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Everything posted by vossy

  1. Sorry Greg I meant the ladders that are moulded on. Do you remove those?
  2. This is super Greg. Do you sand/shave of the plastic handrails before attatching the PE ones?
  3. Just my 2 cents worth Pat, and I don't want to hi-jack Greg's remarkable build thread, but I think if you use medium CA it will give you about 4-8 seconds moveability time per piece. thin you have not much hope unless the piece is already firmly in place and you just want to reinforce it. Medium (green bottle) Zap-a-Gap is really good. But again, as Greg says, make sure you have everything ready to go and glue before opening the glue bottle. personally I just use el cheapo toothpicks to apply a small amount to the surface.
  4. hey greg, can I ask how you apply the zap a gap glue? do you squeeze some out of the bottle and dip into it? or do you squeeze straight out of the bottle as you need it? hope that makes sense? anyway I guess I am asking is how do you get the glue from the bottle, onto the model, then position the pe piece? cheers chris
  5. thanks mate. good to have at least one answer. cheers chris
  6. Hi all, I just got some paints for my 1:200 Trumpeter Bismark. They come in 22ml bottles from Lifecolor. My question is, how much will these small bottles cover if airbrushed? I am yet to get an airbrush (soon though) but at 22ml, its not much paint to cover a beast like Bismark. Should I get more? Oh, I am talking about the red color below the waterline. cheers chris
  7. hi. my first kit was the amati santa maria. mainly because i am a columbus tragic! i found it challenging but not impossible. i am pretty proud of how she turned out. i always say, do a kit you are interested in first and foremost. you are far more likely to finish it and enjoy the process along the way! cheers chris
  8. hello Clarence, I really look forward to this log. I loved your last build, especially the lights you incorporated into the model. I really like these non sail vessels, and you have inspired me to build a riverboat along the lines of your last one! thank you and good luck with this. chris
  9. I would love post WW2 Australian Warships in wood and metal at a scale of about 1:200. Especially my beloved HMAS Torrens. chris
  10. hello, I don't know if a sail set exists for model or if you can make one yourself, but I would love to see this kit with sails. even furled would be super and not obscure the intricate rigging work. cheers chris
  11. i would 100% get a soldering iron to bend the planks. also a metre long piece of plumbing pic pipe, glued and capped at one end to pre-soak the planks before heating and bending with the iron. also a dremel is very useful if the budget allows. cheers chris
  12. http://www.abc.net.au/news/2016-03-24/conestoga-shipwreck-found-after-missing-for-95-years/7275294 cheers chris
  13. Hi Marv, all the pieces in the above pic were drawn to scale by Roman himself, then he had them transferred to suitable wood and laser cut. I haven't spoken to him for a long time but he did send me his plans etc. for all his upgrades. will see if i can dig them out. cheers chris
  14. what an interesting life this chap must have had. http://www.abc.net.au/news/2016-02-07/one-of-the-last-cape-horners-celebrates-his-100th-birthday/7146498 cheers, chris
  15. Hi all. Thought this may be of interest. http://www.abc.net.au/news/2016-01-21/costa-concordia-photographer-takes-eerie-photos-inside-ship/7103234 cheers, Chris
  16. i have only 2 rules: 1. given most vessels i build are actually 3 to 4 hundred years old, i always try to throw out and replace the plastic parts that most models seem to contain. given plastic wasn't invented until 1907 i don't feel too bad about this. 2. just enjoy your build. this is not the ship modelling Olympics. cheers chris
  17. Hey Charlene, this is looking really good. Can i ask what metal parts are missing from your kit? Also any other missing parts you have identified? cheers Chris
  18. Hello Kurt, thank you so much for this advice! This is exactly the type of response i was hoping for. i will definitely try this. it looks so simple, cost effective, and straight forward. i can't believe such a task as making coils have been giving me so much grief. Cheers Chris
  19. Hi all, can anyone help me out and show me an easy, or any, way to make rope coils. The sort that lay on the deck, not the coils that hang from pinrails. i have tried the jig from the wooden shop modelling for dummies site but i still end up with just a bunch of twisted rope. are there any other jigs, tips, tricks out there? Cheers Chris
  20. surprised it took so long! http://www.abc.net.au/news/2015-12-13/colombia-spain-in-row-over-3billion-loot-from-galleon-san-jose/7024530 chris
  21. yep. just like the figurine mentioned by TMAN well placed buckets, barrels etc. can be very effective. chris
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