site is invaluable. so sad he passed so suddenly. the seizings look great and are easy to produce in any diameter and length. a truly ingenious method to turn what can be a nightmare practice into a simple one. like Hubert used to i tend to make many of these whilst waiting for stuff to dry, soak, etc. for all who don't know of his site it is a brilliant tool for any model maker of any ability. cheers chris
  18. G'day Kevin, as ex-RAN i love this post! Long live the Puss
  19. yeah have just been looking at comparisons any heads up on price and aus suppliers?
  20. g'day mate, so it would fit the trumpeter?
  21. g'day all, can anyone tell me the difference between the upgrade kit for the trumpeter bismark 1:200 please? most pics seem very similar but the pontos kit seems a little cheaper (and as we all know cheap isn't necessarily better). cheers chris
  22. g'day brian (or should i say Active Member). what i really would like advice with is i have i planked the transom down towards the keel lower enough to begin the side planking? jeez mate i have asked this question on multiple forums with no clear answer. harder than doing a guts watch in the mighty Bass Straight. rip HMAS Torrens DE53 cheers chris
  23. g'day all. so as I have said I'm a bit confused as to my next move so a pic and some comments would be most appreciated the said plank hasn't been glued only bent and nailed. question - does this look like I'm on the right track after I shape this plank on the stern ( I realize I have to do that). this is my first time at this type of stern. santa maria and golden hind were both flat and I found them pretty (well relatively) easy. this I just don't know anyway onto the pic cheers chris
  24. g'day Graham, as druxey said there are many great tutees on this site and Mark makes valid points as well. search this site for build logs on your particular model - these can be invaluable. whilst i love this site don't limit yourself to it. google your model name, scale and "build log" and you never know what may come up. there is a fantastic site very similar to this in russia - www.shipmodeling.ru - will get you there. it is moderated by roman roganov who is also a member here. like this site there are many members, mostly from russia though although i'm one and as you can see i'm an aussie. use google chrome to translate the page into english if your russian is a little scratchy roman is a very helpful guy and i contact him regulary and he always has great insights and advice. see his bounty log here. other sites are modelbrouwers.nl in the netherlands and modellismo.net which is an italian forum. you will find many cross post logs across these sites but i find the logs are more expansive in both pics and text in the native tongue. again view these in chrome for a pretty good english translation. good luck, great to have you aboard cheers chris
  25. g'day jack, what a fabulous job you have done on her! truly magnificent build. i have this kit on the shelf but unfortunately mine is a bit old and has lots of plastic (which billings was famous for back in the day). the scroll work is all plastic as are the shields etc. anyway i will get to it sooner or later but viewing your masterpiece it maybe sooner cheers chris
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